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  1. Guest

    Buffing Out Scratches

    What is the best way, and what is the best product to use, to buff out light scratches on the trunk and side bags, etc. Never had to do this until now and don't want a product that's going to harm the paint or finish (for plastic). Thanks in advance.
  2. Do you have these? Do you leave them dangling on the locks when not in use? I USED to until today. I was cleaning the bike this evening. Lo and behold, there are numerous marks and nicks in the paint on the truck, right above the locks. They now have a permanent place in my truck if not hanging a helmet. So, if you have them hanging, you might want to check and take them off. If you don't have them, take heed.
  3. Hello all. I have decided that it is time to paint my bike. I don't know if many of you remember, but my '83 Venture is pinkish/red in color. It was the only first-Gen Venture I could find, and it just happened to be that color (which I really don't like). Anyway, I am going to paint the bike black. The concern is over my having to paint the certain components of my bike, while yet intact (particularly the fairing & fenders). I have no other choice, and realize that the painting will not look (in any way) even near professional. But that's all right. Being that I have to go about the job as described above, what might be your opinions as to the type of paint that I should use. I was thinking of some spray cans of Enamel (or Urethane, if it comes in such cans) by which to get the job done. I have never attempted such a thing before, and any help in this would be much appreciated.
  4. If I was going to paint the engine in my 84... what kind of paint would be the best to use? I'm not to sure about painting the whole thing. Maybe just do some highlights to match the color of the bike.
  5. Ok I have a question on Paint. I have been reading the treads on here and other sites about Painting. But what is the difference in urethane, lacquer, and enamel? Still don't get it. What kind do you use when repainting a RSV? Need to do some plastice repair on trunk. What is the best way to do this? Please help guys. Want to try and do some of this work myself. Also Planning some special painting on the bike in different colors. Hope to be able to paint myself. What can you get for that kind of painting (picture) paints? Would model car type paint work? Just a thought than Clear coat over it. Help!
  6. I've got a few nicks in my paint... does anyone know where to get touchup paint for the 99 RSV?
  7. from orignal owner never ridden hard or in the rain it has been layed down a few time but cleaned up well afterwards two tone paint job and has never run out of gas he clames its a good ride for around town or getting a gallon of milk
  8. I was reading one of the other threads that brought up a question... Has anyone ever tried to get a color match at an automotive parts store or other vendor to match the Venture, and did the color match up well? I've got a white trailer and just can't justify spending $500 on a paint job. Has anyone painted their trailer to match their bike and have any pointers for doing so?
  9. What's the best way to get the unleaded fuel sticker off the top of the gas tank without leavin any goop from the sticker or damaging the paint?. Someone told me w-d 40 but I figure I'de better ask b4 I take the paint off my tank!.
  10. Most everybody Knows Peg & I just bought an 88 GL1500. Well the bike runs real good and the paint is very nice but the trunk sure was not to my liking. Has a name painted on it by the PO calling the bike "Blue on Black. I learned from the Gold Wing site that "Easy Off will remove this name paint so I tired it today and yes it remove the name and did not hurt the paint job neither. So I saved the paint job and saved me some money too. I will try to post some photos later on. my internet will not allow it right now.
  11. I hate Painting and paints, as there seems to be so many different types of paints. Curious what should be used on our bikes ? I know about Color Rite, has anyone used this paint to completely repaint their bike, and do you get that high shine to it ? It was suggested a Base/Clear paint but that is seems very expensive. I also heard of Imron as a cheaper alternative, but was recomended to go with the Base/clear for the quality. I was curious about using different types of paints. Any suggestions ? Also is there any tricks to get that high shine or is it just a good clear coat. Brad
  12. anyone know where one can buy aerosol spray paint or maybe quarts to use in spray gun for original color 2nd gen RSV?
  13. I am getting a 84 venture that needs some cosmetic help. It *was* red, before getting baked in the sun, then the saddlebags were replaced with 1986 purple saddle bags. I would like to simply get some black plastic paint, a glossy finish of some sort, and paint it. Ive heard it will work, I have heard it wont work, or it'll chip, or flake off. The plastic is pretty old and brittle. What has worked in the past? Im working on a pretty small budget, so I know I cant get it back to the shiney "new" look. Also, wheres a good place to find a replacement seat? Thanks, Pete
  14. I was reading a post about someone needing a battery support bar. I have a good one that needs only a bit of paint. I also have a spare box. JB
  15. Hi again ! Well since I bought some black hard Venture saddlebags for my Tour Classic then I need to paint them to match the color of my bike. Can any of you tell me where I can get the color code for my bike? I have a complete service manual but I can not find any information there that would guide me to a code stamped on the frame or on a plate on the bike. The color of the bike is kind of a bottle green (vintage green) and creame white in color. The paint shops here in iceland tell me they always have a problem finding the right color code for motorcycles and usually they scan the color on the bike and try to match it. I would prefer to get it right the first time and do this by the code if it is available. Here below is a picture of the bike that shows the colors. Any advice greatly apreciated.
