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  1. Hello to all, new owner of a 89 Venture located in Greenville, SC area. Bought the bike so the wife and I can ride 2 up. Also current owner of a 95 Yamaha XV750 Virago. Looking forward to learning all I can from this site. My Venture is a basic rider now, but after this riding season I may really get into it and repair a lot of things that need repairing. Just want to ride now. Took it out yesterday for the first time (on the highway, been riding around the neighborhood to learn the bike). Man these things are quick!!! Any other Venture riders in the Carolina's? Also be patient with me as I learn this site as well. Have a new windshield coming, any tips on replacing? Windshield is coming with a new gasket. Thanks, Don
  2. paint the fins on their second gen, and then grind the edges so they had a nice shiny appearance. I'm sure i've seen it on this site, but cant find it anywhere. HELP????? Thanks, Big Mike
  3. Guess who is looking for a new bike again!? Nope, not me this time! Marilyn has had her eye on the Raider ever since she sat on one last year. Loves it....red with flames. Does anyone have any report on them? I have checked a little into their site but it didnt help me much. Also does anyone know of a good deal on one? And you know we will drive a long way to get a good deal! Craiglook has several and one in Sherman TX looks really nice and loaded as well! But I checked the dealer site and its not listed there anymore so I assume its gone.
  4. Anyone know where I can get a maintenance manual for a 2009 V Star 650. My brother just won it in a Raffle for $25. It only had 800 miles. I would like to find a manual for him if possible and I know that if there is a manual for a Yamaha anywhere on the web, someone on this site would know where it is.
  5. If you are looking for a free photo editing program you can find one here. (I have several programs but I like how this one functions.) www.giveawayoftheday.com On that site is a full program that you can download and install and have a full working copy. The only catch is that you have to download and install it within the time shown on the screen. If you wait till later to install it won't work. There is a different program every 24 hrs. Not sure if this site was posted before...if so ooops!!! Keith
  6. Taters will be getting her new puppy...a basset hound..."Lilly"( already named by Taters) is 4 1/2 weeks old now and is full of -iss and vinegar:doh:....she is a lemon and white and her ears are enormous...sorry I cant get the pictures up, but ,I promise to get plenty on this site when we get her home...been working on a new safe place (pen) for her and I'm about 3/4 done:clap2:...These old bones just dont work so good any more..I'm so sore today, I can barely move:bawling:...found a woman with a litter of them in NY state..Bassets are hard to find around here...:confused24:In fact she is not to far from PP&J'S house in the finger lake area..well, just wanted to let every one know why I haven't been on the site lately, things just take me longer to do now a days...GETTING OLD really bites:yikes:...gonna take some advil and chill today...ouch!!!
  7. Every so often while browsing around on this site, the following pops up... anyone have any ideas??... anyone else getting it?? [ATTACH]40912[/ATTACH]
  8. Hello all, I had been running my business and storing equipment at a friends 5 acres, and 2 months ago bought the place. The neighbor had a little camp fire, thought it was out. The grass was brown and dry from frost. Here's the results: http://www.xjbikes.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=22564.html (pics and more details are already posted at this ^ site, makes me sick looking at them, hope this doesn't break any posting rules) I will know more Tuesday when the Insurance Adjuster comes out. The '88 VR is safe ( but I had the tank and side covers in the shed!) Pray for Haiti, I'll be OK.
  9. I took my wife to the cycle shop this evening and she could not get up into the VENTURE. She has knee problems and I was willing to buy this bike if we could ride together. But in the end she could not. I will be buying a smaller cruiser that is lower to the ground. But indeed I want to thank all of you for the answers, suggestions, advice, knowing you were dealing with someone that does not have alot of expierance with this type of bike, yet you have treated me like you have been my friend for a lifetime and we have had many miles under our belts together. This is a great site and I have learned more reading this site than any other and will subscribe to this site for only 1 reason. You have made me feel part of a family not a step child you had to deal with. Also there is a bike load of information that is plain fun to read and learn. So while I might not be riding a VENTURE, the next time your in Delaware and drive by a blue VTX1300 smile and wave. For when I ride past a VENTURE It will remind me of this site and a warm fuzzy with encoumpass me. (DO NOT TELL THE GUYS IN THE MAINTENANCE SHOP ABOUT THE WARM FUZZY!) Thanks to all, Mike from Delaware
  10. Diamond R's web site is down. Does anybody know when it will be up?
  11. Its hard to believe that someone out there doesn't make a valve tool for our bikes at a reasonable cost. If there is someone or someplace I would like to know. The just atv site has been said to look questionable and I agree. Has anyone bought from them? With no phone number listed to call them to check if they have any in stock. I am reluctant to place a order. If I was a machinist I think there could be some money to be made by making them and if nothing else selling them on this site.
