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Everything posted by Kretz

  1. Agree with all the other posters here. The "Venture Family" is not a beginners bike. Too big, too heavy, too high. Cut your teeth on something smaller & more manageable & you'll have way more fun. I'd also recommend taking a training course if there's one in your area. They teach you all the stuff you think you already know but often don't! When I came back to motorcycling after a long break I started on a 900cc Kawasaki Vulcan LT. (I'm 6ft & 235lbs with a 31" inseam). To begin with that bike felt quite big & heavy to me, but once I got used to it it was OK. Now it feels a bit like a toy after riding my Royal Star Tour DL. so much lighter & easier to maneuver. I think it's also around 220lbs lighter than the RSTD & it carries it's weight lower down, so doesn't feel as "top heavy" as the Venture family does. I took my course on a Yamaha 250cc but it just felt so small & I felt unsafe on it. That's why I bought the Vulcan much more suited to my size & weight. If you want a cruiser style m/c might I suggest you look at a Yamaha VStar 650cc The Kawasaki Vulcan (older ones were 800cc) the newer ones are 900cc. Suzuki Boulevard family at 800cc is another great beginner bike. Honda Shadow 750cc. I'm sure there are many other bikes that would suit you too, try them sit on them are you comfortable or are you struggling to reach the floor? Trail style bikes are easier to ride & are often used by schools due to that fact, but some have higher seat heights & may be difficult to feel safe on (flat footed at stops) I only mention the bikes above as I know them & have ridden them, but my requirements may not be yours. We are also different in build/ weight etc. But please don't jump in on something that is too big for you just cause sounds like a deal. Good luck whatever you choose.
  2. I came on to say it looks very CTX ish to me & there others have already said it. I like the look.
  3. Holy Moley! My Dad had one of those colourtune plugs back in the 70's. Used it a lot, never thought of using it on the bike. I think it disappeared along with a lot of other garage stuff after he died. But that only gives you info to alter the air fuel mixture, it doesn't help with balancing the carbs though does it?
  4. Whatcha tellin' us here Jeff... Your brother is a housebreaker?
  5. Know what you mean about wanting a smaller lighter bike. I've admired the FJR's for some years, seriously considered one when I lived in the UK, but as usual other priorities intervened. Very nice bikes, but a different riding position to what we're used to. Though not for the same reasons as you Jeff, we're (or I) am considering a similar move. My wife & I did a little trip on our RSTD to one of BC's Islands (Salt Spring Island) last week, we went mainly to ride around & see the place & check out a few homes with a view to possibly moving there. The trip to the ferry on main highways went great the RSTD worked well, lots of presence on the road & no problem keeping up with traffic.... What it's meant for. However on SSI there are lots of smaller twisty, country type roads not always in the best of repair, (gravel, broken pavement etc) & also a number of roads that dead end & overall lower speed limits. I'm a reasonable rider, (can slow speed ride & do tight turns etc) but To be honest I found the RSTD somewhat big & heavy for that type of riding (to be fair it was two up & with a tail luggage bag) but it was hard work & I felt sometimes that I was "fighting" with the bike! It was also 25+ deg & we had leather jackets etc, so were a bit hot & sticky! If we do make the move, those roads would become my local ones, so I've been looking around at other bike possibilities, but they have to be capable & comfortable two up. One that seems to recommend itself is the 1000cc Suzuki VStrom, seems to get some good reports & it's capable of taking luggage boxes without looking ridiculous & there are some very nice low mileage used models (2005-7) out there at a reasonable price. Any thoughts anyone? (Hope this isn't a hi-jack) Best wishes for a speedy recovery, take it easy!
  6. Video on the syncing by "our very own" Pucster Here's another thread/ instructions by Freebird who also advises that the Yamaha manual may not have the instructions correct! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?258-Syncronizing-the-Carbs I'd like to do mine soon but am a bit wary of screwing it up!
  7. Wow! So in Florida a motorcycle is not a vehicle, what the hell is it then?.... Insurance Companies! (read Thieving Ba$tards!) Don't know the terms of your policy but I'd say talk to a lawyer at least get some advice.
  8. Feeling quite pleased with myself, a simple job I know but crawling on the ground at my age isn't easy! Changed the oil & filter on my RSTD. Last time I used Motul synthetic @ $80 a jug. This time I used Rotella T6 @ $40 for a 5L Jug (used that with no complaints on my Kawi Vulcan) What I don't get though is the manual tells me without filter 3.5L with Filter 3.7L. I drained the oil, changed the filter & filled up with just under 3L of oil, Ran the bike to check for leaks & checked the level, it was already on the full mark. So I did not put the remaining 0.5L in as I didn't want to overfill. I did stop/ run the bike a few times & checked again with the same result & I will check again after a short ride.
  9. Way too rich for me I'm afraid! Just don't have that sort of money to spend on a toy Plus possibility that we may move soon & a bike that big just wouldn't be practical. Actually considering selling the RSTD for the same reason.
