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  1. she was not going to stop. After spending several hours moving millions of leaves to the side of the road for leaf pickup, I decided to take a little ride and enjoy the mid 60's degree day. About three miles from the house I was on a nice back road going about 40mph and as I came to a slight rise in the road that has a road coming out from my right just over the top of the hill, I noticed the top half of a car coming toward the intersection. I immediately slowed down and just as I crested the hill, the car blew thru the stop sign and turned toward me. I layed down on the air horns and let them blast. If I had not anticipated the car doing that, I would have hit it right in the driver's door. I think I startled the woman as she almost ran into the ditch on the other side of the road trying to get out of my way. I am real glad I was paying that close attention, because she sure was not. RandyA
  2. The biker...kinda long, but read it all please!!! I saw you, hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But, you didn't see me, put an extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday. I saw you, pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But, you didn't see me, playing Santa at the local mall. I saw you, change your mind about going into the restaurant. But, you didn't see me, attending a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief. I saw you, roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by. But, you didn't see me, driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window. I saw you, frown at me when I smiled at your children. But, you didn't see me, when I took time off from work to run toys to the homeless. I saw you, stare at my long hair. But, you didn't see me, and my friends cut ten inches off for Locks of Love. I saw you, roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves. But, you didn't see me, and my brothers donate our old coats and gloves to those that had none. I saw you, look in fright at my tattoos. But, you didn't see me, cry as my children where born and have their name written over and in my heart. I saw you, change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere. But, you didn't see me, going home to be with my family. I saw you, complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be. But, you didn't see me, when you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane. I saw you, yelling at your kids in the car. But, you didn't see me, pat my child's hands, knowing he was safe behind me. I saw you, reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road. But, you didn't see me, squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn. I saw you, race down the road in the rain. But, you didn't see me, get soaked to the skin so my son could have the car to go on his date. I saw you, run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time. But, you didn't see me, trying to turn right. I saw you, cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in. But, you didn't see me, leave the road. I saw you, waiting impatiently for my friends to pass. But, you didn't see me. I wasn't there. I saw you, go home to your family. But, you didn't see me. Because, I died that day you cut me off. I was just a biker. A person with friends and a family. But, you didn't see me. Repost this around in hopes that people will understand the biker community . If you dont repost this, It sucks to be you. I hope you never lose someone that rides.
  3. What kinds of things that drivers do to really irritate you. I'll start it off with a couple of things that bug me. I'm riding down the 4 lane in the dark and a car passes me and pulls right back into my lane. I can no longer see dead animals and alligators in the road. Why don't they just wait to pull over until they are further ahead as long as they don't have somebody riding their tail. I'm coming up to an intersection in heavy traffic. Car pulls up, stops, and then starts easing forward. Well if he thinks he is going to shoot the gap behind me he probably just lost his chance because I am going to think he's coming out in front of me and slow down. I have to assume he's coming because previous experience says so. Maybe if we can come up with enough of these maybe we can send them in to some magazine and get them published where the car drivers can see them.
  4. Well it started Friday with 1 -an accident with my trailer(old sno-mobile one that I knew tilted but not swiveled) that sidswiped a truck turning in other lane going other way 2 -Brother passing away on Sunday morning Thanks to all for condolences 3 -Wife hitting car driving thro a stop light infront of her from out of nowhere(must have been talking and didn't see it as everyone else was stopped). Think our 2005 car is tottaled but will have to wait and see what adjuster says. one person taken to hospital to check for seatbelt injury. Wife was shaken up a scene but seemed fine for about 1 1/2 hours then shock wore off and broke down.(first accident for her) What a week!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Well today it was my turn to have an accident. I was driving on the Hwy in the right lane about 65 mph and I had a vehicle directly to my left. I noticed in my rear veiw mirror a white vehicle coming up on me fast this Hispanic guy tried to split the difference between me and the car I was forced to the shoulder as he passed it appeared he was beating someone and trying to hold them down in the front seat. I didnt crash from being on the shoulder. I caught up to him and looked at him while I was next to him did nothing else but look. I guess this set him off because he tried to run me off the road at this point. I sped up hoping to get away and outran him for awhile but he kept coming after me. I was hoping he was gonna give up but he didnt. I got off at a ramp going a good clip and had a car in front of me and he was closing fast on me like he was gonna ram me I couldnt go around the car in front so I decided to go off road but this exit the ramp is a raised ramp and much higher then the surrounding terrain. I m not sure what happened but I believe I lowsided after I started down hill on the grass/gravel I lost control somehow landed on my back and right side. I went to hospital to get checked out little bruised up but I'm in one piece and nothing appears to be broken little bit of headache though (Helmet on some small scratches looks like my butt and side took the brunt.) It wasnt worth chasing him down to find out if he was hurting someone else. I'm lucky I guess. Didnt get the plate though. I guess he caused another accident down the road though. My bike is probably pretty screwed up I know I broke alot of right side plastic.
