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  1. called randall at hub to touch base...and he said theres a few people there already......some people are anxious to get started i guess..... i think we are going to go ahead and head down later tomorrow afternoon now instead of waiting til sunday so we can get settled in before the masses arrive and want their tshirts and stuff..... we most likely will go back up to lamberts to meet the others for lunch still.
  2. rod

    It's over

    My Dad passed away this morning while being transported home. He is at peace now. My brother and his youngest son (18 years old)came out from Tennessee, so Dad met all his grandkids. When people ask what my Dad was like I say he was what most people try to be. He will be missed. If there are motorcycles in heaven he is riding now. Rod
  3. Ok folks. it is less that 30 days to Vogel, I have a small problem and I really need those that are attending to help me, especially if you havent registered or did an RSVP on the calendar, I need a better idea on how many people are coming, because I have to order the t-shirts no later than Friday of this week, and right now I only have 13 registrations confirmed, I know a lot of people said they are coming and will register late, but if I go by the count that I have now, and I order that many plus a few extra, I will not have enough to go around, and if I go ahead an order 100 which is what I did last year and only 50-60 show, I am going to go in the hole for shirts and patches. I dont need to do that because all the profits from these shirts go to the "KIDS" at St. Jude Childrens Hospital. We want to present them with a really nice check again this year from Vogel. So PLEASE, if you plan on coming please let me know what size and color you want, there are 2 colors available, they are purple and kelly green........... This only applies to you if you havent registered or RSVP.
  4. While we were in Asheville across the mountain, we had three crashes that killed four on motorcycles and it appears all may have been the fault of the motorcyclists. There was a 13 year old with a 12 year old on the back of a trail bike came across the road in front of a Jeep, killing the two kids. There was a 40 year old that lost control and in another crash, a 22 year old on a sport bike that was speeding hit a guard rail. That is the basic info given at the moment. My first thought when the first anouncement was made before details was the people from our group going north. Then with the BMW rally here with an estimated 10,000 bikes, I thought about them. When the news guy finally came back and told what he did, I realized it was local people. RandyA
  5. Hello to all of you, I purchased my 83 Venture about 2 months ago after wanting one since 1983. It also took me 2 years to coax my neighbor into getting rid of that old bike of his so I could fix it up and make it look new again. I have always had a motorcycle in the garage from a Honda Trail 70 to a Harley Road King and have restored a few including a 1986 VMAX. Now with the help of this site in a few short weeks I have fixed my headlights, my battery warning light, my fork seals, my springs, and even am on the way to repairing some plastic because of all the great people that took the time not only to figure out what was wrong with these bikes, but actually took the time to document and share the fixes. I am very appreciative of all of your efforts and thank you for sharing your hard work and knowledge with me. I hope some day I can help someone else as much as you all have helped me. Dem2h Dave:12101:
  6. When doing a thread, or post, how do you add one from off here?? (did that make sense!) When people ask for advice members sometimes put a reference thread on their post--how????:think: Thanks
  7. Looks like it's brake pad change time coming up soon in the front.. most likely in the rear as well.. Instead of the Yamaha pads.. what's the general consensus on the EBC Double-H Sintered Brake Pads? Do people feel they perform better? Last any longer? Thanks in advance.. Cheers
  8. Dear friends. I would like to thank all of you that attended "Maintenance Day" for your warmth and welcome you represented to me when I was in your beautiful country last June. Like I have said none of you could ever imagine how much this meant to me and how comfortable you all made me feel. I had no doubts that this club had great people but I have to say that you guys are simply the greatest ever. Everbody were so friendly and I have made so many good friends and am just overwhelmed. I lack words to explain how thankful I am and I thank God that he guided me to this club and all of you people. May you all ride safe and I hope that I will have the oppurtunity to meet you all again in the coming years. Warmest greetings from Iceland (Greenland at the moment). Jonas - StarFan
  9. just my usual reminder. the tshirt and meal notification deadline is approaching. 9am, july 13th. after that you can still register but may not get your t-shirts at the 09 rally. i have to notify randall who is catering the meal at the hub so he knows how many people he will have to have food for, at least 3 weeks in advance. i know quite a few people that are coming that haven't registered. if your not going to resgiter till the last minute, at least participate in cindy's poll in the sticky at the top of the watering hole. don't vote in the poll if you have already registered. also don't tell us you can't make. we just want to know who is planning on coming. we, the commitee are trying to avoid getting overrun at the last minute. we want ever thing ready to go when you'all get there. thanks. bill
  10. After having spent the weekend at Freebird's Maintenance Day working on a few bikes, having a bunch of laughs, and meeting some of the nicest people on the planet it was my privilege to have Jonas from Iceland ride with me from Ohio to Pennsylvania to stay with Jean and myself for a few days. We rode some of Pa.'s most beautiful roads, met some very interesting people along the way and I even got Jonas to pull his bike into my "little shop by the creek" for an oil change, a Carb. Sync. and a few coats of wax. Jonas turned out to be a VERY intelligent and articulate gentleman, well versed on many subjects, and was full of praise for Jean's endless home cooking and my sense of humor. Both Jonas and I rode locally after the repairs on his bike and he found the rural area I live in to be one full of windy roads and endless beauty. I, myself looked upon the area I live in with "new eyes" as I took him from 400 feet above sea level to 2900 feet above sea level in just under 12 minutes. His bike ran flawlessly as did mine and we were just two riders, with no agenda, letting the pavement flow beneath our tires. I am sure it will be memories that Jonas will have for a lifetime, as will I. A special thanks goes out to Don Nelson (Freebird) for opening up his home and allowing me to visit, (you sir are a man among men!) and Dan and Sheri (IH TRUCK GUY) for having the courage to let me pretty much tear the top end off his bike. It is a pleasure to be a part of this wonderfully diverse group of people. A few pics of Jonas are attached, Earl and Jean
