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Everything posted by Renne

  1. Renne


    Wonder iff'in he's "whinn'in" at work,,,,,hummm better there than here,,,that's "WHY"!!!! Renne.........wit da cheese,,, I'll FED X it..............
  2. I sure like those "OLD" prophetic songs like "Any Thing Goes",, ya? Sure seems to fit today............................ Renne...........20+ in "BLUE".........
  3. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that: Got my first one there last week,,,$20 and I LIKE IT! Renne
  4. As we used to say "back then",,,"There's a fungus'amoung'us"......................things just seem to have a way of creep'in in when your busy. Renne
  5. Sky's blue, ground white this morning. Jes sett'in here with a nice warm cuppa. Must be real cold this morn'in,,, I'm watch'in one jackrabbit try'in to jump start another one,,,,,yep,,,,thermometer say's "COLD"! Sun's got an icicle hang'in from it too! Renne
  6. That ain't nothin' Margaret,,sometimes here in MN it's so cold when we're outside try'in to talk, the words come out in ice cubes and we have'ta thaw em out to find out what we said! Renne,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  7. Renne


    No heat, Cookie needs it all,, BUT,,,,,I still have some of that cheese to go with your WHINE!,,,,,:crackup::crackup:
  8. Renne


    "WHERE'S" BUBBER?.........YA I KNOW,,,,,,"WHY"? CUZ,,, HE'S DANGEROUS WHEN HE'S QUIET! RENNE,,,,,,,,,,,,
  9. you know the rules! Stay with the car! Hope you have your survival gear w/you!,,,i survived some nasty stuff west of grand forks when i was recruiting,,,thank god for that survival pac! Renne
  10. It's kinda funny how folks react in different areas. Here in central Mn, a 2" to 5" is a nuisance snow. When I was stationed in Arkansas 1+ shut the roads down. Upper Mich. see's catastrophic blizzards and the folks just bail out...amazing! Here, parents get upset if school is called off for such a small amount. Of course, we have the equipment to deal with it. Other than the 25 below temps. here Tues and Wed. (we won't even mention wind chill) life is good! Let it snow,,,it's good for private plowing and the snowmobile business, (although I despise em") I guess you just become accustom to your environment. Renne,,,,,,,,,,
  11. Renne


    this better be good bubber! An iff'in it ain't, lemmeno if i can help... Renne
  12. Boomer.....who sez ta hell wit the light sleepers and squirrels in de morning. Fire up de bike and ROAR down de road.[/color][/size] "DOO_DAA DOO-DAA,,,,,YA! I GOT'S DEM "PERSONALIZED" HDFLT'S ON MINZE!!!! (REAL RERSONALIZED!) N' DEM SQUARRILS DOO RUN-RUN! B'SIDES IT'S REAL PURDY IN DA MORN'IN! RENNE,,,,,,,,,,,(WHO THANKS BOOMER FOR AG HELP)
  13. Renne


    Thanks!,,,,now I got sump'thin else to "why" about @ 3am! Say, can I trade my "why" for somp'thin less stressful? What'cha got? Mine's worth quite a lot, I've had it a long time, probly an antique, been check'in on "e"bay and average is about "HOW" but I think maybe more like a "WHO" or two maybe would be nice. I see Craig's list don't care much, most will trade for "WHERE" but I don't wanna go there. I have one real early "WHY", it's faded a bit, edges slightly worn but still works smooth. Renne....Who wonders,,,"Why is a mouse when he bites"?
  14. Renne


    DAN,,,,I'm beginning to ask myself that very same question every time I visit this thread!!!!!!!!!!!''''WHY""""? Renne
  15. Bubber! Would you like some cheese with that whine? Renne,,,,
  16. OH YEA ! Weather forecast sez "warming" next week,,,do I suppose it's the annual Jan. thaw already! AH HA! OH BOY,,,the Scoot comes out,,,,,yep,,,,been doing it for 15 years,,,com'on you's fair weather riders,,,be the first on your block to at least ride around the block,,,come back in a bragg! (Only northern tier states qualify for the bragg'in rights!) Who's gonna be first OUT? Renne
  17. Renne


    Mostly "HOW" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stir pot Renne!
  18. I 'e'mailed the media and ask for a follow-up. Told them I would like his side of the story with a cc to VRO,,,let's see how slanted they are if at all. Renne
  19. Renne


    Folks,,,get in line!!!Tickets go on sale soon for da WWWVRO "SMACKDOWN" of da century!!! Folks, yur not gonna want to miss dis one! BIG BIGGIE BOOMER vs. BUBBA DA BUBBER !!!!! YA! Josh'in n' pot stirr'in is about to begin wit insult sling'in and name call'in (PG13) from da far reaches of frigid Canetikut across great waters to da Minisoda' tundra! You's can watch da sling'in like it's dem nort'thrn lites in da sky all alit wit "ZINGERS" pass'in over like shoot'in stars n' space junk! Yep,,"Bubba Da' Bubber" Might be "SLOW" but he's,,,well,,,,"SLOW"! Annahhoo,,,,it's da "MAIN EVENT" comm'in soon to your "PUTER"! Renne,,,,,,,,,,
  20. Thoughts and prayers are in our daily quite time. Please let her know we're expecting nothing but full recovery! Renne & Cookie
  21. Renne

    Where ?

    AND,,this program is brought to you by Ivory Snow,,,,tune in next time "WHEN" she finds out he knew "WHERE" but refused to tell "HOW" and "THEY" all looked at the same time with the same look on their faces and ask "WHY"....? Renne
  22. Renne


    BUBBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "WHY" didn't "you" tell me then MR. SMARTYPANTS/WISEGUYKNOWITALL/GOATPATH NAVIGATOR!!! Renne,,,wondering "WHY" do I know you..?
  23. Renne


    "WHY"? on the coldest day of the year so far,,,does the thermostat go out on the car? "WHY" was I smart enough (?) to re-set my art studio/shop for such an emergency in Oct? "WHY" couldn't the thermostat go out then? WHY?????? "WHO" woudd'a thunk it would wait for Jan 3rd,,,20 below hummmmmmmmmm!!! maybe a 2010 tax writeoff.....( ? ) Woudd'a rather had to change it in OCT! Renne,,,,,,,alway's wondering "WHY"?
  24. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! ,,,,,,,splain dat woid "surpurlatives", I think my uncle Phydeaux is one! He's sure great to me! Renne
  25. Renne

    Where ?

    OOPS! looks like some "WHERE" I stepped init,,,,,wonder "WHO's" it is,,,"HOW" didit git there an "WHEN"? "WHY" did I dodat? I wonder "WHEN" can I figure out "WHY" I was "THERE"? Renne,,,,,,(a missing link)
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