  6. I am going to post this last statement on defensive driving and then be quiet..!! Thank God some will say!!:rotf:. I am a service plumber, I drive on the average of 200 miles a day, 6 days a week in city and town traffic, I go to and make contact with six to 20 people a day. I drive a lot, in fact sometimes when someone asks me what I do for a living, I jokingly tell them I am a truck driver!! So I am home for lunch......can type 80 words a minute......so listen to my morning.....instead of watching all this with numb attitude like I usually do...I wrote down everything I observed on the way to my first job this morning. It was nine miles there, and nine miles back. 1. When I got to the end of my long driveway and was getting ready to turn unto the highway....a teenage boy went by doing 90 miles an hour, he about sucked the bumper off the front of my truck......he was late for school, cutting across on the way to the High School.......I had to get out and see if the bolts were still in my bumper(no not really, just my sense of humor acting up)!! 2. I made my left hand turn and proceeded up Sease Hill road.....a White Ford Mini Van comes out of a driveway right in front of me...never stops , never looks....has one ear glued to that Cell Phone......he rips out in the road.....swerves back and crosses the center lane into on-coming traffic. Corrects this and almost takes out a mailbox on the right side. 3. I proceeded on and at the first 4 way stop an Red SUV(Tahoe) rolls up to the busy 4-way, sees me coming......never stops.....just goes on and makes a left hand turn in front of me, did not make eye contact with me....on purpose.....saw me I know...just hurried up to make the turn. 4. On up a bit Ace Hardware has a sprinkler situation.....they have been on all night.....road is wet......full of puddles. 5. They have built a new Walmart on Highway 6. They are in the process of clearing trees to make a 4 lane highway. I could see the blue lights way up there...before I got to the scene. There was a track-hoe and dump truck involved and a small chevrolet citation car. Evidently the track-hoe operator was inexperienced, forgot about tail swing and pushed the dump-truck into the highway........what the little car was doing there. I do not know......there was a lady sitting in it........we are all slowly going around as the trooper directed us.........I was totally past the whole scene and heard the squeal of heavy braking....lol!! The lady in the little car...decided to get out.....opened the door......sure enough.......the next idiot in line.........do not think they ran into the open door.........almost....saw the trooper throw up his hands. I think he was getting a little aggravated at this point!! 6. On top of all this.......we have not had rain in a long time.....but in a half mile stretch it did put enough down to just wet the road......motorcycles beware......this is when it is the worst. 7. I was just about to the job and was easing over into the left hand turn lane at a junction........another little white car(lot of them out today) rips around me....partially in oncoming lane...zips in front of me and slams on the brakes at the light. 8. One the way home for lunch.....at the corner quick stop......more blue lights, this time a little red car is sitting in the middle of the road.......with a White Ford Truck smashed into the side of it......this one pulled out in front of the Truck........ All this in just about 45 minutes of driving time and only 18 miles of total travel time. Most of the time when we are in a car or regular vehicle we seem to tune it out.......or I do......this is a daily gauntlet we all run. On a bike this stuff if you do not pay attention.........well you know the result of that. Thought you might find this interesting........try it yourself sometime....just pick a time at random......pay attention to everything you see.......do not tune it out......actually take note of it all.....It will wake you up......sure will. So what did I learn today? In the past I have been one of the culprits of if I am riding with someone to ride beside them. It seems to be something we all do .....we ride with someone.....we become trusting of each other, naturally so.........we