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Everything posted by Kretz

  1. Who cares what "name" anyone wants to put on it but it is a superb series & was an even better series of books! (For those of us who read) Wish I was a screenwriter cause I could have written tonight's episode (missed it on Sunday) I predicted every move!
  2. Problem with that is the only local non-ethanol gas around here is either 91 octane or 94 octane. (there's no 87 oct non-ethanol) I've been advised (in another thread) that I shouldn't be using higher octane gas than the 87 specified by Yamaha because it burns at a lower temperature & could cause ignition/ engine problems. Yamaha say it's OK to use 87 E10 gas BUT that only addresses the engine running part it doesn't address the problem of water attraction, tank damage & storage for extended periods etc. I do remember when the "unleaded" gas was introduced in the UK many years ago many people had to then buy & add a "lead substitute" as car engines couldn't run on the non leaded gas. There are already reports (from manufacturers) of engines being damaged by E15 gas, but still our governments think it's a good idea!
  3. Kretz


    You never fail to impress & amuse! LOL Good one! I looked for my piece of welding glass but couldn't find it!
  4. Kretz


    Missed it! LOL just watching the NASA feed & it's almost gone in Oregon https://www.nasa.gov/eclipselive/#Exploratorium+Telescopes
  5. Agree totally, down there, up here seems there are more & more idiots around who think they own the roads & just don't give a $h1t. Saw a guy yesterday in a traffic queue, driving a Maserati no less, phone in his hand texting, (it's actually illegal here in BC) the cars in front of him had moved off 25 yds plus before he looked up & moved! What attention was he paying to his driving? The clowns behind just sit patiently waiting for him to move instead of leaning on their horns to wake him up.
  6. Funny, I was just watching those same three videos yesterday. Seems like it would work but only for small quantities. Doing it for larger quantities would be a bit of a PITA & very time consuming. I also read somewhere (or it may have been in one of those vids) that removing the ethanol reduces the octane number so you then need to use an octane booster.
  7. Yep! we have music on cable & all those titles come under..... wait for it.... Juke Box Oldies! But it's probably my favourite channel. (There isn't a Stones" channel! LOL)
  8. Well at least you're OK (more or less) so thanks for that, you lived to tell the tale. I came off a pedal cycle when I was in my early teens, going really fast, downhill curve, gravel, that stuff embedded in my knees like crazy, dad used tweezers to get it all out! Hurt like a SOB some 50 years later I still have those scars! (& can laugh about it!)
  9. Thanks Puc.... been following your Sturgis fun! Love the Vanderhall. Thanks for keeping us all up to date with the happenings there!
  10. Can anyone tell me how to add the country maps that appear at the bottom of some members' posts? Please & Thank You!
  11. Oh! Heck! & here's me thinking that after a full year's paid up membership I would get sent a free Royal Star Venture... You mean I don't??? what a scam!!!
  12. Love the way it just seems to be hovering there. Would be nice if they did do that! Make servicing a lot simpler! I have to do an oil change soon but grovelling around on the garage floor does me no good at all. If I could just get the bike to hover 2ft off the deck....
  13. Never had it, got better things to waste time with. I can see how it may be useful to keep in touch with family etc, but some people seem to be on it constantly.
  14. Oh! Bugger! I was going to try to get over there this year but my Nephew from the UK is visiting & guess when?
  15. Those two things happened at different times. When Jon went to the wall Ned went south as he'd been asked to be Hand of the King (Baratheon) Then he never had chance to leave King's Landing after the death of the King due to all the skulduggery that was going on due to his (Ned's) investigation into the cover up of John Aryns murder.
  16. No he's not Rhaegar Targaryen is. He & Lyanna Stark ran off together (she wasn't "abducted") & may even have been married, (that's not made clear) but the baby she had is his. Series 6 Ep 10 (It's all whispers & hard to hear, but Lyanna tells Ned that Robert (Baratheon) will kill the child if he finds out. That's why Ned takes him as his own & fully intended telling Jon who he was, but as we know he didn't get the chance.
  17. So pleased you came out of it OK (more or less) in the UK I believe those retreads were banned years ago. I thought they were banned here in Canada too, but we still see the remnants by the roadside, so maybe I'm wrong (again!) unbelievable in this day & age that people's lives are put at risk so a trucking Co can save a few $$
  18. Aha! That clears it up a bit, I thought Rhaegar & Aerys (the Mad King) were brothers, (hence the cousin thing) seems not! Well that actually makes Danerys & Jon Rivals as he, as the last surviving male Targaryen is the rightful heir to the throne then. (But shhh don't tell him, I'd much rather see them get together than on a battlefield) So is all going to be revealed when he is able to control the Dragons or withstand fire too in a future episode??? Can't wait!
  19. They never followed the books anyway, even when they were written. I really don't care it's still a superb series Books & TV!
  20. He is related, (I thought he was a cousin) Brandon saw it in one of his visions. When Ned Stark went to find his sister? who died in childbirth she told him who the father was & it was one of the Targaryans. (but not sure which one) so he took Jon in & told his wife Jon was his.
  21. I thought he was a cousin? Don't tell me I'm wrong.... (that's never happened before! )
  22. Wouldn't you!? If there's any justice at all in Westeros her & John Snow should "get together" (if you know what i mean)
  23. I have a Zox "Vintage" (but model names get changed often) 3 studs on front for either a peak (included) or visor (not included) ventilation & open webbing straps (no padding) but with a zip out padded ear curtain for cooler weather. Very similar in looks to the pics posted by Du-Ron. As Freebird said not many helmets meet all your criteria. I find Jafrum have a good range of half helmets, mine may now be called a "Banos" or maybe even an "Alto" No connection with Jafrum just a past customer & have always forund their clothing etc to be extremely good value, bought most of my gear there, jackets, boots, helmet etc. http://www.jafrum.com/motorcycle-helmets/half-helmets/brand/zox http://www.jafrum.com/motorcycle-helmets/half-helmets
  24. Here's a link to Rider Magazine's Road Test Review http://ridermagazine.com/2017/07/21/2018-yamaha-star-venture-road-test-review/
  25. Incredible series of both books & TV shows. The imagination required to pull off stories like that is just phenomenal. J K Rowling on steroids. Superb episode last night! One of the best I always knew dragons were real, that just proved it!
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