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Brad and Lona are OK


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So happy the two of you are ok. Brenda and I will keep you in our prayers. May I say - this site and its members are truly amazing people. The number of people that have offered and given help is heart warming. This is a community that I am proud to be a very small part of.


God bless you Brad and Lonna.



Randy and Brenda

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Brad and Lonna: We have you in our thoughts and prayers and glad you are still with us.Not the kind of news any one wants to hear. Thought this was going to be a better year? Take care and hope to see you soon. John and Dianne. Your Canadian friends forever.


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Brad & Lonna, I'm so sorry to hear about the accident. I'm so glad God was watching over you two with his guardian angels. My heart goes out to you guys. I know how Chuck felt after his accident and to say you will be stiff and sore is an understatement. Lonna take it easy and do whatever it takes to get that shoulder back to normal. If you need anything we are but a phone call away. God speed.

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brad and lonna

my heart just sank this morning when i received a e-mail from david. then i read you guys are still alive. i just meet you guys on saturday and saw you and lonna wenesday morning before ya'll left.

i'am honored to have meet you both, and consider you freinds. so much has been said here already. god bess, a speedy recovery

you two are loved by so many.


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hey Squid, i thought we were not supposed to have any accidents this year. definetly not a good way to start the year for you and lonna, but glad you can get on here and let us know you will be okay. if there is anything we can do, please let us know, we are one big family on here. speedy recovery, and keep in touch. Scott and Sherry

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Brad & Lonna

I am in such shock to read about your accident...I am so glad to hear that you 2 will be ok Lonna i know how a broken collar bone feels and just take it easy...If you guys need anything dont hesitate to call us your guardian angels were working over time


Jessie and Jack

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I am so glad you guys are okay!!!

Anything I can do to help, I'm in.

When you are all recovered and need a work day on whatever bike you get, let me know and I will drive up to help.

Stardbog was telling me about the new '07 at Chicago Cycle for 12,900.

I bet some people on this site have some accesories to put on it for you.

Anyway first things first-- get well, take it easy, and please let me/us know if there is anything- no matter how silly- that we can do for you two!!!!

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It's always terrible news when such a thing happens. Like everybody else has said, the important thing as that you can both talk about it. We all get a bit personal about our bikes but in the end, they are just things...metal, plastic, rubber, etc....all replaceable. You too could never be replaced and we don't even want to think about every trying to. Thanks for the call last night and though I'm far away from there right now, you know that I would do anything that I can to help.

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Brad and Lonna,


If there is anything at all that Becky and I can do give us a shout. We ride along day after day and don't think about what can happen and especially, how fast it can happen. Thankfully it was not much worse.


Take care of each other and take comfort in all the friend you have here to help.



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SQUID and Lonna, so glad to hear you are OK. What terrible news it was to hear, just so happy you are talking about it. Anything you from here in Ohio, please just let me know. You guys have a special place in Marcie and my heart. Feel better soon.:bighug::337:

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