do not hold to the staggered file line we should. I see bikes doing this all the time. This lady who opened the car door, in heavy traffic.......what could the biker if he had been there on the right track do? Might have caused him to swerve into his buddy's bike......both might go down............this is what I mean when I have written before......learn to drive defensively......try to learn something everyday to be more observant and to be a better rider. I will hold that staggered line.....I will talk to my friend when we get there....that way we both will make it. Okay I am done.......I was just entertaining myself on the way to the job this morning.......had not realized myself how much can go on in such a short trip in town. Kit
  7. Stardbogs post about "how many of us it takes to change a light bulb" made me laugh but it also brought up another thought.. Do any of you remember the days gone by of CB Clubs and were any of you involved in one?? If memories serves me correct the vintage would have been 70ish.. I was involved in a club in the day.. I had a 23 channel radio in my car with a powermike, had a "Starduster" antenna for the house and I would bring the car radio inside at night and run it off a car battery.. My handle was "Seadog" and my call numbers were KJP9511 - good Lord that was 30 years ago and I still remember those numbers.. Yep,, "this is old Seadog at the corner of walk and dont walk in the big town of banana land,, KJP9511 takin a pause for the cause"... I used to sit up all night yacking away on that babie.. I will NEVER forget the night the wires going from the battery to the radio crossed and grounded out - the house was INSTANTLY filled with burned wire insulation smoke.. My mom woke up and started coughing asking me what was going on... Just crazyyyy.. Later I ran boots and was able to talk skip with people from all over the world.. \ Sound familiar???? It is totally amazing how even though technology has taken us so far it has acutally taken us in a circle hahahahah 'Puc
  8. Anyone know someone or has a side car on a 1999 or newer RSV. I got a great deal on a Champion Rig and Looking for info on the hookup for it.
  9. Guest

    johnny sidecar

    first time posting thread. I have an 03 midnight venture with sidecar looking for car tire for rear. any hints
  10. Keitho


    My wife and I are thinking of getting back into tenting now that the kids can take care of themselves. So I have spent some of the weekend looking at trailers, I realy like this one http://timeouttrailers.org/specials.aspx and was looking for some comments/ advice on trailering with a motorcycle, I pulled a pop up with the car for the last 20 years but eyes thinks it's a little different with a scoot. Any comments would be willingly read and logged in upstairs as best as I can at my age. Cheers Keith.
  11. First Annual Mobile Car and Bike show was held today. Guess what? I won 1st place!!!!! I was the only Yamaha entered in my class and alot of HDs. This is the first time I have ever won a bike show!!!! Go blue Ventures. tew47
  12. I moved from a two car garage to a small one car garage. I can get the bike and car both in but can't maneuver it. I think the cycle dolly would work great and was just wondering if anyone has used it. http://www.cyclestuff.org/CycleDolly.html Thanks Jim
  13. have a 2006 rsmv with voyager kit. have 8000 miles on bike need new rear tire. what size car tire will fit.
  14. Opinions? http://lifeisaroad.com/stories/2004/10/27/theDarkSide.html
  15. Can you jump a dead bike battery with a car battery?
  16. Anyone mount a side car to a 2 gen venture?
  17. Steven W.Guthrie JR. 25 Died as a result of a racing accident 3-31 07. at Mercer race way. We were less than 30 feet away when a out of control race car hit the fence, Steve was standing there watching. I dont think he knew what happend. The car hit right in front of him as he was watching his step brother race.He was thrown about 30-40 feet. Died very soon after. THE WORST THING I EVER SAW. ps. the driver walked away. GOD SPEED STEVE Jeff McFeaters aka. PA RIDER.
  18. Anyone know if there's a combination Sirius + MP3 unit that works on a bike & can be moved from bike to car without much problem?