  16. I got Sharon a new Nolan helmet, but couldn't find one that fits my square head better than the one I have. So I'll just need to paint it shiny black. Does anyone know what type of paint, primer, prep, etc., I should use ??
  17. My 87 Venture Royale had over 90,000 miles on it and recently developed a starter clutch problem which prevented starter from engageing with flywheel. I had already managed to get through last summer living with a low compression problem on one cylinder and knew I was facing a valve clearance proceedure and possibly other problems that would require major engine work. Considering that and the mileage I was pleased to be able to snag a very low mileage 1990 motor from one of my favorite ebay sellers who is also a VenturRider member (HessforLess), for what I thought was a great price. Since I resigned myself to an engine change out I decided to go ahead and completely restore the whole bike by taking the paint job up a few notches by unleashing my artistic nature by adding two color metalflake 3 dimensional shade variation ghost flames and Dragonslayer theme artwork Windsheild etching and Airbrush art on Gas tank cover. I also resolved myself to fixing all other known problems not already addressed in the process, mainly carberation. The new diaphrams for which cost me more than the whole engine. The details of the foregoing I'll post on seperate threads. But the subject of this thread is dressing out the motor. Having received the motor I decided to detail it's appearence before installing while it was still on the bench and easier to work with. The few things I did made a world of difference and the end result was so dramatic it blew me away enough to inspire me to post on this forum. CLEANING: The first thing I did was completly degrease and clean every speck of grim off every external suface on the motor. This I did by using a biodegradeable degreasing agent, an assortment of soft bristle brushes down to que-tip size which enabled me to get into every crack and crevice. Soaking, brushing, wiping, rinsing , air blowing dry over and over untill I was satisfied. This took some time but I was fortunate enough to have an idle helper available that did most of the grunt work under close supervision. The organic degreasers are slower than petroleum based solvents and other harsh chemicals that are available. But I planned on painting the engine block and my past experience has been that the chemical solvents frequently are not compatible with paint chemicals causing the paint to bubble and blister on application. Using biodegradeable degreaser and rinsing thoughly with warm water, (carefully applied protecting Intake manifolds and any other openings which would allow water inside motor), the paint problem is eliminated. PAINTING I had used in the past and decided to use on this project a product made by Dupli-Color made especially for engine blocks. The paint is in aerosol cans and is called High Heat and is rated up to 1200 degrees F. It comes in several colors as well as a clear final coat for extra protection. I choose what they call chrome. It is shinny silver when color is applied but when the color coat is covered with the clear coat it turns from shinny chrome color to aluminum color which is about the same as the original Yamaha block color. The paint has a ceramic base and when the paint is cured it has a hard shinny finish that does seem like ceramic coating. The paint covers well and applies easily for a smooth even finish. The key is to be easy on the trigger of the can because a small squirt covers alot and if your trigger finger is too heavy you'll end up over loading the paint and making a mess of it. It dries quickly and spot touch up blends in well leaving no trace. POLISHING I've always hated the varnish coating Yamaha puts on the side covers and valve covers for protection. I've not seen a 1st gen yet where the varnish was not weathered and in a lot of cases completely broken down allowing corrosion and oxidation of metal alloy surfaces. No wonder Yamaha covered up the motor with all those fiberglass body pieces and side covers. I have attempted on several occasions to wax, buff, polish or chemically remove the varnish film with marginal if any success for all the time and elbow grease expended. This time I decided to remove the covers and take them down the street to the local chromer, ( Pro Chrome and Polishing, Scottdale, Ga.) who happens to be owned and operated by Gary a friend of mine. SIDE NOTE: Gary seemed unusally joyful during this transaction which was somewhat uncharacteristic of his normal gruff old biker dude demeanor. Evidently his new joyfull:bighug:attitude is a result of closing a deal with the Discovery Channel where they are developing a new biker motorhead series "Drag Bike Racing for Pinks" which I understand will be on the air in near future. Evidently the discovery channel needed a new bike show to fill the void when Paul Jr. & Sr. Jumbed over to the learning Channel. I volunteered my services as a roadie when I picked up the covers, but I don't think he heard me up there on Cloud Nine. Polishing Continued: I hate to credit his gleeful state for the results on the covers because I know he does good work anyway. But, I must say that when I opened the box to inspect the covers The descriptive word and phrase that I must have repeated over and over was WOW, What a difference that made I could not have been more pleased with the results. Gary had acid dipped the covers to clean and disolve varnish film, Buffed them using the right stuff and whatever other trick of the trade he used on them it made a huge difference on the look of the motor. I dont know if you can tell in the photo since the reflection of the flash distorts the effect. But, take my word for it looks great. The cost was $175.00 for the polishing work and about $30.00 for the side cover gaskets. This does not include new valve cover gaskets which I have not bought yet. I just could not swallow the $30.00 a piece Yamaha wants for Gaskets. So now I'm looking for a more reasonable after market dealer. If anyone knows of a better source Please share. Screw Yamaha. I'm betting that when she gets put all back together with the LED Lighting, colored spark plg wires, wireing and cable sleaves and other details I've added I'll be throwing those side covers awayto show off the motor. Well.... Maybe not since I've just put so much time, effort and expense painting them. But, I am considering modifying them to flip on and off when parked at Bike night or other bike event to show off the motor. I thought maybe I could hinge them and rig a mechanism to flip them up like the doors on the old Gull Wing Porsch. Or better yet a little motor to slide them back out of the way between the saddle bags and the rear tire, like a motorized pocket door. I don't know maybe I'll put some more thought into it.
