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Down and out!!!!!!

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well i come to you with a very heavy heart this morning.


Last night at around 6:00pm i was traveling west bound on hwy 11 towards Delavan Wi. As i rounded a blind corner at approximatly 50 mph not 50 ft. in front of me there was a disabled vehicle with many spectators in the middle of the road. No time to react and ice covered road shoulders, about the only thing i could do was try to execute a controled slide to not hit anyone or anything. As i hit the hard cold ground it seems only to apparent that this is not going to end well.


As i slide across the pavement for what seems like an eternity my only thoughts are of my poor beloved first gen that i had spent every spare moment perfecting. The bike and i finally come to a stop and now everyones focus turns to me, worried only about my bike i tell everyone i am ok.


As i go to pick up the bike i realize maybe i am not doing so well as my shoulder lets out a loud pop, still not willing to let the bike lay in it's current state i ask for help getting it on the stand. By now the pain is really starting to set in, i call a friend who brought a flat bed for the bike. for me it was a nice ambulance ride to Mercy hospital.


I got out of the hospital this morning around 6:00. As you can see by my writing this my thoughts are still of my bike. Oh ya by the way i have a broken collar bone and a dis-located hip, amazing what addrenaline will do for ya.


As far as the bike goes upon meager inspection, the right side fairing is gone,windshield,rivco air horns,lower fairing,mirror,cb,,class,brake lever,trunk lid only,right saddle bag complete, i'm sure there will be more. I will get my son to get some pics up for you asap.


The worse part about this is it is so hard to get good quality parts for these bikes now, i will heal but my bike? Also it was running great finally and was so beautiful.


Thanks for listening. kurt827.

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Really sorry to hear the news. While the most important thing is that you are here to tell about it, I do understand the loss you feel about the bike. Hopefully we can help you come up with the parts to put it back together...or help you find a new one. :) The important thing now is to take it easy and let yourself heal properly.

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Guest tx2sturgis

Man thats tough....I had an unscheduled 'get-off' about 10 years ago...


Things may look bleak...but you WILL get past it Kurt.


This is a great reminder to others...be careful out there! NEVER outrun your sightlines...or your headlight at night. Here in Texas we have a lot of deer...and many riders I have known have hit them and gone down.


Knock on wood, the only time I've hit a deer was in a truck, and the deer lost.





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Sorry to hear about the broken and dislocated body parts. I have been fairly lucky in my unscheduled get-offs. Only woke up once in the hospital. Nothing broken but with a concussion and dislocated shoulder.


I do know how you feel about the bike. You know you will heal but the bike can't heal itself! As far as fixing up a first gen, you are with the best people you could be with. For moral as well as physical support!


Hang in there Kurt, we're with ya. You're Down But Not Out!!! :thumbsup2:


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My heart goes out to you! I'm glad you weren't hurt worse than you are. Take care of yourself and heal first, then worry about the bike. I do understand your feelings toward your bike as I would feel the same about mine, but, machinery can be replaced if necessary. It is impossible to replace a human life.

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Thank God you are still with us. it is never good news when we hear that one of our brothers or sisters has gone down. take your time and heal well.

the bike can be repaired by the sounds of it.

i went down last Sept and i am in the process of putting back together the left side of my bike. you will find the parts little by little. i used Plastex to repair all my fairing and lower fairings, it is great stuff to work with.

what kind of tires do you run?

did the front tire lock when you went down?

i have Metzler on the front of mine and the front tire locked, slid and i went down. i am now installing Avon front and going to try one of these TCB (total control braking) units on the front.


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Kurt, sorry to hear about your accident, but glad you are not worse off.


listen to the therapy people and keep an eye on your neck. I was in a rollover in a van when much younger and didn't see a doctor when my neck started hurting, and now can't turn my neck much.


About the bike, there are 1st gen's on e-bay all the time for parts, so you can probably find enough parts to rebuild your baby. May have to paint some of them, but it can be done.


Best of luck

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1st off all....take care of you!!! You still have time to heal the right way, before cutting into the riding season!! Believe me!! The doc is taking the pin out of my shoulder March 24. Then in a week or so after I should be good to go. So take care of you 1st. You can't lift that bike if you don't let it heal!!!

2nd then take care of the bike....the guys here will help you out with whatever you need!

Good luck in healing both of you!!

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As bad as the damage to your VR might be, thank God you are not more seriously hurt, and that no one else was injured. Your wounds will heal for you to ride another day regardless of what condition your VR is in.

If this one is beyond repair, look to get another one in great condition. The main thing is you are still in one piece.

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Your a blessed man is all i can say, It may not look like it ;but, you did avoid a major obsticle in the road, and you missed all those folks milling around in the road and you didn't kill your self in the process........Thats all good news if you had to go through something like this.


The bike will survive or be replaced. You will heal in time and if you are in great company here for friends and tech help.


It does suck to have all that hard work go down the drain; but when you go back to it,.........you will know what your doing this time. It wont be as bad or as long.

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Have a speedy recovery, then talk to as many locals as you can, get the word out what your looking for, you may be surprised what people nt to far from you may have around.... maybe even a complete non running machine they may just wanna get rid of. Good luck and glad your still with us!:Avatars_Gee_George: You will heal and your bike will probably turn out better than before!!!!!!!!

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