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  1. Check out Wanderer20090516MyrtleBch. My apologies to the Augusta Meet n Eat, but we got reports of bad weather and headed the other direction. We did well and missed m_o_s_t of the bad weather going and coming.
  2. I am curious. I have seen several posts about gear to stay warm when riding in colder weather, but nothing about gear for the warmer states. I would like gear that breathes a LOT. Considering in southern Louisiana, there is the constant race between the barometer and themometer as to which one reaches triple digits first. While I don't mind the net looking stuff, my wife finds it very uncomfortable - itchy to be exact. So I am open to most any suggestions. I just want some protection in case something unfortunate happens in the hot weather. Thanks,
  3. looks like we are going to have a big turn out for my annual st. charles meet. i'ts going to be the biggest one yet. looking forward to seeing everyone. been shopping the last three weeks for food, no one will leave missouri hungry. i can't wait, and have put an order in for good weather. we have lucked out the last 2 years on the weather and i have 2 fantastic rides planned. see yopu folks there. bill
  4. 33 Bikes 48 people and............$350 dollars raised for the Freebird Fund!!!!! What a great day. Couldn't ask for better weather or better company. It was so good to meet so many people. Pics coming soon. We'll do it again next year!!!
  5. Looks like warming up starting next Thursday or Friday, and some SUN!!!!! And long range forcast for next week looks like 68 to 70 highs for Seattle !!! Thats SUN BATHING WEATHER FOR SEATTLE !!!!! The Locals will all be out in shorts, and T-Shirts It hit a balmy 50 Deg this afternoon and sun came out for 2 hours. Rain stopped about 1500 hours !! Maby get some rideing in tomorrow
  6. Warm Weather around just the corner . So it's time for all the women here at VR to show off their Sexy Leather riding apparel they have been buying over the winter months . It doesn't have to be exactly leather , it can be Lace , Spandex , or even colored Surand wrap . If all the women haven't sent their thongs to Big Tom , perhaps photos in Chaps and a Thong and vest ! .....Please just tell me you send all your things to Big Tom and if ya did , you can help out the economy by purchasing more . If ya got some Boob Tubes with VR patches displayed correctly , it would be our gents pleasure to veiw ! Don't be shy , the HD chic's do it !!!!! Don't let them out-do you . Come on Mini , YamaMoma , Tater , Mecahanic and more . Show off those Tattoos . If you dare , Be a little Bare . Show some skin , get a tan , Make us all , some happy men ! Make this an exciting year ! :banana: BEER30
  7. mrc