  18. Since we have such nice cold weather here in the south, figured might as well take the beast apart and repaint it. Wanting to go back with white paint to make it for noticeable on the road and since I live on a gravel road maybe it will not look so dirty too. Any how which is the best white paint for the beast as for good contact and that will last many years down the road? Has anybody added any type of metal flake to white paint before? If all else fails I could just use can spray paint and use some of my daughters glitter. buddy Buddy
  19. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b205/norsseman/Img2004-10-09_0029.jpg
  20. According to the color chart here on the site, these were the colors for 1987 1987 blue T ? ( blue ) / Orion Silver 1987 grey T Aurora Silver/ ( ? ) 1987 gold DS/DT Alluvial Gold/ Silky Gold 1987 brown DS/DT Copper Brown/ Birch Brown 1987 brown DS/DT Elegant Brown/ Imperial Brown 1987 black DS/DT Urushi Black/ Marshall Gold Based on the above, I would guess my paint was either of the two in bold. http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2008-1/1294581/1987VentureRoyale002.jpg http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2008-1/1294581/1987VentureRoyale001.jpg http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2008-1/1294581/1987VentureRoyale003.jpg http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2008-1/1294581/1987VentureRoyale004.jpg So, which color combo do you think I have, and is there any matching touch up paint out there? I know it is a long shot, but why not check. `
  21. My 1987 is looking pretty good for a 20 year old bike. However it has a few areas that show it's age. I have several cars which I keep in top shape, and I think it is time to get my VR up to par. The biggest issue is the aluminum in areas seems to have a haze or oxidation on it, with the rear footrests being the worst. The trim around the front fairing and rear saddlebags also seems to have some along with the trunk rack. I only see a few small spots on the engine, but I am not sure what the best way to address it is. The brake and clutch reservoirs do not look good and probably need to be replaced. A few of the emblems have started to discolor a little, while others look new. The paint is in very good to great shape. The seats are in perfect shape, mainly due to me using Aerospace 303 on them. I've made a commitment to ride it a little more often, and when I take it out, I want to with all the pride a 1st Gen deserves. So what say you, oh great bike waxers of the forum?
  22. Has anybody out there ever needed to paint match there first gen? Do to my stupidity I will need to repaint my saddle bag(s) and I would like it to match the original sparkle crimson black on my 83. Any thoughts?
  23. LetHimRide came by the house for a carb sync today and we shot some pics of his new paint job...........Looks pretty spiffy, huh!
  24. Finally got the 91VR home this afternoon. There was some question about the black/gray paint scheme being the original color. I thought it was probably a repaint since evey other 91 I've seen....I think??... is dk.blue on lt.blue. So tell me what you think... The tag on the frame member is gone so I couldn't get the manufacture date. The bike still needs a lot of TLC, but nothing that can't be handled. I think it might have been a Venture Line display bike with all the chrome hanging off of it. The only ding in the plastic is below the right mirror. Luckly it's in the black paint and easy to repair and touch up. I'm looking forward to making it a show piece. Corbin seat and backrest, chrome radiator cover, polished out risers and passenger floorboards, polished out engine covers, woodgrained dash and ignition cover, and lots of Lemon Pledge. Engine runs strong, and brakes and clutch are good. WoooHooo!!!!
  25. rod


    I have a question on 2 part primer. How much catalyst do use per oz. of paint? I need to make small batches and could not find the answers on the manufacturers website. Thanks Rod
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