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wife just got hit


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Linda was on her way home from church, an suv was stopped in front of her to let another car turn. She made a complete stop - for about 2 seconds, then a 4wd pickup behind her didn't get stopped,didn't even find his brakes til impact.


It appears that the damage to her vehicle is just exterior stuff, bumper, grill, core support and a few other things that I couldn't see because the hood was inoperable.


The good news is that nobody was hurt, I reserve that statement because we're both 70 and tomorrow will tell the tale. There will no doubt be some whiplash effect show up tomorrow, just hoping it will be minimal and not long lasting.


And how is your Sunday turning out ?

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Hope she is fine...this happened to me around 27 years ago....except the truck cut my car in two....I was thrown out of the vehicle after my seat belt snapped.. slid down the intersection wondering what just happened..got up and dusted myself off....felt good and didn't even go to the hospital..... I've been paying for that mistake even until this day....have her checked out anyway....

Edited by BIG TOM
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I was rear ended twice, didnt go to the hospital either time, I was sitting dead stopped both times and the idiots that hit me were doing 45+ when they hit me, never hit the brakes, one fell asleep the other was too busy eating a sandwich. Long story short, every disc, that I still have left is bulging, two were removed in 2000 and fused. The doctors said both accidents played a BIG, BIG part in all this, now I have constant pain and will start getting injections in my neck to see if that will relieve the pain. Have her get checked out immediately.............PLEASE. The neck and back are at risk in these kinds of accidents.

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If noone else's story/words can encourage you to have her checked out, let me tell you Mike's story. 2 years ago in Sept he was transporting patients to and from the Atlanta. Everyone here probably has a good idea about 5pm traffic leaving Atlanta so I'll skip those details. Mike had switched lanes some distance in front of a semi when traffic flow changed. Apparently the semi driver didn't see the change and was shifting up in gears to speed up when things slowed down and didn't have time to brake before hitting Mike. All the passengers in the van were injured, several quite severely we've been told. However his boss refused to allow him to go to the ER in Atlanta and made him drive the van back to the office, write up a report for the boss, then sent us to the ER. While the trauma isn't apparent because he had severe head injuries, he's not the man he was before. They can't give a confirmed diagnosis of what caused his injuries, but it's believed the sheering forces in the wreck caused his brain to bounce around like a ping pong ball and bruised areas. Within 3 days he didn't know who I was, couldn't hold a conversation for more than a few mins, and repeatedly had to be told where he was going and what he was doing. It was more than 9 months before I could leave him alone for more than a few mins without worrying about him. It's taken alot of work on my part to get him as far as I have, getting him back in college is getting him back the rest of the way. The best analogy I can use to what he was right after the accident was he was akin to a stroke victim. slurring words, having trouble remembering things...and so on. If I could help arrest it in another person by lending my experience I will. Please take her to a doctor asap. Worker's comp failed to see the gravity of Mike's injuries and we lost out on valuable therapy because of that.

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Ditto...get checked out by a doctor; get some physio or see a chiropractor, plus massage. I speak from experience, as I have had several accidents (not my fault); the next day your back and neck muscles are tight and as hard as rock.

You think that everything is ok after the accident until the stiffness and pain sets in hours later.


Just my 2 cents.

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Thanks guys (and girls :smile5: ) for your thoughts and prayers


We are waiting for tomorrow with a lot a anticipation, as has been stated - the next day can be a real dilly. She'll get in to her Dr. tomorrow after we make a few calls to get the ins. companies in gear.


Today was her last day as the substitute organ player at church, consequently she was just slightly later on the road than a normal Sunday. Doesn't really have anything to do with it because we both believe that if it's going to happen, it'll happen, can't stop it or postpone it, just be grateful there was no (obvious) injuries - time will tell

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Same kinda situation for Betty in late September. She was a little confused at first, but by the time she got to the emergency room, the "cob-webs" seemed to have cleared. Initial work up showed no visible injuries at the time. The insurance adjuster held off admitting his client's fault for almost a week. Once he did, he settled with me for my totaled Saturn Vue and told us he would happily take care of all the previous bills. Then he "graciously" offered to settle with us for $500.00. Oh and then he tried to sweeten the deal by upping the offer another $100.00 as the "value" paid for my car was a little short of what I paid for it 6 months before.

Well I told him thank you, but we are going to wait at least 6 months before we settle. Glad we are waiting, because since then she has had a CT Scan and 3 MRIs. She is having headaches and lower back pain that was never there before. She has gone, as I type, to get the results of one of the MRIs. I think we have a good case for not having any previous damage, since she had no problems during the recent Vogel trip, a trip to Waller earlier in the year and Bogalusa before that. Hope her riding is not over!!!

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