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Old expressions. Just for fun.


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So I was watching a youtube video, and I heard the guy shooting the accident yell "I got it on tape" since when? we still use "got in on tape" although I can't remember the last time I bought a tape, or even seen a tape.


How about this one "Go dial the phone" no dial anymore you punch in numbers now.


"film at 11" what film is video.


"live via satellite" nope now its fiber cable and cell baby, or at least old hat so its no longer a brag!


I'm sure there are others out there, some where we have coopted an old term to mean something new, or perhaps using an old word for something completely different.

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Hmm, old terms. Well, maybe not quite the vein of an old term having new meaning, but how about "That's a real doozie" which referred to something being of the same caliber and quality of the Dusenburg automobile! The term "Far Out" meant something that you thought was really great and hence you had a feeling of closeness to or desire to be attached to!


"Call Me" now can refer to texting more than actually speaking to someone...

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Oh sure another thread to tell me how old I am.

I still have and use VHS, and Hi8 tapes. My only video camera is a Hi8

I still have a rotary phone connected and in use.

I still have 8mm film and a projector.

Communication satellites are still in use.

I don't even know how to text, so yes "Call Me".

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In the same vein

for us it was "what's the scoop" versus them its now "whats the 411"!

I used to get Sub sandwiches now i'm told to go get a couple of foot longs!

A coffee to go has changed to grab a starbucks?

Microwaves are Nukers?


and for Gawd sakes I'm a biker not a scoot jock!!



I work with a lot of the next gen people or even the ones after that. Most of the work force is 20 years or more younger than me. It amazing how much of what they say I understand, but the blank looks upon occasion when I say what Think is a normal expressions amazing.

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OK here is an old one for you "don't look a gift horse in the mouth"

Explanation to follow but I'll let you all think on it for a bit.

Its reeal fun when you throw this one at the younger crowd or this one "smarten up or you'll get a switchen"

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My first wife was a dyke. Now that means lesbian. Then it meant she was retaining water.


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


Huh thought that meant wire cutters...... So now gay..... meant Happy,


Heres a quarter call someone who cares!!!

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My first wife was a dyke. Now that means lesbian. Then it meant she was retaining water.


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

There is a subtle difference. Your wife was a dike whereas a lesbian/sudo male is a dyke.
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I used to be gay,,,,,,, but then it was just having fun, guess now it means funny.

Now they call me straight,,,,, isn't that the opposite of crooked? or bent? or twirly?

That's one of my pet peeves too. I used to consider myself a gay person until the homosexuals co-opted the term then I had to stop using it. Same thing with me being a native Canadian until the indigenous people co-opted it.


Back in the 60's being straight meant not smoking pot or not being "hip" but now it means heterosexual.


Then there is cisgender, which is probably not an old term but means denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.


Ain't modern life just fun? :starz:

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Remember when digits where fingers? Now it a phone number.


Person to person call!

Collect call!

Here's a dime call someone who cares? (This one gets blank stares from any one under thirty)

Whats a phone booth?

First aider, ambulance personnel, paramedics are now EMTs

Firemen are now first responders? ( along with cops and EMTS)

Pants the showed your socks were "Floods" now its cholo wear?

Big heavy black plastic framed glasses were for geeks and lady librarians now there fashion eyewear?

Sneakers or tennis shoes are now athletic wear? ( that's what we used to call a jock strap)

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So I pulled into a gas station the other day. As most know, here in Oregon you can't pump your own gas. Well, motorcycles are exempt but the attendant has to start the pump. Good ole' Oregon. Anyway, as usual the attendant, a kid not much older than 20 maybe, comes over and asks, "what can I get you?" Without thinking, and being of the "older" crowd, I say "I'm going to fill her with ethyl" as I hand him my card.


I don't hear anything - card not be slid in the pump, beeps as he punches buttons, nothing of the usual sounds one hears as he sets up the pump. I look over and he's just standing there with a what the f@*k look on his face wondering if I'm being a smart ass, just playing him for a fool, or what. I realize what I said and start chuckling. "Sorry" says I, "ethyl means premium. Guess you had to be born in the fifties to understand."


He just shook his head, punched in premium, and walked away without saying a word.

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