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Everything posted by CaptainJoe

  1. This Carolina Panther Arizona Cardinals game is a real slug fest... Then the big rivalry begins at 8PM Steelers(Killer Bees) fight off the Ravens(Angry Birds)
  2. Don't know where you got that info from Jeff but the third gen. ultralights: CSG Hawk and the Quad City Challenger are both two seaters and have very similar attributes to this aeromobile. The QCC I max weight 960 top speed of 96mph. If... and I say if, it passed "aircraft" testing, I would be willing, and able to fly one. Although I would have to get my medical certificate updated. Like to see this ? stalled at 10,000' and purposely put into a spin. Also... try as I might, was unable to find the glide ratio. where is the CG on this? Specifications AEROPLANE Engine Rotax 912 Wings collapsible Top speed 200 km/h and more (124 mph and more) Min. speed 60 km/h (37 mph) Take-off speed 130 km/h (81 mph) Range 700 km (435 miles) Fuel consumption 15 l/h Construction steel framework and carbon coating Dimensions width: 8320 mm length: 6000 mm Capacity 2 seats AUTOMOBIL Rotax 912 Engine - Wings 160 km/h and more (99 mph and more) Top speed - Min. speed - Take-off speed 875 km (545 miles) Range 8 l/100 km Fuel consumption steel framework and carbon coating Construction width: 2240 mm length: 6000 mm Dimensions 2 seats Capacity
  3. Looks nice but, "It's a Ultra lite".... so No thanks....
  4. Sux to get old... Listen to the Doc. Your not going to affect him one way or the other, if you don't listen to him, but it will affect you. My moms was the same way. She ate really good for 3 mos. then had a blood test last week that said she was good to go. Now she has reverted back to her old ways... lots of pasta, bread, mac and cheese etc... she's on her way to another disappointment. I've actually all but eliminated bread and pasta in my life. and will still eat the occasional fast food. Pic a day, once a week and eat whatever you want. The thought of having to sticking myself with a needle doesn't sound like fun to me...
  5. It's a cool concept though.
  6. For $12,000 you could buy a half decent jet ski that will go over 70mph. For $10,000 you could buy a half decent four wheeler with huge ground clearance. At 1300 lb. $40,000 and no ground clearance, I'd have to pass. IMHO
  7. Just wanted to say "HappyBirthday Jesus", and, "Merry Christmas to all " From the Hermsdorfer family.
  8. It was actually a joke, but appears to have stopped the thread dead in its tacks? Just thought it was amusing to see how people arrived at very different conclusions based on the same data. Kinda reminded me of politics in general. Merry Christmas!
  9. Happy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas! Prayers up!
  10. This sounds like the makings of a good political thread...with the vastly different views of said topic...
  11. Or you could get a Jacuzzi. I enjoyed mine for many years but until I can get my BP down I'm forbade from using it.
  12. Hope you're doing ok Buddy. I'm in the initial stages of planning a trip to the Florida Keys this March. (camping oriented)
  13. Guess the first person to call me CaptainJoe was Bob Gibbs, my flight instructor. It was immediately after my first solo. My wife Penny, snapped a pic of Bob shaking my hand with the Cessna 150 in the background. It's one of my favorite pictures and is in my living room bookcase to this very day. After that, the name stuck.
  14. I agree. Have seen it happen on here quite a few time. There are a lot of folks that have lost the ability to be tolerant and respectful when talking about certain subjects. Heck I've seen meltdowns discussing tires and oil...LOL Befriend people on FB and discuss it there. Just be respectful and agree to disagree if necessary. It would be a shame/boring if we all thought the same way. That's what I do.
  15. Ethanol(made from corn) must be a certain percentage in fuel, corn is also a large percentage of what cows eat. So supply of corn has gone down, demand has gone up and so has the cost... Economics 101.
  16. Just requested to join...
  17. Dang, I miss out on all the good stuff!
  18. Your helmet(s) should also be covered... My tourmaster jacket wasn't...
  19. Glad to hear you and the wife came out relatively unscathed... I'd have her get the x-rays just as a preventative. After my accident, which my wife witnessed from her bike, she hasn't ridden since. Hope everything turns out well for you two.
  20. Yup! Good to see them back up and running! Although there's never a good time for a site to go down, It's probably better to happen now than in riding reason when things are happening. As far as the quality of the sites, it is more than adequate to get the job done. IMHO There is no way they could afford to pay a programmer to take the amount of time that Don does for free... after all this is his baby...
  21. Thank you Gary... Hunting will never be the same...
  22. The insole's cord is 12" long, the "y" cord is 40" long (give or take), more than enough to plug into controller. Only thing I could add is some buy at Harley dealers as, if something doesn't operate the way it should , they simply swap it out instead of you having to mail for a fix...
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