  12. I am reposting to get a head count on who is attending the Car and MC show in NORTH BRANCH MN on June 13th (Saturday) from 9 AM to 2 PM. It is $5.00 to display your bike or free to attend. I was thinking if there was an interest from people I would have a BBQ during the day and camp out over night for those who would like to attend. I have an acre to camp out and on, a nice area with a fire pit. Gas grill for BBQing and just good camaraderie for those in attendance. If interested please let me know and I will start a list in this posting so people can see that your attending. Anyone and everyone is welcome. Oh I forgot there is a DQ in town. After all this is an eating club with a riding disorder. RIGHT? :banana: Below is the list of people that have expressed interest. What I need is a head count so I can get some hot dogs and hamburgers. Please confirm that you will attend and how many. I will keep editing my list with up dated info. Steve aka Bubber Black Owl ...... tentatively yes Nyuk Renne Grampagak Craig Bob S. (spray can Bob)
  13. Hello my friends It's been a long time since you have heard from me and I apologize for not giving you all an update sooner. Alot has happened and I just did not had the energy, or time, to keep you informed. It might have been easier if english would be my first language, however, I have to translate everything in my head and that takes me a long time. Well, where do I begin. The last thing you might remember was that my dad had been in a coma. He remained like that for about 3 month. Although he finally came out of it, there was still a constance up and down and we never knew from one day to another if he would live or die. Then there was the heart surgery he so desperately needed but it could not be done unless my dad was totally without any infections. In the mean time, I recieved the news that my cousin/god child, Daniela (age 16) passed away unexpectandly, due to a blood clot that had rushed to her heart. Alan and I had just visit her and promised that she could come to the states after she would graduate. Well, she did graduate but will never have the chance to come see us. My little angel is watching us from heaven now. Death was making his round that month. A friend and also a colleague age 55, passed on, due to a car accident. Meanwhile my dad was fighting for his life. I told him that there were so many people, he would never knew, praying for him. I spoke to him yesterday as he finally came home. He wanted me to tell all of you who kept him in his prayer, THANK YOU. My mom, myself and my brothers thanking you aswell. Within the last 11 month Al and I lost 4 people we loved and cared about. It makes you think. Life is short, live everyday like it is your last. Let the people you love know how much you care. One day it will be too late!! However, there is so much to be thankful for. I'm starting to enjoy life again. As you all know by know, we purchased a 2003 venture royal. It is awesome. What a ride. Can't wait to see all of you again. I'm due for a PARTY. Long over due. From now on I will be in touch on a regular basis. Missed you all. Renate:thumbsup:
  14. Hi there all you nice people at Vebnturerider .org. I have finally arrived in the USA. Staying with my friend Henry and his wife Jency in Woodstock NY. It is one of the most beautiful town and surroundings I have ever been in. The bike is registered, insured and road Ready and I have been riding in this picturesque surroundings today getting the feel for the bike and it is great. I think I am the happiest guy in NY at the moment. Just counting the hours till I meet up with you all at Don´s late Friday. This trilp meens more to me than any of you would ever understand and the main reason for that is ALL YOU NICE PEOPLE AT VR.ORG - finally meeting you - WHHOOOAAAAA!!!!!!! Will be riding in with BigTom and his friends on Friday. Looking so forward to meet you all in person. If any of you need/want to shoot me a message then please write to: alto@mmedia.is since I will check that one regularly till Friday. All the best and looking so forward,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Jonas
  15. Hi Guys. I have a big 10'x18' tent that sleeps 7. I will only have 3 people in it for M.D. I would be willing to have 2 more share it if they would like. That would probably be the comfortable limit for adults. It will have me, my brother and my uncle sleeping in it on friday night, and then we will be departing after saturdays events are over, so it's a one night free hotel thanks to Don. Any takers? First two people to post will have dibs!!! Big Mike
  16. My '87 VR is for sale and I have been scouring the local rags, trader websites etc and every 2nd gen that I was interested in was either too much, mileage was too high or when I called the number in the ad, found that the bike sold a week ago and the ad hadn't been cancelled! So I'm driving around to numerous local bike shops and stumbled across a deal I couldn't resist. Next Friday I will take delivery of a black 2000 Honda Goldwing with only 21,000km. For you metrically challenged people, that's about 13,000 miles. It's really clean, not too much extra chrome to clean. Just needs a heel-toe shifter, which I will add soon. I'm smiling again......hope I can still come to Freebird's maintenance day and still visit this site. I know we joke alot and rib each people about what brand of bike they ride if it's not a Venture, I have to be honest when I say that this site and it's members are one of the best group of people I have ever met. I have made some good friends here and can honestly say that I anticipate still attending some of these events and keeping in contact. This group is full of nuts..........and I'm a nut so I guess that says it all! I'll post pics next weekend after I get her home.
