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A THANK YOU to my wonderful wife


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I haven't posted a public thanks to my lovely wife Eileen for helping make Maintenance Day a success. I know that she had a wonderful time and truly enjoyed it but I also know that it was a lot of work for her. Here is a little story that I wanted to share with you.


On Monday morning I decided that I had better get a long overdue hair cut. The lady who usually cuts my hair does not work on Monday so I told them that anybody would do.


When I got there, I found that I was scheduled with a new girl. She was maybe 20 years old, and a cute young lady. She asked me if I had a nice weakend and I replied that I had and told her that I had a few friends over for a little get together. When she heard how many there were, she made a comment that I must have a wonderful wife and of course I replied that I do.


She then asked me how long it took to clean up after everybody left. I told her that I really didn't know because I had gone for a ride on Sunday evening and when I got back home, my wife and son had everything cleaned up. She said "WOW...I would have been MAD". Then she said "well, I probably wouldn't have been made...I would have just used it to put a guilt trip on my husband for the next few months, I would have gotten a lot of use out of it".


OK...now first of all..please understand that I surely didn't expect things to be cleaned up when I got home. I am usually very good about helping clean up around the house, especially after something like that. Eileen told me though that she felt I was too exhausted and she wanted me to rest and knew that I wouldn't unless she got it done before I got home.


Anyway, I told the young lady "well...you are cute but you need to stay VERY CUTE if that is going to be your attitude". :) I said it in a laughing manner and she didn't take offense but laughed also. I asked if she was married and she said no. I asked how she became so wise in the manipulation of the male species and she told me that she learned from watching her mother. I said OH....OK...and how long have your mom and dad been married? To which she replied:


"Oh...they are divorced now". hmmmm.....imagine that. :whistling:


Anyway, Eileen is wonderful about these things and I simply could not do it without her. Sam teased me about the "LIST" that Eileen provides me with and I fuss about that list. Sam pointed out that the list that women provide their men is not meant as orders but simply "guidance". I don't know about all of that but I do know that without Eileen and the "list", things would never get done. :)


OH...and I also need to add my son Dylan to my thanks. He really worked hard this year helping us get ready. He was a trooper.

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Yep you are a very lucky guy, Eileen is a real sport to go along with that party, and Dylan is a just plain good Kid! I was really impressed with him last year, and had a chance to kid around with him alittle more this year, count your blessings, and take them both out for a nice dinner this weekend, maybe a Taste of Morrocco:rotf: Craig

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Thanks goes from Rose and I to Eileen for making her feel at home with this group of guys all around. My wife thoroughly enjoyed herself.

Know what you mean about the haircut, last one that cut my hair got 3" off my ponytail. Not as fortunate as you on the top of the head, so it hurts when they take it off the back!!



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Since I met Eileen for the first time in Colorado last year I have know she was way too good for you - lucky stiff! Some guys have all the luck. And besides Eileen, I really admired what a great son you have. Your family is one to be proud of, and I feel great to have been allowed to share in it even briefly. Thanks.


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Boy you sure are lucky Don. Just think how many wives would let their husband have all his crazy friends over for the weekend. Some camping out in your yard even. Not to mention that pond monster that seems to have multiplied since last year. You are definitely a lucky guy. Your son goes without saying. How many teenagers want to hang around all us old folks. He and his friends didn't even run when Dan (stardbog) got in the hot tub with them.

Now the only thing left to do is not only your list but try very hard for the rest of this year (we're counting on you boss) to not put anything else motorized in the pond.


Ya know we love ya Boss, definitely goes for the rest of the family.



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'Guidance" LOL............Don, I know that Sam and Eileen hit it off last year but this year was trouble. I know that she had a great time hanging with Eileen, Lonna Nancy and the rest of the girls. And the lawnmower races were somethng else...(especially watching Dan scream:rotf:).

Eileen had the perfect comment to me was "If you guys lived closer, I'd be in trouble" and I agree.


You are a lucky man, and I know you know it. (I guess she knows it now too)



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Yes, Don, you have a wonderful wife and son and there are not enough words to express our appreciation for all that all of you did to bring together an event as big as Maintenance Day. :thumbsup2:


It was great seeing everyone getting together, visiting, working on bikes, eating, and simply enjoying the time together that would not be possible if you had not opened your home to everyone.


Sleeperhawk and I have met some great people and made lifelong friends because of this group and the get togethers we have! Once again, thank you and give Eileen and Dylan hugs for us!




Ride safe,



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Yes Don I must agree that you do have a wonderful wife for putting up with you and for giving her all to make Maintenance day turn out the way it did. What an event you had.


And from what I gather, I hear you also have a very nice young man that everyone is speaking about and I must say you should be rooster chested and full of pride from him.

Everyone I spoke to seemed to mentioned some young man named Dylan and how nice he is.


Dylan, I am so sorry I didnt get to meet you while there, but maybe next time. My hats off to you!

All I can say Dylan, is you have some great parents to be proud of too...

Not many mothers and or fathers are spoken of as highly as your parents are... and if you think Im wrong, keep reading all the other posts about them from others who were blessed to meet them.


One man's dream brought us all together... Many thanks Don :thumbsup2:

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