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My "Pet Peeve"


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Mine isn't about speech so much but people out in public at stores or nice restaurants in their pajamas or their pants falling down so loose that they have one hand at their crotch holding them up.

I think it kinda goes along with the speech thing as you have to have some self respect and respect for those around you. This at one time was thought by Church and Parents but I think both are absent influences on most young ones. There are exceptions and boy do they stand out:soapbox:

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Mine isn't about speech so much but people out in public at stores or nice restaurants in their pajamas or their pants falling down so loose that they have one hand at their crotch holding them up.

I think it kinda goes along with the speech thing as you have to have some self respect and respect for those around you. This at one time was thought by Church and Parents but I think both are absent influences on most young ones. There are exceptions and boy do they stand out:soapbox:

Had a young fella come looking for a job one day, we told him we could only pay him half a wage, seeing as he only had one hand to work with,,, he said he had 2 hands, until we informed him that the one was busy most of the time already.

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Mine isn't about speech so much but people out in public at stores or nice restaurants in their pajamas or their pants falling down so loose that they have one hand at their crotch holding them up.


Ah yes!! The "saggers". Can't think of a better reason to own a staple gun. :big-grin-emoticon:

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Personally those sagger make me laugh out loud everytime I see one. But my pet peeve is people that complain about the silly things young people do forgetting all the crazy stuff they did that made old people wonder about our generation. Circle of lift.:big-grin-emoticon:

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one of mine would be when someone (no I am not going to call her name) turns and walks away from me while still talking and then expects me to know what was said or talks to me from another room it just burns me up. :225:


Same thing here ... and then she says "honey, you need to go get your hearing checked" ...


yeahsureright ! I can hear just fine ... :whistling:

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How about shopping pet peeves:


Someone walks up behind you speaking loudly and you turn to talk back, only to find out they are on their cell .....and are for the entire time in the store, aisle after aisle.....or at the checkout.


Two friends or acquaintances BS'ing blocking the aisle...or an entire family spread across the aisle, forcing you to ask for permission to get through.


Too lazy to walk 20 feet to put the cart in the corral, leaving it parked next to your bike instead.

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I thought of another peeve of mine. If anyone has ever purchased "medications" on the internet then you know what this peeve is about. I am now constantly getting e-mails wanting to sell me viagra, and other "enhancing" drugs. We need a return to sender button on our computers. Maybe you guys with more computer knowledge than I have could look into this. It would truly be a great service to humanity. Please!

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Most peoples driving in general gets to me.

Making right turns to the left lane, left turns to the right lane.

Lane changes with no signal

not taking their turn while merging.

Cutting and weaving to get in front of someone only to stop and make everyone wait for them to make a left turn.


Now see, you almost got me started..............


The above happens about everytime my wife and I go out. I usually just mention to her that this idiot driver didn't get enough A$$ Whooping when he or she grew-up.:cool10:

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one of mine would be when someone (no I am not going to call her name) turns and walks away from me while still talking and then expects me to know what was said or talks to me from another room it just burns me up. :225:



and when you yell out WHAT you get accused of yelling and being grumpy :confused07:

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Like common man, seriously, like yaknow im sayin.




My pet peeve is people grouping all young people into the same group of disrespectful, pant saggin', work-ethic-less (if that is a word), dumba$$'s. Don't get me wrong a lot of young people around my age are like that but not all of us.


OK I am done and said what I wanted to say, carry on.

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Lukeooo, you can't be that young, you are old enough to ride. I hate people in a restaurant yapping loudly on their cellphones. parents who let their kids run wild in a restaurant, people who block the aisle while talking to friends. Women who, when I courteously open a door for them either ignore me or tell me I am a male chauvinist pig and they can open their own ******* doors. People who have no sense of humour.

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Lukeooo, you can't be that young, you are old enough to ride. I hate people in a restaurant yapping loudly on their cellphones. parents who let their kids run wild in a restaurant, people who block the aisle while talking to friends. Women who, when I courteously open a door for them either ignore me or tell me I am a male chauvinist pig and they can open their own ******* doors. People who have no sense of humour.


Those are ALL other pet peeves of mine, I work at a bicycle shop and there are parents who will give their little kids bells off our shelves and the kids will run around with one in each hand and there are very few noises that make me cringe as that. It will last for minutes at a time and the parents act oblivious. :bang head:

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luke000 you need to have a bell with you and when the kids do that and your talking to the parent about a bike you start making noise with yours or you follow the parent around making noise evry step of the way maybe they will get the hint :confused24::whistling::stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:

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and when you yell out WHAT you get accused of yelling and being grumpy :confused07:


that's right and when you don't say anything, later you were told something you never heard and I say honey did you say that before or after you walked away. then I go back to the corner

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I have a lot of pet peeves, but I will only list a few.

One, is people at church,:smile5: who all sit on the ends of the pews, so you have to trip over their feet to sit down.

Another would be, cars who ride on your bumper. I usually slow down to make them go crazy.

And last but not least, a waitress who asks

"do you GUY's need a menu?" I am not a guy.

Thanks for this thread. I feel much better!


Yama Mama

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I thought of another peeve of mine. If anyone has ever purchased "medications" on the internet then you know what this peeve is about. I am now constantly getting e-mails wanting to sell me viagra, and other "enhancing" drugs. We need a return to sender button on our computers. Maybe you guys with more computer knowledge than I have could look into this. It would truly be a great service to humanity. Please!


There is... in a way.


Generally at the bottom of these annoying emails is a link to "unsubscribe".

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I have 2 things that just aggravate the hell outta me


#1 -- cell phone at the work place being used for everything but work


#2 -- personal use of the internet on company/work time


I guess I'm in your "bad book" then .... :rasberry:

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I hate the cultural vernacular of inserting Know what I'm saying at the end of every sentence.


I ran a bike shop years ago in Conyers. One of the owners was a Henry county cop/part time bike shop owner. He had the habit of inserting into every sentence the words "and stuff" After a while it drove me crazy.

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