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My Confession - I'm Not the Typical Rider.

Ky. Rider

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After reading the post about the recent death on the Dragon I am going to confess. I had much rather ride roads where I can view the scenery than fight a bunch of curves. My style of riding is cruising and being able to see in the distance. When I ride curves such as the Dragon I don't enjoy it and get nothing out of it. I know it seems most riders like the curves and that is their world of motorcycling but it is not mine. Am I the oddball or are their others? Give me a straight road and a few sweeping curves are ok and elevation where I can see out and I am one happy rider. Leave the switchbacks to someone else. My2c. Bill

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Each to his own!! I enjoy both. Coming back from MD I took Rt 14 from Parkersburg WV to Spencer WV. One of the best rides around. Not a lot of tight turns and all kinds of things to look at. I think those girls in that one little town were having a contest. Who can wear the least clothes....:whistling: A pair of short shorts and a truck entering the road ahead of you is not a good combination!!

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Bill.....nothing wrong with that at all. I confess I do like curves, but also enjoy the kind of riding you describe as well. God made us all individuals and it would be boring if we were all alike. Definitely don't feel bad about your riding style, we all have our own preferences.



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I don't mind a lot of curves....... But I am going to do them "MY" speed. :photographing: I like the scenery too and have had to ride in a group once that I could do nothing but watch the road. :yikes:

Not my cup of tea, like to "see" the suroundings my self. :thumbsup2: So when I ride I make sure to tell anyone that goes with us,,,,, it' ain't no race it is a looking ride. :photographing:


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After reading the post about the recent death on the Dragon I am going to confess. I had much rather ride roads where I can view the scenery than fight a bunch of curves. My style of riding is cruising and being able to see in the distance. When I ride curves such as the Dragon I don't enjoy it and get nothing out of it. I know it seems most riders like the curves and that is their world of motorcycling but it is not mine. Am I the oddball or are their others? Give me a straight road and a few sweeping curves are ok and elevation where I can see out and I am one happy rider. Leave the switchbacks to someone else. My2c. Bill




I agree, and for those that like those twisty roads to ride fast on, remember this sound advice..... DON'T RIDE FASTER THAN YOU CAN SEE...................

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After reading the post about the recent death on the Dragon I am going to confess. I had much rather ride roads where I can view the scenery than fight a bunch of curves. My style of riding is cruising and being able to see in the distance. When I ride curves such as the Dragon I don't enjoy it and get nothing out of it. I know it seems most riders like the curves and that is their world of motorcycling but it is not mine. Am I the oddball or are their others? Give me a straight road and a few sweeping curves are ok and elevation where I can see out and I am one happy rider. Leave the switchbacks to someone else. My2c. Bill


I agree. I have ridden the Dragon a few times and it's kind of neat but their are a lot of roads around there that are much more fun for me. I too like to rubber neck and look around and you can't really do that on the dragon no matter what speed you run.

I'll run down the interstates as fast as anyone but when I get where I'm going I'm probably one of the slowest bikers around.



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It doesn't matter what you ride or where you ride, just that you ride. We all have our own personality when it comes to the ride and each rider is unique. That's what make us who we are. Never consider yourself different because we are all different. For me it's the Brotherhood of the Free. We all just live to ride and it makes no difference where.


I heard a great quote years ago that cagers pick a destination and bikers pick a direction. That's all that matters brother.

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After reading the post about the recent death on the Dragon I am going to confess. I had much rather ride roads where I can view the scenery than fight a bunch of curves. My style of riding is cruising and being able to see in the distance. When I ride curves such as the Dragon I don't enjoy it and get nothing out of it. I know it seems most riders like the curves and that is their world of motorcycling but it is not mine. Am I the oddball or are their others? Give me a straight road and a few sweeping curves are ok and elevation where I can see out and I am one happy rider. Leave the switchbacks to someone else. My2c. Bill



I think your more typical than you think. I like a nice leisurely ride too but I enjoy a good curvy road also especially on a day when it's just about riding and not getting any where. I just haven't gotten to the skill level on the curves that I would like to be at. After a couple hours I am give out. Maybe one day I will be there but for now a nice flowing road with scenery is the best.

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Whenever I lead a ride at Vogel to the Dragon or anywhere esle, I tell those that want to ride with gusto to form their own group and those that want a leisurely ride to follow me, in other words ride your own ride, dont ride to keep up with the others.......thats what I do, I have been know to be left to my own because everyone else was in a hurry, not my cup of tea, but I still made it back before they did. To each his own, I like the Dragon, but not the way most do, I like to take it easy, and live to tell about it. I like rides with a view and curves, I just plain like to ride.

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K Rider you're probably more the typical rider than you think. I'm like a lot of the other fellows here that enjoy all kinds of roads . But in scenic areas I like to slow down and enjoy the sights. Can't do that as easy tearing down the road where you have to pay attention to the road and traffic.


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I like curves...but not the ones you have to slow down to 15 mph to negotiate! If I can cruiise along at about 45 mph and enjoy some twisties at that speed then life is good.