    March break

    Son’s March break The MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) has done it again. Here in Ontario they have close the fishing on the Sunday before the March break. 20 yrs of spending March break on Lake Temagami comes to an end. My son was upset. I am thinking of trying to go south riding for a week down around the Blue Ridge Parkway. What is the weather been like down in that area? They are calling for warm weather in the Toronto area (double digits) this weekend. Would I be able to leave the Toronto area on our bikes and make it south at this time of the year? What are you feeling? Would you try it or should I wait? I have never biked in the USA. I am a little nervous about the weather. I’m looking for some advice from people along the route. Any comments?
  8. Two friends and I abandoned Northern Indiana last Thursday, trailered bikes down to warmer climate, and rode over 1000 miles including the Keys. Great warm weather, and it was good to get back in the saddle, if even for just a few days. Can't wait for the Indiana weather to get through raining, snowing and start acting like it cares about letting us get back on the road again.
  9. I just wanted to express my appreciation for the excellent work Rick did on my seat. I got the seat back yesterday (FedEx made this more difficult than necessary). It looks and feel great even though the weather won't let me get it out and ride yet. **How is it you guys in PA can look at a groundhog on 2/2 and we start getting snow again in Utah?** I want everyone to know that Rick goes beyond just making a couple of changes to your seat and putting the cover back on. My seat had some challenges because of some previous damage by the PO and Rick took the time and added work to sure it was right. THANKS AGAIN!!! I'll let you know how great it is when the weather cooperates. Dave (with PMS)
  10. I finally got my first ride of the year in today. We had either bad weather or I was under the weather for the first few weekends of the year. I just wanted to say thanks to all the contributors on the site. Over the winter I've replaced and balanced both tires, pulled and lubed the shaft splines/hub, synced the carbs, put in a new power port for my GPS and various other do-it-yourself jobs all from information garnered on the site. You all have been a great source of info and support. I hope I will help someone else along the way someday too! This site is the best!
  11. Hey all, Had a few minutes so I thought I'd check in. The new house is shaping up nicely. Painting is almost done, carpets have been shampooed and we are starting to move stuff in a bit at a time. I LOVE THIS PLACE!! The one down side is that the garage has been converted in to more house so I have no place to store/work on my bike. I'll come up with something though. The weather is starting to warm up here, and soon it will be time to devote myself more fully to my scoot and getting her ready for the summer. PAIN
  12. OK folks, when I activated my Zumo XM, I went with the traffic and the weather package. I understand though that basic weather comes with the traffic. So what is the difference between basic weather and the full blown one that I subscribed to? I paid for 3 months but may want to drop the advanced weather next time.
  13. I put 4 new tires on the wifes pickup today. I still had another 6-8000 miles of safe running on the old set but. The weather man is calling for back to back snow events all month for February.Better safe then sorry. Ramona still won't drive in snowy weather. I could buy her a D9 and she still wouldn't drive it in the snow.
  14. i cant get my weather to post on my signature for Basrah, Iraq
  15. Where can I get such a ticker as my signature? http://banners.wunderground.com/banner/gizmotimetemp_both/language/www/US/FL/englewood.gif Of course, for my own city thanks
  16. And bolts. Whats the best thing to loosen rusted and frozen nut and bolts?? I use Parts Blaster. Is there anything better? Other things get frozen sitting on ground trying to replace wheel bearing in this weather.
  17. I am going to be heading to Billings Montana for Star Days, leaving July 17th returning July 26th. I am "soliciting" possible routes to get there and head back (I would like to go there one route, come back another route) - planning three days to go there - 3 days to come back. Any ideas? While in Billings, we will ride the Beartooth, and probably hit Yellowstone with the group I am taking back there. Also, what type of weather issues might I run into that week? I have heard conflicting reports - great weather (could get warm) to hail / thundershower activity. I'm . Thanks for any suggestions and advise.
  18. Well, I got the 84 starting and running nicely now, so I need to put it all back together. Time to find an instrument cluster and working on paint. Thanks for all the help and encouragement (and parts!) to this point. Now if any of you have any anti-burnout, I can use it so I get this thing up before riding weather comes.
  19. Just wanted to mention (without rubbing anything in) that today we had a pleasant maximum temperature of 41degC. Overnight it went down to a very pleasant 18degC. Gotta love this Aussie weather. Yes - I did ride to work, in short sleeves. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
  20. Ok so here is my problem. I just got my GXM-30 on Saturday. I promptly signed up for XM radio and XM weather. XM Radio was on before I got back to the bike from my PC and I am still waiting on the XM weather. I called the number the XM operator gave me this morning (because they don't work on the weekends) and they gave me yet another number to call. Called them and they said they would send an activation signal down and to leave the radio on for 20 minutes. Well I left it on for 30 minutes and still no weather. I seem to remember seeing somewhere that it could take up to 12 hours before the activation signal makes its way to the radio. Anybody have that happen to them? If I turn the key off and go to battery power the XM radio of course will not work but when I turn the key on if I am on the page menu/xm where you see the XM button in the upper left I will briefly see an XM weather button pop up. Hitting it makes no difference and it goes away after 1 or 2 seconds even if it's not hit. I don't know if that is just natural function of the Zumo/GXM even without the XM weather subscription or if there is something evil lurking in my system. I also go to the menu/tools/subscriptions/XM radio page and it shows my Radio ID and the fact that I am subscribed to XM radio with 217 channels, but the data subscription says none. Thanks in advance. BTW as a side note, I rode in today with the XM radio and the Sirius radio on, both on the same channel and the ENTIRE ride I had XM signal strength of 3 bars and Sirius has at best 2 bars and for most of the ride 1 or no signal. It was actually nice and comforting to get the XM programing back. Now that they have Sirius channels I see no reason to have Sirius at all since their equipment seems to be inferior.
  21. From various posts on this site I have just completed the "air cleaner mod" and the "cassette deck to storage compartment" mod. What a piece of cake it was! Thanks a bunch! And what better way to spend a snowy Saturday afternoon...it's been snowing since sometime last night and it's still snowing!! gawwwddd are we ever gonna see the end of this? Well, according to the weather forecasters, we should be getting rain, rain, and more rain over the coming days...won't that be nice...NOT! .. What a mess we'll have but at least I don't have to shovel RAIN!
  22. That is 79 more days to the official first day of spring. Yesterdays 45 degree weather was a perfect mid winter brake to take the bike for a spin. Can't wait for the warm weather.
  23. I was listening to the national Weather on CBC radio this morning and heard a strange statement or two. The first was that my city Of Regina SK. Canada was colder this morning than the temp at the north pole. Something is really messed up with a weather pattern when I am in a minus 33c deepfreeze and the north pole is only minus 24c. The other fact that surprised me that it looks like this year will be the first year since 1971 that Canadians from east coast to west coast will be having a snow on-the-ground White Christmas. I figured that Canada was snowy around Christmas a LOT more often than that. CMON GLOBAL WARMING!!!!! Brian
  24. Love this Texas weather - 76 degrees Sunday, 35 yesterday, 27 today! One of the PIA items we need to do when it stays below freezing for a couple of days around here is keep the leaves out of the pool skimmers so the water keeps flowing and prevents freeze damage to the pumps and filters. This can be especially problematic when we have such a cold snap so early in the season before all the leaves are off the trees. As you probably know, sticking your hands repeatedly in water that cold can really be painful. I normally use a pair of neoprene fishing gloves for that job, but I recently bought a new pair of gloves that I thought I would try. Two of the things I just don't think a man can have too much of are glues and gloves, so when I saw a dirt cheap price on a set of waterproof work gloves at Harbor Freight last summer, and found they were actually beg enough for my hands, well, I just had to buy them. These are Western Safety, item number 96612. They are completely waterproof, Thinsulate insulation, and have reinforced non-slip working surfaces on palm and fingers. I think I paid about $6 for them! I can't vouch yet for how rugged they are, but I can absolutely confirm that they are 100% waterproof and WARM. I really expected them to just be water resistant with a bit of leakage around the seams, but not so. I have had them completely submerged within about 1/4" of the cuff numerous times, and even after the water freezes on the outside of them while I continue to work they remain completely dry and warm inside. I have an extremely hard time finding any gloves big enough for my hands - most extra large gloves don't even come close. But these in extra large are just perfect. I don't think they would make very good riding gloves in nasty weather because the cuffs are not long enough to go over your jacket sleeves. But they are sure nice to have when you have to do anything else outside in cold wet weather. Goose
  25. GeorgeS


    Was just watching the Weather Channel, the nice lady said, that " Las Vegas , is getting some much needed SNOW " !!! And, the Los Angeles River is flooding into the streets in Compton. Hmmmm? more signs of Global Warming I see, PHX, is down to 57 deg. my wife left there Sat Morning, looks like she got out of town just in time, and safely back to Seattle for the Snow Storm !!
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