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Everything posted by chabicheka

  1. well, let me GUESS... sorry, but you will have to wait for my guess too.
  2. i think marco is talking about the third pic in your original post..
  3. didn't realise NOAH had moved to the states. anyone have his email address ? would like to request him to consider saving my ' ****zu' ( CHEWY) when the time does arrive. as for me..i will make sure the tractor tube in the backyard is always inflated.
  4. the vibrations would probably bring you back to life before you get to the resting place.
  5. i got in a ride too. felt real good.
  6. looks like every 15 mins...but i could be wrong.
  7. :canada:perfect riding weather here in toronto today...
  8. dont listen to all these sheet ,highwaypeg... you got a wonderful husband there who cares about you. let me explain. in the mind of your hubby, the harleys are the best bikes around. and am not saying whether he is right or wrong, but he has a right to form his own opinions. and seeing that he rides an expensive bike like a harley, i would assume he has been doing well in his way of thinking about things. what's wrong with him for wanting the best for his wife? am sure you would know how to convince him that you are happy with what u have and make him see your way. being married to him, you should by now have figured out what buttons of his to :stickpoke:push.. just go out one day, to test ride a harley, and just tell him " i dont like it". good luck.
  9. what's wrong with all you "men" here ????? you guys really know how to suck up to the ladies,dont you? here's my advice 'highwaypeg'... git on that bike of yours...fire her up...take off into the sunset with your boots on the highwaypeg...never to return to the BAD hubby. let him keep the cars,house,the kids,and all the money in the bank. THAT WILL TEACH HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dancefool::dancefool:
  10. actually....i like the blue color. am not messing with it.
  11. here's a buddy bow hunter friend of mine from tanzania.. these people ( the MASAI ) will hunt down a lion with spears. they will go as a little group, (armed with spear and a machette), circle a lion, and close in from all sides for the 'KILL'. once in a while the lion might maul one or two from the group, before dying. this is not done as a sport, though. they will only do this if lions come searching for food in to their village and kill a goat or a cow.
  12. Just thought I'd ask.. One of the ones I always look for is Boomer. He's always interesting, but when I read his, I have to look at the way he signs off. I don't see how he comes up with all of these. i enjoy reading his 'signatures' at the end of his posts too. thanks for the smiles, boomer.
  13. good idea to carry a pair of ear plugs in ones shirt pocket. dont know why a few seconds at the traffic lights bother anyone if a car besides them is playing music THEY dont like.
  14. another scam is making collect calls from hotels in mexico to relatives in canada or usa to say they were safe and having a good time. will surely ruin YOUR TIME when the phone bill comes from the local phone company.
  15. WORKED!!!..................no more pain in the knees!
  16. if you guys have more time on your hands.....here's some more uses for wd 40. 2000, to be precise. http://www.wd40.com/files/pdf/wd-40_2042538679.pdf
  17. never knew about the " calendar " feature on this site. used it for the first time today. thanks, carl. and i did put my name in for the marcarl meet. am the first one one on the list. will decide soon about the one for the 14 th of march. haven't seen becky and bob for a while....and the rest of you people too, of course. so am surely going to try. now if you promise to bring me a piece of pepperete, ( is that how it's spelled?) you will see me there come hail or shine!.............now, you know.... its got to be BEEF!
  18. if nothing else works................there's always the 2 can connection with a string..........any empty cans from dog food etc. punch a little hole at the closed ends.....push a string through and tie a knot so the string doesn't slip back out cause you have to have the string tensioned a bit to make it work. now here's a little trick i will share with you. carry a plastic lid that fits nicely to YOUR end of the can, so when you are not in a mood to listen, just put the lid ON onto your can. and just keep nodding your head every now and then. if all this is too technical for you to understand, let me know and i will post some pics. good luck.
  19. thanks for posting some pics, phillip and lou.. i somehow missed these postings about the port dover thing, and didn't bother going, mainly due to the cold weather. would surely have " ventured" out if i knew u guys were going. hope to see u guys again at the marcarl meet, if it happens. haven't heard anything about it yet ? abdul.
  20. awesome! does that mean the scratches and bruises on the helmet will heal by themselves?
  21. sorry to hear. wish you a quick recovery. :sign **** happens:
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