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Everything posted by Squidley

  1. Believe it or not I still have the "Bakersfield Dirt" here in Texas
  2. Here's a few pics of what I have done with all my 1st gens. Below is an ebay auction of the fuse blocks I use. http://www.ebay.com/itm/111036537007?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  3. I have run 777's on a 1st gen and was very pleased with how they handled. I would absolutely buy them again.
  4. I agree with the roads other that they really need better upkeep of them. Bounce like hell on some of them roads.
  5. Lots of reading to do....welcome back
  6. Sending good vibes for the healing you need to get after going to Sturgis!
  7. Nice work Puckster! Mother of invention is right. Great out of the box thinking, you truly fit the "Biker" moniker.
  8. As far as that #1 cylinder, put some Marvel Mystery Oil in the crankcase oil and see if perhaps there are some sticky rings. Putting some miles on it will also help to loosen all the internals back up. Good luck with the carbs.
  9. I have mine, so you don't have to worry about sending it to me :-)
  10. Just to keep you a bit more informed Rod, the external sound waves to break stones up is NOT always successful. I had it done on my left kidney when I had my stones and it DIDN'T break the stone up. They had to do another surgery to go in and physically remove it. Just wanted to keep you in the loop, if I had known it wasn't going to be successful, I would have had them go in and remove it the 1st time ....0.02
  11. Thanks for the video's Puc! It was great being able to put a few miles on with you before I left. Thanks again for you and Cheryl's hospitality, it was great to be able to spend even a little time with y'all.
  12. Lonna rode back down to Texas with Eileen, she brought Lonna home and then went up to Dallas to visit her Grandchildren, thats why I was solo coming back down on the bike.
  13. Nice work with setting up the M&E Puc, wish I could have stayed for it, but alas I had to get back down to Texas and work that needed addressing.
  14. Did the rearend lock up? that tire looks ground down in the pic. I have never seen any MC tire do that without some serious external forces acting on it. Glad that y'all are ok and nothing detrimental happened to you.
  15. Sending good vibes your way Ann, all the best for your family
  16. Well after making it home yesterday I found that I have traveled 3698.1.....missed it by that much! Great to see everyone again, and thank you to all the hospitality that was given by so many of y'all.
  17. I'm still rolling, in Elizabethtown KY right now. I have over 2K on the clock right now. Looks like I'll have about 3300 after I get back to Texas.
  18. It was great meeting you and Lori, I'm actually not that far from y'all right now. In Eaton Rapids at the VFW national home. Going to tour it tomorrow then off to Grand Rapids to catch up with 2 of my cousins I haven't seen in about 30 years.
  19. Thats Big Mike with him, great pic of them, thanks for posting it
  20. It was great to meet you Vince, it was good having you with us and I hope you continue to learn about your bike. If you ever need any help my number is in my profile.
  21. Carl might be talking about me, I see your from Algonac, I grew up on North Avenue back in the early 80's and lived in Marine City through most of the 90's and 2000's. Had a house on Chartier and now I own a '02 Midnight, but alas I'm here in Texas.....is that the story you might want to tell Carl?
  22. The majority of the people I know that have a drink holder use it while riding, me included. Some folks feel comfortable with doing this, as do I. I ride with 1 hand often, especially if one of my arms need a break. Using your head is important, obviously I and many others dont do it in a heavy city traffic ride where you need to be concentrating on other traffic.
  23. Clean all your connections on the battery and where the wires go to (Negative to the frame and engine and the power to the solenoid) Make sure they are nice and tight, I have seen a loose battery connection do the exact same thing you are describing.
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