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  1. Without Bongo, I'd still be searching for smooth chrome engine breathers...which I have been on the hunt for, for quite some time..... Highland's Yamaha will not ship to Canada, will not ship to an American address if the credit card you use is Canadian, or your paypal addy is Canadian??? Must be some history there.... Dan in parts told me yesterday he would hold the covers for one day.....and when Bongobob called them today...lo and behold, they had sold them to somebody else:shock3:. What the heck? Soooooooo.......... Bongo went to his local dealer, Pioneer, who are going to be at Don's MD...and they didn't have any, but they were GREAT enough to do a search and found some at another dealer. Bongo ordered them on my behalf.....and the rest is history!! Now if that isn't going above and beyond.....I am so glad that I'm a member of this site...the folks, people and all others are just the best. Just think of how dang purty my bike is gonna be now!!! In all seriousness, I am always proud when I read stories like this on our forum here....the word FAMILY comes to mind, big time. My THANKS to Bongo..... gunk
  2. I've never seen this question ever asked.But as I look and everyones US & Canadian States Covered. Only one question came to mind. Where they states you rode the motorcycle too, Or are they states you have visited? By Flying there?
  3. Last week I was doing a job at Ft Knox, Kentucky. I was shocked to see visible proof of a Canadian plot to undermine the US Army. Not sure which traitor has allowed them to sell Tim Horton's on a US base instead of Dunkin Donuts like we all know God intended.
  4. Hi, I read the oil filter cross reference sheet on the technical link and was wondering if anyone from Canada used a Canadian Tire (Motormaster) oil filter and what the number is? I was in Canadian Tire this evening and there were no Fram filters that fit my 2004 RSV. Thank you in advance.
  5. The gel seat pads that are popular among some members are on sale this week at Canadian tire for $9.99.Here is a link showing the the item http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524443285961&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=1408474396672077&bmUID=1287816960018
  6. A Somali arrives in Vancouver as a new immigrant to Canada ... He stops the first person he sees walking down the street and says ... 'Thank you Mr. Canadian for letting me in this country, giving me housing, money for food, free medical care, free education and no taxes!' The passerby says, 'You are mistaken, I am Mexican.' The man goes on and encounters another passerby ... ' Thank you for having such a beautiful country here in Canada !' The person says, 'I not Canadian, I Vietnamese.' The new arrival walks further, and the next person he sees he stops, shakes his hand and says .... 'Thank you for the wonderful Canada !' That person puts up his hand and says, 'I am from Middle East , I am not Canadian !' He finally sees a nice lady and asks ... 'Are you a Canadian ?' She says , 'No, I am from Africa !' Puzzled, he asks her, 'Where are all the Canadians ?' The African lady checks her watch and says ....'Probably at work'
  7. Where is gunkylump and Beth? Did the Texas wind take them away? Haven't heard from ya's in a day or two. Hope all is well. I met up with Ian on the Canadian side this morning. I have his old shock now. Give us a heads up on how your doing Gunk.
  8. I have a 2006 RSV and having some work done. While fairing is off I was going to upgrade the headlight to HID. Shop owner says older HID units in the 300-500 dollar range are ok but China has flooded market with cheap stuff that won't last. He said if I installed HID system from HID Country or the Canadian dealer that it would probably burn out and leave me lightless. Can anyone tell me about reliability issues(good & bad) of the HID systems? Any suggestions? I like plenty of light at night. What about HID passing lights?
  9. Finally got are enhanced license, so we are going to Alexandria bay for the weekend. We would like any help on stuff to see or do on the Canadian side of the boarder. Also how is the 401 to ride on ( lots of traffic ) compared to RT2. Thanks Nyjerry
  10. Nope... this is not about Yamaha.. Many years ago I bought a set of tools from Canadian Tire. They have a line of tools called Mastercraft that come with a lifetime warranty similar to Sear's Craftsman. I particularly like this set because it came in a plastic case with places for all the pieces. (and I got it on sale at 1/2 price) So about 4 years ago I lost an adapter inside the fender of a car at a wreckers. I went to Canadian Tire and asked to purchase a replacement. They ordered it and a few days later called me to tell me it was in. When I went to get it they just handed it to me and said "have a nice day" --- no charge.. I was flabbergasted... This was NOT broken this was LOST.. no fault of theirs.. I was totally prepared to buy a new piece to fill the hole in the case. Anyhow I thought someone made a mistake but didn't argue. Fast forward to last week. At some point this case popped open in our old van (kids had borrowed the van) and 4 pieces went missing. Last week I was using the tools and was bugged by the empty places to wandered over to Canadian Tire to order those tools. Got a call on Friday that the parts were in. Went on Sunday to get them... They handed me a baggie with the four tools in it... "have a nice day" Now I expect them to replace a socket or ratchet that brakes.. After all it is a lifetime warranty. I DO NOT expect them to replace something I LOST.. but they did both times.. I'M IMPRESSED!!!