  19. My bike 2006 RSV will be out under car port all winter with a Real good bike cover. i start it up every 2/ 3 days Do i need to do anything else? i let it run until its hot. tree
  20. I have read a lot of posts here and on other forums about accidents between motorcycles and cages, most of the time the incident is blamed on the cage. The most common comment is that the cage driver says the he did not see the motorcycle. This affliction can be caused by any number of things. The flavor of the day is CELLPHONE. While there are a lot of reasons why a cage driver doesn’t see a motorcycle there some things that you the rider can do to make sure that you are not one of those reasons. 1. Ride to be seen. Where you ride on the road makes all the difference in whether or not you can be seen. On a two-lane road or highway, if you are not riding close to the centerline you are invisible. Try this, next time you are on the road and there is a good sized vehicle coming toward you with a smaller vehicle behind it, watch that trailing vehicle as it weaves back and forth in its lane. Even a car or SUV can become invisible behind a larger vehicle. If you are riding too close to the vehicle in front of you, you are invisible. This is especially bad at intersections on a busy street. If you are too close behind a car and there is a car that the driver is anxious to make a left and there is a gap between the car in front of you and one behind you that the turning car thinks he can make, he WILL not see you on your motorcycle. But if you are at least a couple of CAR lengths behind and in the left wheel track then the driver has a chance to see you. Whenever I approach an intersection and am behind a vehicle I position myself for maximum visibility, I sit tall in the saddle and look directly at the turning driver. This method I have found draws the driver’s attention to me. When riding on multi-lane roads and highways the riding area changes with traffic and requires due diligence on the riders part, in California where splitting traffic is allowed, I found that the safest place to be on the freeways was the white line between the two farthest left lanes. I hope that one day splitting traffic is legal in all states. California aside, multi-lane highway traffic varies and it is up to the rider to determine where he is the most visible. I have found that if I am traveling a long distance on a busy highway that the fast lane is the best place to be, I ride next to the white line between lanes. I do this so that I am visible to any vehicle around me. If there are two cars ahead side by side and two behind side by side you now can be seen by all four vehicles. This also has the affect of giving you an exit in case someone does something stupid. If a cage decides that your lane is greener than his, instead of veering left and possibly running into a k-rail or into the median, with a little throttle and slight adjustment of direction you can split between the vehicles ahead of you. Although it may be illegal, if it saves your life, who cares. 2. Ride aware. (Leave plenty of space around you.) If you are aware of the traffic around you, then you are much safer. You can avoid incidents just by watching the traffic around you. If you scan your mirrors every few seconds then you will be hard to surprise from behind. If you watch the driving habits of those in front of you, you can avoid most incidents ahead of you. If there is a driver that is driving steadily and he swerves a little and comes back in line then there may be a road gator or some other small obstruction ahead. Not too dangerous for a car but could be bad for a MC. If he slams on his brake and swerves then look for a path that will take you away from the hazard while looking to see if it was an animal that may travel into your path. This is a good time to mention that the brake is not always your best friend, sometimes the best way out of trouble is the accelerator. I guess an example of that statement is in order. I had just bought my VR and was riding it home from Tennessee on I40. There were several tractor-trailer rigs in front of me in the right hand lane. As I was approaching the rear one he turned on his signal to move into my lane, I slowed down to let him over, as he passed the second rig he hit a two by four and threw it up in the air, there was a rig to my right and no where to go to the left. I saw that the board would fall before my front tire and accelerated so that I would go over it before it had a chance to bounce back up. It had the affect of breaking my exhaust collector, but it may have bounced up and hit the fairing or worse, me. Animals are some of the most unpredictable objects you can encounter on any road. There is one very important thing to note about animals and that is if they are frightened, as by a vehicle on the road, their instinct is to get in front of the danger and try to out run it. So if you see a cow, deer or… on the side of the road there is a good chance that, even if it had no intention of crossing the road, your approach will cause it to panic and run in front of you. So the best defense is to slow down when you first see the animal and give it a chance to cross. We also know that animals can run on the road from a totally invisible area and be a complete surprise. This again is where the accelerator and not your brake could be your best friend. Any of us who have ridden dirt bikes knows that if there is an obstruction in front of you that you either have to get the front wheel off the ground or at least unload it, take the weight off of it, if you want to go over the object. If there is no chance of not hitting an animal up to deer size then accelerating or at least not hitting the brakes could be the difference between life and death. By panic hitting the brakes you squat the front end and bring up the rear end, this is a recipe for disaster as more than likely you will endo. By accelerating you have the advantage of momentum and have the possibility of either pushing the animal aside or going over the top of it. Yes, you will damage the bike, yes you may get hurt, but your chances of survival are greatly increased. If the animal is larger than a deer then… Remember, YOUR safety is up to YOU, NOT the other guy. RIDE TO BE SEEN
  21. This happened a few months ago. When leaving work one day I found my boss sitting in the parking lot with a dead car. He left his lights on all day. Since he had cables I said sure, I'd try to give his car a jump. I mean after all both are 12 volt systems. Well after leaving the cables hooked up for about 5-10 minutes (yes the bike was running and reving) we couldn't get enough juice to flow to the car battery. I guess there just isn't enough juice to really do a jump start. Maybe I could have trickle charged his battery for an hour then maybe it would start. Anyways, another co-worker came out and we used his car to jump start the bosses car. It started right up then. Nothing fried on any vehicle, so lessoned learned the easy way.
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