  12. This is a great site if you have issues seeing your GPS>.. GlareStomper Official Site,GPS Anti Glare,GPS Visors,GPS Shades Found this on another site, it seems to be a good fix for "screen glare" gunky:shock3:
  13. az1103


    I just tried to go on the Venturers site and my McAfee software flagged it as a "Known Attack Site" and suggested blocking it...... So what's up with that???? Anyone know??
  14. Just to give everyone a heads up. As the year is quickly winding down, I will be starting to do some site clean up and deleting a lot of threads that have past their shelf life. Will be leaving the threads that pertain to maintenance issues or good buy sites. But, if you see some of your threads gone, it is simply because of an effort to free up space on the server. Hope everyone had a great Christmas or festive season and wishing one and all a great new year. Russell
  15. It's no secret that New Enough is an excellent company and offers customer service like few other companies. I know from personal experiences in the past. I own a pair of Firstgear riding pants and seem to have lost the liner. I did not buy them from New Enough but I have been unsuccessful contacting anyone at Firstgear. NE put me on hold and tried as well and couldn't get anyone to answer the phone either. I started calling Firstgear's 800 # a few weeks ago with no luck. I even tried e-mailing them. Needless to say I don't believe I'll be buying Firstgear anymore. The gentlemen said they didn't sell just the liners for the pants but he would try and track some down. He called me back an hour later and said he was able to get in touch with a FG dealer who was trying to track down the liners. He took all the info and passed it to the dealer and promised to call me back. Keeping in mind that NE is making nothing off this transaction I was impressed. I've bought a lot of gear from NE and will continue to do so. PS. the web site listed on the FG pants has not worked either for the last month. www.firstgear-usa.com (EDIT) I just tried the link from this post and the site opened. I tried again from my browser and it's still not working. Not sure what's happening here. (EDIT-EDIT) I found a direct number at the web site and left a message. We'll see what happens with FG now.
  16. Where is the best place to purchase the folding flag poles PGR members use when standing the line?? Could someone please post the web site for me thanks
  17. any blacksmiths here. I am looking for someone to make a hunting knife out of a railroad spike. I know I can find them on ebay but would like to find someone on the site instead of an annnonamous seller. Anyone interested. give me a pm. David
  18. Are there no choice for a V Star 250? All I see is black for a 2010. Kinda seems crappy. Or am I looking at their site wrong? And can a windscreen, saddelbags and backrest be added? Inquiring minds want to know.
  19. I received an email tonight that I thought I would pass along the heart of it. This website is to Say Thanks and show Support of our Troops. From the website..."The cooperation and generosity of multiple organizations has made it possible to send the millions of postcard messages submitted through this Web site. Xerox has partnered with Give2TheTroops, the Boys and Girls Clubs, print shops and corporations that have all greatly contributed to the success of Let’s Say Thanks." The site is http://www.letssaythanks.com I have never served in the military but I do support our troops. Our soldiers past and present are the reason that we enjoy the freedoms that so many take for granted. I sent my card. Hope some of you will too. Cheers, smalltowntx
  20. I prefer a newspaper in hand but this is a neat web site if you like reading newspapers online. Just put your mouse on a city anywhere in the world and the newspaper headlines pop up... Double click and the page gets larger....you can read the entire paper on some if you click on the right place. You can spend hours here. http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/flash/ Also, if you look at the European papers, the far left side of Germany will pop up as The Stars & Stripes (European edition, of course). AND, this site changes every day with the publication of new editions of the paper.
  21. Kirby


    Here's something that might be of interest to others as well as myself. I see on this site that a lot of you have travel trailors behind your motorcycles. How many of you actually camp along your journey? If you do, where are some of the places that you've stayed? What to look for in a camp site? What are the costs involved? Facilities nearby? What do you pack? Just share some of your experiences. Good and bad. Might be interesting to see what this type of ad-venture is all about!!!
  22. I have a couple plumbing questions that most everyday people like myself would be stumped. So rather then tie up the site could someone PM me who does it for a living or has LOTS of experience? Thanks and God Bless. Mike
  23. Xerox is offering free cards to our troops..take a moment to send one on and foward this site to your friends.... www.LetsSayThanks.com
  24. Would we be helping the overall site by clicking on the ad in the upper right of screen. Put another way, does this site get paid by the number of clicks on these ads?? I have no problem hitting these a couple of times a day if it helps out.
  25. Spotted an 08 RSV three wheeler in Paducah, KY yesterday on my way to work. It looked like a Hannigan (spelling)mod. Good looking trike. Wanted to know if the rider frequents this site. Glenn
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