  17. I think it would be neat to have a map that people could add motorcycle events to. It would really help people quickly locate when the next event near them is. To give you an idea of what I'm talking about check out this one of my favorite band's tour dates: http://www.crosscanadianragweed.com/dates/index.php I'm not sure if something like this is doable but I think it would be cool. Also while you are on that map go ahead and locate a Ragweed concert near you and check them out. You wont regret it.
  18. was down at st.louis bread co. for my morning coffee, and had the wing parked where it was facing me. on my windshield i have a large venturerider.org logo that i had made. the more i looked at it the more i thought. why do i have that on a goldwing. the reason is that i am proud to be a venturerider. last weekend at my st. charles meet i had a group of the finest people anyone would want to know. i have met so many great people from the usa and canada, can't leave out squeeze, and annie, from germany and australia even though i never met them. i just wish i had the time and energy to make all the meets. this site is so full of great folks, and i have aquired so many friends, that i show that logo on my windshield with great pride. i take this site very serious cuz it is my family. just want to thank you all for being there and putting up with this old wing riding fart. if you don't like me thats to bad. your stuck with me. snarly bill
  19. http://www.tricities.com/tri/special_sections/surname_ranking/ Our last name ranked 111119 out of 150000, we share our name with 147 other people in the country.
  20. My wife has told me that there is a a car and bike show in North Branch MN. on June 13th (Saturday) from 9 AM to 2 PM. It is $5.00 to display your bike or free to attend. I was thinking if there was an interest from people I would have a camp out and a BBQ for the day or over night. I have an acre to camp out and on, a nice area with a fire pit. Gas grill for BBQing and just good camaraderie for those in attendance. If interested please let me know and I will start a list in this posting so people can see that your attending. Anyone and everyone is welcome. Oh I forgot there is a DQ in town. After all this is an eating club with a MC disorder. RIGHT? :banana: Steve aka Bubber Black Owl ...... tentatively yes Nyuk Renne Grampagak Craig Bob S. (spray can Bob)
  21. We stayed in las vegas for 2 days sorry no pics. We wandered around lost a couple hundred and had a good time. there are to many people going 90mph for my taste. While walking down the strip with my wife and son there were lines of small brown people shoving business card in my face for other types of slot machines. the side walk was covered with these cards they all had pictures of ladys in their birthday suits. I guess I am just a country hick because I have never seen anything quite like that before. There must be a hundred thousand cars for sale there. There were lots of buildings under construction but nobody was working on them I guess the money just ran out.
  22. I am wondering if it is possible to take the taillight and add reflective material inside the light housing and if possible would it make the light appear brighter to people following me?? Any thoughts? Don H.
  23. 33 Bikes 48 people and............$350 dollars raised for the Freebird Fund!!!!! What a great day. Couldn't ask for better weather or better company. It was so good to meet so many people. Pics coming soon. We'll do it again next year!!!
  24. bj66

    one album

    if you got stranded on an island for 1 year, and could only have one album to listen to, what would it be. It has to be by a group or artist. It can be a greatest hits, but it cant be a compilation or a movie soundtrack etc. just thought it would be fun to see what people come up with:680:
  25. I spent night sitting on throne with trash can between knees. About 4AM took little break and told them I Ain't Gonna be there Not Sure I'm gonna LIVE. Lt (I think he was joking) told me "Some people will do anything to get a day off" Weak as a kitten this morning. Where in the **** did that come from?? I been eating the Warden's cooking again.. Must be getting better!! And Braver!!
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