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About jiobst

  • Birthday 06/24/1959

Personal Information

  • Name
    John Iobst


  • Location
    Centennial, CO, United States


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  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1989 Venture Royal
  1. I live and ride in Colorado so mountains are the norm for me. Everything that has been said is great stuff and well worth doing to have a great ride. One additional thought… If you live at or near sea level and do a mountain ride you are by definition at a higher altitude that normal for your body. That in general means less oxygen and less humidity. Drink More Water Use less caffeine and alcohol Take one aspirin a day Start a few days in advance of the ride Taking care of your body will allow you to perform at your best and truly enjoy the ride
  2. I did the same this this week… Needed to be at a 7:00am meeting three miles from home but had 150 miles on the bike by the time I got there and was able to watch the sunrise from Loveland Pass altitude 12,000 ft. that was a GREAT DAY
  3. Just bought a “new to me” 89 Royal last Saturday and decided to take the long way home, about 120 miles in 100+ degree heat. After three and a half years of not owning a bike or riding with any regularity that was NO FUN AT ALL.
  4. I checked and both hot and cold the starter only works if the neutral light is on. If in gear no started clutch in or out side stand up or down, how do I check the clutch and side stand switches?
  5. I just got an 89 Royal and the Neutral light and Gear Indicator all work when the bike is cold and a short ride. HOWEVER… one it gets hot I see the gear indicator for 3 – 4 – 5 but not for 1 or 2 I can select those gears but the gear indicator on the dash is blank. Also when hot I cannot get neutral and as a result the light never comes on. The starter will not engage unless the bike thinks it is in neutral hot or cold so I assume I also have an issue with the cutch engaged switch. As a result I need to either never turn it off or bump start it when it is hot. This is a challenge to get gas since I don’t want to leave it running or wait for it to cool off at every gas stop. Never had these problems with my previous 83 venture.
  6. jiobst

    08 7 state trip

  7. Can’t believe no one from Colorado chimed in yet… Centennial is in the Denver area so just pick a direction and you have a great ride. West is the Rockies nuf said. North to Estes Park, Wyoming and my resent ride to Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota. South to Colorado Springs and the Garden of the Gods or father to New Mexico. East to the Plaines for as far as you want to ride. You can ride as far as you want for as long as you want and never have to use an interstate.
  8. I always thought there were 10 kinds of people… Those who understand binary and those who don’t
  9. So the big question is how far have you ridden in one day? In my youth (almost 30 years ago) I did a cross country ride averaging 500 miles a day on a Kawasaki 400. Crazy I know but I was just a kid of 19. Saturday I did my personal best with 800 miles in a single day on an 83 Venture. The weather man warned that Saturday would be nice but Sunday we would have our first Snow of the season in Denver, CO so I planned to ride on Saturday. When I woke at 4:00am I decided to get an early start and ended up at Mt Rushmore by about noon then back home. Great ride on a very comfortable bike. 800 miles three states and four dead presidents all in one day while staying just hours ahead of a snow storm, now that is a great day.
  10. I had a CB/AM/FM in-dash installed in a Vetter SS faring on a Kawasaki 400 twin doing a cross country ride (CA to NJ) in 1978 and I got a flat rear tire in the middle of nowhere. Got on the CB and found a guy at a junk yard that came out and loaded the bike in his pickup and took me to the nearest town with a motorcycle shop. It was Sunday evening and he went to the local church get the shop owner. A few hours later I was on the road again and they only charged for a new inner tube. Combination of a CB and some nice people save my butt.
  11. Lets hope the never use these powers for evil
  12. Another post on this site referred to training to “Ride like a Pro” where the slow speed maneuvering technique was to drag the rear brake while using the friction zone of the clutch and throttle in combination. They go on to say to never use the front brake in these maneuvers. With a linked system that is not possible. Additionally, the varied road conditions (wet, dry, pot holes) and loads (One up, passenger, loaded luggage) will all have an effect on the front rear brake balance which is easily managed with separate front and rear controls but are impossible to control with a linked system. I don’t want to start a debate on the merits of the system designed by the Yamaha engineers, I just want to know how to change to a conventional brake system on an 83 Venture.
  13. I too have an 83 and am not impressed with the brake performance. While I don’t have the mushy feel in the hand grip I don’t have much confidence in an emergency stop when I have a close encounter of the deer kind which seems to happen more than once on every ride in Colorado. Are bikes deer magnets or what? My question goes to unlinking the braking system and return to a separate front and rear brake application. I get that this system is “easier” but after 40,000 + miles of riding I don’t want to relearn how to ride. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  14. I am returning to riding after 26 years and a first time venture rider, just bought an 83 Venture and was out for my first ride Sunday in the mountains west on Denver. Unlike San Diego where the weather is much the same every day the weather in Denver is like the old joke “if you don’t like the weather just wait 15 minutes” So the ride started out Hot and Dry and ended Wet and Cold. I was very pleased with the fairing design with kept me very dry until visibility and traffic slowed me to about 35 MPH and the rain fell on the top cover being the wind screen. Water rolls to the lowest point which happens to be the front of the seat… So I got off the bike dry except for the outside of my knees and arms and looking like I wet my pants. So other than not riding in the rain does anyone have any words of wisdom for overcoming this interesting design “feature” Thanks in advance.
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