Too tight = too much work!

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After reading the post about the recent death on the Dragon I am going to confess. I had much rather ride roads where I can view the scenery than fight a bunch of curves. My style of riding is cruising and being able to see in the distance. When I ride curves such as the Dragon I don't enjoy it and get nothing out of it. I know it seems most riders like the curves and that is their world of motorcycling but it is not mine. Am I the oddball or are their others? Give me a straight road and a few sweeping curves are ok and elevation where I can see out and I am one happy rider. Leave the switchbacks to someone else. My2c. Bill



I think there's lots of us that enjoy the more leisurely approach. And as one gets older, that may actually mean less daring. When I was (a lot) younger I raced motorcycles. DRAG RACED, THAT IS. Street modified class, turned 11.6's @ 119+MPH for the 1/4 mile, which was pretty darn quick for a streetable machine back in the early 70's. But it was go like he77, power shift gears, shut it down, and go in a straight line. I've never been big on hanging my rear end off the side and negotiating curves. Just not my style.

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I must admit I do enjoy the curves. Just not the ones like the Dragon. For me, the dragon is just too many to tight turns that you have to nealy stop on. I prefer curves that you can maintain at least 35 to 40 miles per hour on safely. I like the high speed sweepers that you can look through instead of the blind twisty. I'm looking forward to Chief Joseph Highway, Beartooth Pass and Going to the Sun later this summer.



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I must admit I do enjoy the curves. Just not the ones like the Dragon. For me, the dragon is just too many to tight turns that you have to nealy stop on. I prefer curves that you can maintain at least 35 to 40 miles per hour on safely. I like the high speed sweepers that you can look through instead of the blind twisty. I'm looking forward to Chief Joseph Highway, Beartooth Pass and Going to the Sun later this summer.



I'm with Dennis on this, I like to maintain 30-50mph on curves without scraping bike or human parts on the road to do so.

Deal's Gap US 129 is fine if you are in Maryville and need to get to Robbinsville quickly, otherwise I'll take the long(more scenic) way around and go across the Cherohala Skyway. My first ride across that was the week they opened it up after paving the entire thing for the first time, about 18 years ago.

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I agree.....you ride how you enjoy it! Nothing wrong with cruising and taking in the scenery.


I like to do the same - but every now and then I have to carve up a few corners...but I do so within my riding ability, and have always thought that the main pleasure derived from a motorcycle is leaning it in to a corner and powering out on just the right line!


Also like to cruise in an open top car...not that I own one, but have enjoyed doing that too!...at least a helmet is not required, so you can 'sense' even more....







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After reading the post about the recent death on the Dragon I am going to confess. I had much rather ride roads where I can view the scenery than fight a bunch of curves. My style of riding is cruising and being able to see in the distance. When I ride curves such as the Dragon I don't enjoy it and get nothing out of it. I know it seems most riders like the curves and that is their world of motorcycling but it is not mine. Am I the oddball or are their others? Give me a straight road and a few sweeping curves are ok and elevation where I can see out and I am one happy rider. Leave the switchbacks to someone else. My2c. Bill


That is me to Bill, exactly, I also confess. My style is as yours also. I and a good friend have road right past the dragon on more than one occasion. Like you, not for me. I would rather be on the Blue Ridge Parkway, 45 mph with long scenery and the cool mountain air. I love it.


I also like the long range scenery of some our flat lying country. Up around the Great Lakes was a nice ride for me this year. Michigan flat land and Indiana was nice also, especially the southern part of Indiana and western KY. We need to get together for a ride one of these days.


Thanks for posting this, a good opinion to be shared.


Fuzzy :thumbsup2: :usa:

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I agree.....you ride how you enjoy it! Nothing wrong with cruising and taking in the scenery.


I like to do the same - but every now and then I have to carve up a few corners...but I do so within my riding ability, and have always thought that the main pleasure derived from a motorcycle is leaning it in to a corner and powering out on just the right line!


Also like to cruise in an open top car...not that I own one, but have enjoyed doing that too!...at least a helmet is not required, so you can 'sense' even more....








That just aint right, your on the wrong side of the road Paul !!!! :think: :whistling:


Fuzzy :usa:

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I think I'll take everything is stride, curves are fun flat roads fun heck just ridding lights my fuse. I live in deer country and seem to relax more the farther I can see. Most of the roads are tree lined by my house so it's a lot slower for me .

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I have ridden the dragon twice. Won't never ride it again. I don't find anything fun about increasing the danger of riding a bike by 100%. If anyone wants to ride it, more power to you. I prefer to ride where I can watch the scenery and not have the dead man grip on my handlebars.

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Guest scarylarry

Dragon is no big thrill besides not seeing anything cause you have to watch the road is not as dangerous as the idiot on the crochet rocket in your lane or the car that comes over...


I have done the dragon many times if I never saw it again that would be ok..


Now cherohala is a awesome ride a few curves to watch out for nothing like the dragon...

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