  10. Congratulations on your 37 years, yes our ladies are great support to us! Serious good wishes for a successful treatment next week. All the very best, let's hope you'll soon be CTFW again very soon. Take care
  11. Pleased you're healing well, keep up the good work. You know I've heard that phrase "In men of your age" a number of times recently. Aaarggh!
  12. You could well be correct there Puc my man! The whole world has gone C-R-A-Z-Y
  13. Yamaha: V4 to V Twin - Ducati Twin to V4! http://www.bikebandit.com/blog/post/ducati-announces-a-v4-superbike-for-the-masses?roi=echo3-46531854190-44110013-f6ac100a92e5d1f281caa2017bd76877&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=promo_products&utm_source=Sun_091017_BBNews&utm_content=ducati_v4_superbike
  14. How is it that private insurance can offer these great rates but Gov't/ State/ Province insurers are crazy money. My Liability only is Cdn $$880 & that's with maximum age/ good driver bonuses of $665 so without that 43% reduction it would be $1545!!!!!!!!!!!!! Liability ONLY
  15. That's what we pay here in BC around $1100 per bike. No multi-bike policies (even though you can only ride one at a time) & our new Prov. Gov't has just decreed that insurance rates will increase by an average of $130/ year per policy! This increase due to huge losses, as a result of mismanagement in our (only) Provincial Insurer & bonuses paid to the fat cats running it, Oh! & the 100 million $$$ siphoned off into general revenue by the Gov't!
  16. Slow speed riding really is, as has been said many times all about Back Brake only, throttle control & clutch friction zone & Balancing those three things & turn your head to LOOK where you want to go. (I used to horseback ride, same thing, if you're not looking where you want the animal to go, you WILL fall off). DAMHIKT Find an empty parking lot & practice LOTS. Get confident with Straight lines first, then light turns then smaller & smaller turns. These bikes are top heavy & do not instill low speed confidence, but with perseverance I can now do full lock turns both ways on my garage apron. It's very difficult to describe the "process" but you have a good video from the Motorman so get out there & practice! Once you "get it" you'll be so pleased with yourself. Keep at it! Hope that helps.
  17. Quote away my friend! Glad I could clear up one of life's great mysteries for you! LOL btw my wife says no need to count your bullets... Cabela's has a sale on, just get some more. Good Hunting!
  18. Whether summer is over or not I wish all of you in possible distress due to these freaky, scary, weather systems all the very best, praying for good things for you all. Sheesh some States & Provinces are burning up others are freezing or flooded out... crazy. Be safe all! Here in BC we have smoke from fires again, really bad air quality, thoughts go out to all those affected by floods, fires, hurricanes etc.
  19. You're right Puc & here's an explanation about all that time flying by... think about it, when you were a young scallywag (not that you ever were) LOL say 6 years old; one year was a 6th of your lifetime. Now at 60 one year is a 60th of your lifespan & so seems to whizz by in a blink of the proverbial eye. Ten times as fast as when you were that little kid! Personally I don't like it, life is flying by far too quickly!
  20. It's getting a bit that way here too. For the Fraser Valley Run the RCMP only have a token presence & the organizers have to employ flagging companies to police junctions etc. I believe some of the flaggers donate their time. Police aren't really in evidence. For the big Vancouver run the police are involved initially, but once we leave the Tri-Cities & get more towards Vancouver & near the PNE fairgrounds we have to obey all traffic laws, stop at signs, lights, pedestrians flitting on the road, cars cutting in & out of the line. It can get a bit hectic. Been shopping & we'll be doing the FV Run this weekend (weather permitting) but the Vancouver one is no longer as much fun as it used to be.
  21. Yes I picked up the "Driftwood", that's why I started the "Who's Santa" thread.... I Guessed it was you, well done hope the ride was a great success. Our friends are moving onto Arbutus Road at Southey Point. We are looking on SSI too but it's all expensive! Which Realtor does your wife work PT for?
  22. I sometimes use yellow glasses too, they alter contrast & work quite well. BTW Sailor did you see this post: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?132233-Who-s-Santa&p=1017233#post1017233 I was on your island on Saturday for a flying visit helping friends move some stuff over & to seeing their new home. I picked up the local paper on the ferry. Ganges was crazy busy, last hurrah of summer I guess.
  23. Seen the regular Rain-X that says don't use on plastic. So they now have a formula for plastic, good news I'll try some when I see it in the store.
  24. Thanks for all the replies guys, I do have a full face, but the shield still gets water on it. Does anyone put anything on the shield to help the rain to run off? Same applies to the bike screen. (thinking clean screen or something like) to make the rain bead & run off cleanly.
  25. Putting a lower seat on won't imo help any with low speed handling, that's all down to technique. Engine Speed, Friction Zone, back brake & balance. What it may help with is making it easier to put both feet down to stabilize yourself. It's a fact, these bikes are top heavy even before you get riders & passengers on board, but I can't see how dropping the seat height will make that much improvement for you. As has been stated already a skinnier tire on the front can help with maneuverability. For me low speed skills come from practice, practice, practice, find an empty parking lot somewhere & practice the skills you find difficult. Hope that helps.
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