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Midnight Rider

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Everything posted by Midnight Rider

  1. Also Very nice of you Dale to post it here as for some have been asking if there is any rooms left.. Take care Buddy The least I could do for this family. Dale
  2. Yesterday the MRI showed Cindy had a small abcest (?) in her knee so they decided to remove every other stitch and see what happens. Not ruling out surgery for today. Well she just called me and said her fever broke early this morning. Told me to bring her some dry clothes... So hopefully we are making a turn for the better. I will let you know more when I go in today. Got to get little one ready for school now. Dale
  3. Just got a call from Cindy. They are taking her down to get the MRI in about 3o minutes. If anyone wants to call her the number is 816-415-3261. Thats the number to her room. Try not to call after 8 pm. Dale
  4. Dr. seen Cindy today and told her that he thought they were going to have to open up her knee and clean it out. They are going to do an MRI first and go from there. When I went back in today they were running late with the lunches and she was really hungry. Well when they brought in her lunch the nurse had just got the call not to let Cindy eat or drink anything till after the MRI. Poor woman was about to cry. Hope they do it pretty quick. Dale
  5. Well it would appear that we will not be able to make it to ES this year. Cindy and I were really looking forward to getting away for a few days. Even paid to have the daughter fly out from Ohio to watch Haylie. Well anyway, I have to cancel the hotel and if anyone on here would like the room I can tell the hotel when I call to cancel our reservations. I will be calling around noon tomorrow central time to cancel. Dale
  6. Just got back from the hopital. Cindy isn't doing much better then before. They keep giving her meds to help with the vomitting, which seems to help for a little while. Her temp is 37.8 c, what ever that is. She is pretty wore out. Thats about all I can say at this point. I got about an hour nap today so I really need to get to bed. So goodnite to all. Dale
  7. I just got home from the hospital. Cindy called me home from work because she had a 104 fever and was vomitting. Took her to the ER and they admitted her. They dont know whats wrong yet. I will keep everyone updated. I am off to bed. Have to get up in a few hours to take Haylie to see her counselor. My ladies are wearing me down. Dale
  8. Thinking about getting her a Guardian Bell necklace........wonder if that would work the same?
  9. Cindy and I are praying for you and your family Gary. Dale
  10. We figured since we had a long weekend that we would go camping at a local state park campground. Got there Friday evening after the little one got out of school. Everything was fine for those few shorts hour friday. Saturday we get up and all is well and later in the evening Cindy tells me I have to cook. No big deal. She goes in the camper and gets the burgers and brings them out for me and slips in some gravel and we end up in the ER. She got 15 stitches in her knee. Looked pretty nasty. Haylie stood right there and watched the doctor do the whole thing. Cindy is feeling pretty sore today. She called it an early night and went to bed. Its gonna get better around this house sooner or later............hope its alot sooner then later. Dale
  11. Thanks for all the info. thats what I was looking for. Dale
  12. I never heard of the name brand and was just wondering if either name was better then the other or if I should leave them alone. I can get either one for about 200. They say the condition was excellent. I am just wanting a better quality guitar for now. I would LOVE to have a Gibson Les Paul but that is more then I have right now. Dale
  13. I want to get a better guitar and was wondering if anyone knew anything about these two guitars. I looked them up on the net and the only thing I can find out is that they cost 600 new. I am looking at some used ones. Italia Semi-Hollow Electric Guitar or the third pic is a Takamine G Series EG540SC-BF NEX Butterfly Cutaway Acoustic-Electric Guitar Thanks, Dale
  14. From what I have read and heard I wish everyone did business like Steve.
  15. I have family that lives in Astabula, Ohio (about 50 miles from erie) that I am sure would give you a hand with the tools and a place to work. I can call them in the morning and see if they know of any motorcycle shops in the area that are open on sundays. Will let you know what I find out. Dale
  16. I can't leave Cindy alone for five minutes without starting trouble. Sorry to all the nice folk on here. Even BradT. As Cindy was saying I would like to get 850 out of the trailer but not sure if that is fair market value. So if anyone thinks its a tad over priced don't hesitate to let me know. If I get offended I will sick Cindy on you...:rotf::rotf: If interested PM me a price and see if we can work something out. Dale
  17. I got rid of my nomad for my RSV! Best move I ever made. Like going from an escort to a lincoln! Dale
  18. Rode my bike from Don's house to Toledo on Sunday and met a guy that says he used to be a member on here awhile back. Said his name was LA Ray on the site. Any who he had a nice paint job on his bike and thats how the confo started. Would of taken some pics but Cindy was in the cage and GONE...... Dale
  19. Dan, I want to thank you for calling me and giving me updates. Wasn't much we could do but at least I knew what was going on. PS. I knew you were the one that made me pass Don's road............
  20. Cindy and I want to thank you and Eileen as well. We have a great time every year! Thanks for taking the time to show me how to change the tire. Don't know what happened to the first guy that started showing me?? :rotf: Dale and Cindy
  21. I know your wife made you call me cupcake, but we know who the REAL cupcake is but we won't mention your wifes name....... :rotf::rotf: Dale
  22. we r still stuck on 40...its ben 4 1/2 hrs nows....finally found a bathroom in a small town......whewwww....bout 20 miles til we should be able to get back o 70
  23. we r headin west trying to get back home to MO from maintenance day...we are now stuck on 40 they detoured us
  24. we have been stuck on 70 between indianapolis and terre haute for 2 1/2 hours..anyone know what's goin on?...posting from my phone..
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