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Pet Peeves - What are yours?


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I have most of the above but one that bothers me a lot is a local thing.. Here in Ontario they built a hwy using our tax dollars for the purpose of relieving some of the congestion getting around Toronto. This is called the 407 hwy and is a toll road. First thing they do is charge way too much to use it so it really does nothing for the congestion. But worst of all shortly after its up and running and WE all pay for it they sell it to some corporation in Brazil for next to nothing. The road is a video toll road so they are not even employing very many people. All they collect does not even stay in the country..


OK end of RANT

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they sell it to some corporation in Brazil for next to nothing.


WHAT????? How the h3LL can they sell a road? That's ridiculous!!


ooops, we don't want to hijack by getting off track here but if that's true, it just became one of my pet peeves.

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It's worse than that.. Now that it is a privately owned venture it should work like any privately owned business. For example if I run on that hwy they will take a picture of my plate and mail me a bill. This includes $7.00 for taking the picture plus a servicing fee and a fee for however many kms I traveled on the hwy. If I go from Hamilton to Markham it costs roughly $28 one way. If for some reason I don't pay that bill the Ontario Government will hold my drivers license and not let me renew until it is paid.. AND they will collect it for the "Privately Owned Company" Love to see them collect for me if I do some work for a company or person and they don't pay me..

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How about the @#$ that just HAS to pull out infront of you and do 10 under the speed limit so you have to jam the brakes, and there is no traffic behind you. REally?? You jerk you couldn't wait like 3 sec for me to pass before you turned?


From my past days flying around the US and going thru airports. The Mr Business suite man with the balding head and the micro pony tail of 2". News flash dude, the 60's are gone and so is your hair.


(apologies to the english grammar fellow for my incorrect use of which to/two/too's to use)

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another one I have is when someone puts the damn milk carton back in the fridge with maybe enough to lighten a cup of coffee.


or they know the damn milk is bad but put it back in the fridge just to watch and see if some one takes a big swig out of the darn thing(guilty) he he

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British Columbia Ferry System. The islands are dependent upon the ferry system. It used to be government owned then they quasi privatized it. Now they raise the fares every year and reduce the service. at the same time they went from 150 managers to about 700 with no increase in employees. That makes one manager for about every 5 employees.

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British Columbia Ferry System. The islands are dependent upon the ferry system. It used to be government owned then they quasi privatized it. Now they raise the fares every year and reduce the service. at the same time they went from 150 managers to about 700 with no increase in employees. That makes one manager for about every 5 employees.


If that bugs you, you sure don't want to move to Newfoundland then....http://www.scarletuser.com/images/smilies/svengo.gif

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I read a lot of books of all kinds. I get really annoyed when even the best of authors make grammatical errors or claim items as factual when they are way off base. Don't they have spell check? Can't they be bothered to check so called facts? I sometimes get so annoyed I take a pen and correct the items.

OK, so tell me your pet peeve is people who write in books.

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I read a lot of books of all kinds. I get really annoyed when even the best of authors make grammatical errors or claim items as factual when they are way off base. Don't they have spell check? Can't they be bothered to check so called facts? I sometimes get so annoyed I take a pen and correct the items.

OK, so tell me your pet peeve is people who write in books.

Here you go..... My Pet Peeve is people who write in books.

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How about people that get on the freeway on the Acceleration ramp and go 40 mph until they get or try to get into the Freeway lane,nothing like being on a Motorcycle behind one of these Clowns.


Here in western WI, we have ramps about a half a mile long and they still can't get up to merging speed. Even worse, when exiting onto the really long ramp, they stomp on their brakes BEFORE the ramp so everyone else on the freeway can slow down with them.

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"Another one, and the one that I faced several times today, big trucks trying to pass each other. Today I was driving on I71 between Cincinnati and Kentucky. It was mostly a 4 lane highway once I got past the 71 and 75 split. So two lanes going my direction and a lot of hills. Much of that time was spent behind a big truck who felt that he HAD to pass the big truck in front of him on the long hill. He pulls out to pass in spite of the fact that he is only able to muster a speed of about 1 MPH more than the truck that he is passing. So 10 minutes later he FINALLY manages to pass the other truck and get back into the right hand lane. If you don't have the power to get around the truck in front of you, STAY BEHIND it. Don't be an inconsiderate ass and back up everybody else."


While I agree this is irritating, the real problem here is non-uniform engine governance and mileage-based pay. I drove OTR for a couple years, and the pay by mile almost forces this situation. If the passer just stays behind the passed, he loses money.

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Wow, we sure have a lot of pet peeves, and I can think of a few more. One that bugs me is when I try to leave a safe distance between me and the vehicle ahead of me on highways and someone passes me on the right to pull into that space.

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