  11. OK....I'm going to tell the story and THEN we can discuss punishment. There is a certain Canadian member here whom you just can't be nice to. The member in question has long wondered about the performance of the Second Gen Venture as he plans to replace his bike at some time in the future. So, out of the kindness of my heart, I asked this member if he would like to take my '99 on a test ride. He was pleased to do so. I got busy and have no idea how long he was gone but some time later I got this telephone call. It went something like this. Him: Hey Don, uh...do you keep proof of insurance and registration somewhere on your bike? Me: Yes, it should be in the trunk. Him: Well, what do the cops around here usually ask for? Me: That is usually all they need. What is going on? Him: Well, I was going through that first town that you told me about, the first one you come to when you turn South on 58. Me: Yes? Him: A green pickup pulled out in front of me just as I was going into town. Me: OK. Well, are you all right? Him: Yes, I'm fine...but the bike...... Me: Well, you are OK, that's the important thing. Exactly where are you? Him: Just as you come into town, across from that DrugSav. Me: OK, well I'm on my way, should be there in about 10 minutes. Him: OK. So, I grab my keys and head out of the garage to get in my car and HERE HE COMES RIDING DOWN THE DRIVEWAY. LAUGHING LIKE HECK. Now...THAT was a BAD joke. Cruel and unusual punishment. Bad Canadian...BAD BAD CANADIAN. So...should I ban him or keep him around long enough to get EVEN. I'm not saying who is was but his initials are SWIFTY.
  12. Once we rode 1 hour north of Toronto. The Cold weather settle in And Myself and Four _Paws had to put on our weather jackets Oh Swifty.... Thank you very much for following the speed limit (The Canadian Way)
  13. A question for the Canucks on here what bike jack do you have. I see Canadian Tire has one are they any good? Any help appreciated! Ken!
  14. A question for the Canucks on here what bike jack do you use! I see Canadian Tire has one does it work okay? Any help would be appreciated! Ken!
  15. Is there anyone willing to order this attachment for me a have it shipped to a US address (border services). If you order it on-line and just change the shipping details you wouldnt even have to touch the thing. We can work out how I am gonna get you the cash. I cant order the thing because my credit card is Canadian of course and they want a US address to put the billing info on. I already have the base for the thing and just need the adaptor that fits on top. Thanks
  16. Look what you can now buy for CHEAP!!! http://www.buysell.com/root/detail/BC/Motorcycles_1001_1500cc/4810/74545891/FOR_SALE_IS_MY_2008_Yamaha_Royal_Star.aspx?gok=Motorcycles+1001++1500cc
  17. every morning, and sometimes, late afternoon, I see this Black Mid-Night, coming out of the Hallandale Motorcoach park, In Hallandle Florida. I know, its one of our Canadian Friends. He rides with a guy with a Harley. anyone from here?
