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Everything posted by MikeWa

  1. That is the same way I felt about helmets until one saved my life. Thing is I would not have been wearing a helmet if it were not required by law. As the crash happened and my head hit the asphalt I remember thinking "I sure am glad I am wearing this helmet". Mike
  2. MikeWa

    Life Sucks

    Rich99 87 over 51 blood pressure is low. If it were to fall any lower say when standing from a sitting position you could easily pass out. I would not like to hear of you being hurt in an accident or some such thing. Visit your doctor and cardiologist. If they do not pay attention get new ones. Methods for raising blood pressure are not as common as for lowering it but they do exist. Go ahead. Ask me how I know this. Mike
  3. It is great that some states will let you carry concealed without a permit. In my opinion permits should not be required to carry a firearm. Also most permits are not transportable from state to state unless the particular state in question has a reciprocal agreement. So interstate carry becomes very confusing and difficult for law abiding citizens. Criminals don't care. Mike
  4. I have a lot of respect for the police most of the time. But I get a little tired of hearing how tough their job is. There is no police department I know of that drafts officers. It is voluntary. So if it is too tough quit. We have given police an inordinate amount of power. We expect them to make judicious use of it. And we expect them to use a little horse sense. Which these guys did not. As they arrested these people the police on the scene knew something was wrong but didn't bother to find out what. It is hard to win if you are from out of state suing in local court. And it is really hard to beat the police whom the courts have a vested interest in. Put these two together and it is a tough road. Mike
  5. Barrycuda Wish you all the best in your upcoming adventure. Mike
  6. If this is your first time remove the lower outer fairings. Don't forget the one plastic rivet that pushes straight up form the bottom center. Then remove the air filter housing. It is pretty straight foreword. Watch the placement of the small vent hoses. Clean up any oil residue etc. (Some people have found a way to get around removing the lower fairings. I would not recommend this on the first time.) Mike
  7. Very nice looking ride. Enjoy enjoy enjoy then just have some fun. Mike
  8. Dang no power = no internet = no forum. Hope everybody is OK. Mike
  9. Very true. But I would not risk my life or anyone else's for the banks money. I have no desire to be a junior G-man either. However if I thought someone's life was in danger, well then all bets are off. Mike
  10. Opinions expressed are my own and are not endorsed by management. Or anyone else for that matter. If bad guys wanted to knock someone over the head and take a firearm cops would be going down everywhere. They, the cops, are not immune to a can of tomato soup to the head any more than you or I. And they are open carrying firearm. Ok. I am sure it happens, someone does get cold cocked and their firearm taken but that is the rare exception. More often than not if a bad guy sees you carrying he will by-pass you and go somewhere else. Also a good retention holster makes it very difficult for someone to walk up behind you and take your gun. It is just safer to steal from a store in the middle of the night, preferably when nobody is around. A friend and I were open carrying and having a discussion at Starbucks in a local Safeway store. Where by the way we are known to the store manager. There is a small bank branch next to the Starbucks. Again all inside the Safeway grocery store. Sometime after we left the bank was robbed. A later review of the surveillance tapes revealed the robbers were there while we were having coffee. They spied our side arms and left, returning a couple of times until they were sure we were gone. Only then did they rob the bank. Since they haven't been caught yet I can not say for sure how much of a deterrent our being armed was. But I think it was significant. Too bad more patrons weren't armed. That said four cops were shot and killed at another local coffee shop a couple of years ago while they were just sitting there before their shift. So bad things do happen. Too bad more patrons weren't armed. Mike
  11. \ OK. I upped my game and spent the big bucks. $14.99 for a Go Phone. Mike
  12. I tried to recover my contacts on my PC. I tried plugging in the phone and I tried the card by itself. No luck. So today I took the phone to AT&T. Went to show them my problem and there they were. All of my contacts were back. Don't ask me how that happened. It just did. So I purchased a new phone and sim card. This old Nokia has given me problems before. So it is time for it to go bye bye. Anyhow all is well now. New phone new card. And transferred contact list. Mike
  13. My Nokia cel phone just dumped my all of my contacts. No reason for it. I just went to make a call and nothing. My list of contacts is gone. Pisses me off. I was saving then to the Micro SD card just in case the phone went bottoms up. But plugging the card into my computer is no help. I have some pictures but no contacts. Sign me as Not Happy Mike
  14. Sun Coast or Pinwall should have mascots. Both are on E-Bay. Mike
  15. Don't want to start a flame war here. But here is my personal opinion. Wright or wrong it is what I think. If bad guys reach for the purse and miss they just run off. If they try for the gun and miss. It may not go so well. Most thinking bad guys don't want to take a chance on getting shot or take on an armed citizen. They are looking for soft targets. That said I am a proponent of open carry. I would prefer to know if a person I am talking to is armed. Also in my opinion carrying deep concealed is very close to carrying unloaded. Mike
  16. Try this. 07 Yamaha Royal Star Venture XVZ1300 Fender Mascot | eBay Mike
  17. Goose is right on - except a bad diaphragm in one of the AIS valves can cause popping on whichever side it controls. In that case the valve should be repaired. Not covered up. Mike
  18. The outer black cover is just a rain cover. The main sealed unit is on the inside of that. So don't be afraid to take the outer cover off. There may be something jamming the buttons. Mike
  19. I don't agree. I have had the pleasure of open heart surgery and watching several of my friends die from not getting the proper medical attention. Guess what FOR THESE EXACT SAME SYMPTOMS. This is not normal. Get the stress test. And an angiogram. Do not fool around with this. I don't want to loose another. Eileen was right to be concerned. Mike
  20. Sometimes the valve cover bolts are just loose. I would check that first. Mike
  21. shuttlebug Good to hear you are able to ride again. As I recall, my first ride after my crash though short was so exhilarating. There is no explaining it. It just felt so good to be back in the saddle. My very best wishes to you and Debbie for a happy and safe upcoming riding season. Mike
  22. I hear it. But it is not nearly as bad as my 08 was with Ams Oil in it. It would literally drive you off the bike. Fortunately for me changing the oil resolved the issue. Mike
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