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Buddy health


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I am new here so bare with me my name is Mike as Buddy is my Dad


I'm here posting due to my dads health ( Buddy )

I tried using Moms side a.k.a. snowflake but it said she's no longer a member ?

so I did it this way hope no one gets mad as Mom doesn't know Dads password nor do I and I dint ask him as he would get mad? knowing im here as Dad doesn't talk much about his private life


Dad been having health issues with his breathing this past month and been in the hospital and the ER twice this past month as he missed a lot of work due to his health


doctors done every test they can think of and everything coming back clean exrays- blood work- ekg-thyroid-lungs-heart etc everything in order ? but he's still having issues with his breathing he has lost a lot of sleep as he cannot lay down nor rest. this past week he may have 5hrs sleep if he is lucky and he doesn't talk much and mom is very worried for him as he never really ever gets sick

Mom stated he lost 28lbs in three weeks as he doesn't eat much as it bothers his breathing so if he eats anything heavy it really bothers him


I had his phone turned back on today as its been off for a bit so if anyone been trying to call him that's why . If anyone wants to talk to Dad please text as he cannot speak long on the phone as it robs him of his breath

I know once he see this he will be bothered by it but Mom wanted to let everyone know what's going on as this forum is his second family ! Mom said he owed someone here money? for work done on the cycle don't know who it is so if you or who knows let them know Mom will pay this month sometime


Please keep Dad in your prayers


Thanks Mike

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I too have not met Buddy, but I hope and pray that they find the cause of his suffering. I had the same issues for six months five years ago and after all the tests I passed out twice in my home. After the ER and ICU visits they found a blood clot in my lungs. Hope that the cure is as simple as I had.


Prayers up.



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Please keep us posted. Buddy and Peg are the best and we cherish their friendship. We have plans for Eureka Springs in August so please get better Buddy!! We hope the doctors can find out what's wrong and get you back to feeling better. Let us know if we can do anything for you. Love you and Peg!


Patti and Don

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I am no Doctor but I had similar symptoms about 6 or 8 months ago. specially the difficult breathing when laying down as well as my heart rate would sky rocket and I would have to get up. I thought I was having a some sort of heart issue. After a battery of tests the doctors came to the conclusion that I was in good health but having an anxiety attack due to work related stress and treated me for that. It would appear that they were right as I am doing fine now. One other thing my doctor told me was to make sure I took at least 2000 mg of vitamin D a day. He said there is quite the increase in anxiety attacks because due to UV we tend to avoid the sun and as a result do not get enough vitamin D. I have been doing as he instructed and have been fine ever since and without any additional medication.

Just to be clear my Dr is not a naturalist but a regular Dr. and I know first from watching a friend go through it and then going through it myself that anxiety can make the body do a sorts of scary stuff.

So like I said I am no Dr but it can't hurt to have your Dad checked for anxiety disorder.


Finally what ever it is that ails your Dad Lets pray that it gets sorted out soon.

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Tell your mom that the money owed for the bling, can wait till buddy is back in the saddle and feelng better.

Thanks for taking the time to keep us in the loop, we havent spoken since b2 mom and b2 dad's last party.

Give em both a big hug for us!:bighug:

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Thanks for coming on and letting us know about your Dad. He has lots of friends here and I can speak for some of them that we appreciate you letting us know. I wish all the best to you and the family dealing with this, sending good vibes from Texas.

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I don't personally know Buddy but wish him well. But I think it is important to note he is lucky to have a son like Mike who took it upon himself to let us all know. Thanks Mike and get well soon Buddy

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Ok I'm here for now


Did more testing today still no answer? Been down before June so it's been going on for a while did more blood work ex rays ultrasounds nothing new ? By their readings I'm in great shape ?blood pressure 126/68 hb63 sugar 88 oxygen 98 blood work good but I sure don't feel like it still having issues breathing not talking much or eating much

As of now I lost 32lbs with loosing weight I feel some better

Will post more later

P.S. Ray & Bill & Big Mike THKS for chk on me

Also thk you everyone for the prayers and well wishes

Edited by buddy
Forgot to thk everyone
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