  18. ...in the middle of a cold snap with the bike sitting in the living room it may be difficult to be proud of the country you live in...so I thought I'd post this a-political list in an attempt to cheer up my comrades...(actually, Charlie sent it to me because he was too chicken to post it) CANADIAN.... Eh ! http://sn127w.snt127.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= http://sn127w.snt127.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= So, What Do We Canadians Have To Be Proud Of ? 1. Smarties 2. Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp 3. The size of our footballs fields, one less down, and bigger balls. 4. Baseball is Canadian - First game June 4, 1838 - Ingersoll , ON 5. Lacrosse is Canadian 6. Hockey is Canadian 7. Basketball is Canadian 8. Apple pie is Canadian 9. Mr.. Dress-up beats Mr. Rogers 10. Tim Hortons beats Dunkin' Donuts http://sn127w.snt127.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg= 11. In the war of 1812, started by America , Canadians pushed the Americans back past their White House. Then we burned it, and most of Washington .. We got bored because they ran away.. Then, we came home and partied........ Go figure. 12. Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to Germany . 13. We have the largest English population that never ever surrendered or withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere. EVER. (We got clobbered in the odd battle but prevailed in ALL the wars). 14. Our civil war was fought in a bar and lasted a little over an hour. 15. The only person who was arrested in our civil war was an American mercenary, he slept in and missed the whole thing. He showed up just in time to get caught. 16. A Canadian invented Standard Time. 17. The Hudsons Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface and is still around as the world's oldest company. 18. The average dog sled team can kill and devour a full grown human in under 3 minutes. (That's more information than I need!) 19. We know what to do with all the body parts of a buffalo. 20. We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, Velcro, zippers, insulin, the paint roller, roller skates, duct tape, the jolly-jumper, air conditioned vehicles, the Zamboni, the barcode, the Blackberry, the telephone, the electric car, the goalie mask, the pacemaker, and the snow blower. 21. Even the light bulb was invented by a Canadian (Henry Woodward patented it in 1874). The patent was bought by some obscure American named Edison who improved upon the design and took credit for inventing it. 22. We ALL have frozen our tongues to something metal, and lived to tell about it still speaking proper English. 23. A Canadian invented Superman. 24. Our elections only take one day, and we prorogue parliament (quit and go home) when our politicians fight too much. 25. We have coloured money. We regulate our banks, and although we'd never admit it, we really like paying taxes. 26. Our beer advertisements rock {Incidently...so does our beer} BUT MOST IMPORTANT ! The handles on our beer cases are big enough to fit your hands with mitts on. OOoohhhhh.... Canada !! http://sn127w.snt127.mail.live.com/mail/SafeRedirect.aspx?hm__tg=
  19. It's hard to believe there are people that would do this. How low is this world getting? In Toronto, a coward goes into a Canadian Legion with a gun to rob the Vets of their poppy money. http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Scarborough+vets+fight+armed+thief+poppy+drive/2216088/story.html
  20. I am trying to order some leather pieces from Chilhowee leather during their 15% off sale. Problem is that the cost of shipping these small items to Canada is worth as much as the leather. It would be helpful to send to a USA site and then simply have it mailed to me. Anyone care to help out a Canadian member? Birin
  21. Is there a 'Canadian' travel shim kit available to be shared? If there is....does it include the special tool? I would be very interested to use it and would also make a contribution to it if necessary. I called a local shop (non-dealer) and they carry shims....he charges $5.00 exchange.
  22. An article that appeared in todays paper about a local firefighter taking his new HD on a ride through the Canadian and northern US Rockies and his encounter with a grizzly while on the bike. http://www.leaderpost.com/news/GRIZZLY+RIDE/1896340/story.html Brian
  23. All eyes on our Allies 07/22/2009 FERGUS, Ont. -- When the pedal-to-the-metal crowd meets the pedal-steel-guitar crowd in this central Ontario town for the annual Fergus Truck show this week, they’ll get a chance to see a platoon of some of the prettiest iron on the continent. The Show ‘n’ Shine event is always a big draw. But this year, one truck in particular is guaranteed to bring tears to even the most jaded of eyes. It’s a 2010 Volvo VN 670 with a 485-hp D 13 Volvo engine, I-shift automatic transmission, fully tricked out sleeper berth, aluminum wheels, full fairings and everything else an owner-operator might want in a truck. (Just thinking about it makes you kinda emotional, don’t it?) http://todaystrucking.com/images/usr_220709124206_Ally02.jpg But here’s the thing: Every year, Volvo employees in the New River Valley Plant in Virginia trick out one rig for use in the Memorial and D-Day parades Stateside, and this year, they borrowed this 670 from Sheehan’s Truck Centre in Burlington, Ont., for the honor. The truck’s a virtual history lesson. Most recently, the truck that will be on display in Fergus was escorted through Washington D.C., by a few hundred motorcyclists, as part of the Memorial Day Weekend. http://www.todaystrucking.com/images/usr_220709124206_Ally01.jpg And the good folks in Virginia didn’t overlook the Canadians who fought so valiantly in WW-II. Explains Volvo spokesman Jim McNamara: “If you look closely at the image on the fuel tank fairings, you’ll see Canadian flags in front of gravestones and a bagpiper playing, in remembrance of the role Canadian soldiers played on D-Day.” The Fergus show opens Thursday and runs until Sunday.
  24. Hey has anyone got any info on bringing Trikes into Canada from the states??? I was told yseterday that if I was to convert my bike to a Trike or buy a Trike in the USA and tried to register it in Canada they would not allow it. This came from Canadian Customs.
  25. Did someone order something and forget to tell me about it?? Inquiring mind(s) want to know...
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