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Possible FREE motorcycles for all VR Members in good standing - order your's NOW!!!


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You read that right ya bunch of lop eared varmints - choose your bike and let me know in this thread what you want - makes no difference of breed, steed or creed - just pick it out and post it here!! If everything goes according to plan, The Pucster will be BUYING!! Also, because of this once in a lifetime offer, your new scoot will come with 1 year of full coverage insurance PLUS a $10,000 dollar gas card PLUS a complete set of riding gear for you and your passenger!!!

You have got be asking yourself how this is possible right? Ok, here's the deal. Tippy bought a ticket for the recent Power Ball drawing with winnings in the amount of $900,000,000.00 and, do to the fact that $900,000,000.00 was not quite enough money to be able to do all the things she wanted to do - she purposely picked all non matching numbers for that round - she is pretty dog gone savvy that Tippy is!! She risked having someone else win that sultry sum with the hopes that no one else would win it so she could claim the upcoming $1,300,000,000.00 and, at this point, it looks like her plan is working!!


Outline and legal stipulations of how to claim your bike:

1. You must be a supporting member of VR and in good standing. By good standing I mean you must have eaten at least one Hot Dog in your life (I was gonna say no troublemakers but figured we would not be buying any new bikes if that were the qualifier)!

2. You have to post your desired free motorcycle on this thread BEFORE the next Power Ball drawing on 1/13/2016.

3. (this should be the easiest part of all) Tippy must choose all matching numbers on the 1/13/2016 Power Ball drawing (as I said - that should be fairly easy for her to do).


Now I can hear some of you more suspicious varmints wondering what happens if you go to all the work of taxing your already overworked cabin fevered brains by choosing a bike and posting it and Tip doesnt win the $1,300,000,000 Lottery. Have no fear, I have an answer for that too. In the unlikely event that this should be the case, you will still be eligible to join in on attending one of "Puc's Greet - Meet and Eat Meat's" during this summer if our Hot Dog cooking crew decides to go for it again this year. We should know by late April if this is going to happen so simply watch the Watering Hole carefully for a posted P.G.M. n E.M. and if nothing else comes of all this, we will see you there!!


Keep smiling!!:big-grin-emoticon:


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Yeah, me too.


Years ago with the lottery came to SC, me and my two close coworkers made a pact that if one of us won the big one, he/she would make sure the other two got out of debt.

We continued to state this over several years. Well when a big dollar price was going to happen, I said, "you got your tickets yet?" They both said, "I've never bought a ticket, how does it work?"

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I'll take a new V-Max.....er....a triked!! But I already got winning ticket. I been playing the same 3 sets of numbers since Powerball Started. It OWES ME!!! :backinmyday::backinmyday:I got a few extra this time. Warden says NO BIKES!!!:bang head::bang head: Spend yours the way ya want woman!!!

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Looking EXCELLENT here you bunch of winners!! I LOVE the variety of AWESOME machines you varmints are coming up with - now THAT's what I am talking about!! Gonna be soooooo much FUN seeing all your :big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon: :big-grin-emoticon: and watching all you varmints :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool: who are participating in this excellent opportunity!!!! Just want everyone to know that in just a little while, Tip and I are gonna sneak off to our local WINNING TICKET Lottery joint and purchase the little feller who gonna bring all our favorite motorcycle choice dreams to LIFE!!:mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money::mo money:



Keep em coming brothers and sisters!!:thumbsup:

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