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Good bye Jake, My old friend.


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Yesterday I had to say Goodbye to my old friend Jake.


Jake was more than just a dog to me. He was my closest Buddie. Very rarely was he not at my side no matter were I went, unless I was off somewhere on my venture, going to work or flying somewhere. (Although I had plans in the works to build a miniature replica of a horse trailer so he could go with me on some of my venture trips). Even then, as soon as I was home I only got to sit down on the couch for a few minutes, before he would open the closet door collect my shoes and leash dropping them one by one on the floor in front of me as though to say I owed him a walk, because I had gone someplace without him. If I tried to avoid the obvious hint He would grab me by the arm and pull me off the couch onto my feet.


If something was not right with one of the grand children or the cats were getting into something they shouldn't He was always quick to come and let me know (guess you could say he was a bit of a tattle tail (tale).


I got up this morning expecting him to be at my feet all excited to only be greeted with stillness and loneliness for my old Buddie instead of a wet tongue slap across the face as I opened my eyes, ( I never did figure out how he knew to be there just as I opened them, not a minute too soon nor a minute too late, Regardless of what time I woke up). Later this morning as I went out to the corner store, it felt odd walking towards the truck as I exited the store and did not see his familiar smiling Airedale face looking out over the steering wheel at me through the windshield as he sat in the drivers seat patiently waiting for me as was his way.


We had twelve great years together and as is typical with the Airedale breed he was an energetic puppy right up to the last few weeks of his life.


Rest in peace Jake I am going to miss you.



Edited by saddlebum
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I know what you mean by your best friend. I said I don't want another dog because it's so hard to say good by ,So Hard. Well we have another dog 63 lb. black lab female and she is a bright light everyday .Funny how time heals but you never forget any of them .Sorry for your loss.

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Yep, I will miss him as well,,,,, when you would come over and spend some time, Jake was there to keep an eye on you and make sure I got him some water, even the last time you two were here and he was getting ready to go elsewhere. I thought it was kind of nice,,, I sometimes thought to get a dog, but didn't because I wouldn't be able to look after him proper, so then there was Jake to help fill the void a bit,,, gonna miss him some, he had a way of 'talking' to ya.

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I used to have a black lab named Eli that went a lot of places with me. He even locked me out of my own pickup truck once at a gas station when he put them big paws up on the window ledge and pressed the lock knob down. Good memories.

When he died at 12, we said 'no more dogs' but a few months later we had female lab mix puppy. If you are a dog person, you are a dog person. When it's time, you'll be ready to find a new companion.

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Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and words. Today the house really felt empty. I am a dog person and will have another Dog one day as I have always had dogs from the day I was born. However at the moment I am no hurry as I need time to get over Jake as he and I had an extra special bond that with the exception of the dog I grew up with as a kid exceeded that of all My previous dogs.

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I am sorry to learn of the loss of your beloved Ben. You wrote so lovingly about him. I just suffered the loss of my beloved Gizmo in October. I attached a picture of him asleep in his bed.

I am sorry for you and your loss as well as all the others who have suffered losses recently. And again thank you for your sympathy as well

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Ben, sorry for the loss of your little buddy. Some say they are just pets but those of us that have experienced the great companionship of a four legged friend or friends know they are a special part of the family.


I know exactly how you feel having gone through the pain a couple times myself, our two dogs now are getting up there and Tammie and I know that time is winding down on one of them, but he still meets you with his tail wagging and expects to be right beside you on the couch so he knows where you are and where you will be going.


As other have said the memories stay with you.


Take care.



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