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Yama Mama

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Everything posted by Yama Mama

  1. Hey did anybody see this in todays news about Harley Davidson? http://www.topix.com/com/hdi/2007/11/motorcycle-maker-shuts-down-some-production-for-one-week I hear they will be having a big sale soon. Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  2. Beautiful new car. You lucky guy! Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  3. Mini it looks really pretty. I am glad you finally got it and you got home okay. Peggy:ice_congrats-vi6886
  4. Brad you do not need an ID at the door as long as you know the secret handshake. Remember to be nice to the bouncer too. Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  5. Hey everybody, If you have your turkey ready to cook, if you have your stuffing ready to stuff, and you pumkin pies ready to gobble up, why not stop in the VR Chat tonight for a lagersnot brew. The One Leg Up Lounge is open for business as usual. Peggy:bighug:
  6. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I like your poem Eck. I want to give thanks for all who are VR Members, and their families. I wish everyone a wonderful day of sharing all the delicious food and spending time with your friends and family. Be safe, and enjoy the day. Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  7. Well maybe this will help you Don. Free Beer in the VRCHAT tonight at the One Leg Up Lounge! Be there .......do not miss the fun and excitement. Peggy
  8. Dexx, Write yourself a note! Besides I have ADD too, so you got a friend. Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  9. You know you are right. I am sorry................................ we got carried away. Actually, this is exactly how Mini and I started on our chat adventure during the last year. Peggy
  10. Redneck, I hope you wore you heavy leather jacket for such an adventureous journey. You know a fellow could get frost bite. Becareful out there in the subartic temperatures, bundle up, and once in a while think of us poor slobs stuck in the house. Peggy
  11. Hi Mini, Sorry I did not get back to chat last night. Ron was talking and we did not get home from Joannes until 12AM. So since I stayed up so late on Friday night, I was exhausted. Have fun at Genes! Peggy
  12. Mini I am hurt that you doubt that I could stay up that late. Heheheheh. But I understand how you could doubt it. Actually, I drank coffee when I got home and then had a cup of tea around 10PM, so I was wired. Talk to you tonight. Peggy
  13. Welcome Back Don, We all missed having you around! Peggy:bighug:
  14. Kbran, The same thing happened to me last night. I was in the chat. I got a message that I was going to be reconnected and I never was. I would try to go back in and I got that blank white screen. So I left Internet Explorer and went to Mozilla Foxfire, got on to the site there. After that I was able return to the VR Chat room. And I was on there until 1:30AM ......believe it or not Mini Muffin. I was talking to Sarge. Peggy
  15. Lonna this sounds like an Ophra story. I never had a sister or brother. You are so fortunate to have found yours. What a wonderful story to share at Thanksgiving. I hope you have much happiness in the future with you sisters. Really exciting news. Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  16. Older& I do not know why that is happening. Maybe PM Freebird. I am not the the techno wizard. I am sure he could help you. Peggy
  17. Eugene the beer was so good, we had lagersnot on tap. Cyote left early. We had some new fellas stop by and Mini Muffin, Beer30, rooster, Oldencrotchety, and cowpuc. Hope you come by soon. Peggy
  18. RSV Angel, Try again, I was there from 7 something to 10 something last night. I had toget up to go to work early though. Keep trying. Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  19. Cyote, I was there dear, I had a few lagersnots, and you disappeared. I was left with the tap in my hand. Hey what am I saying, this was my finest hour. I will be back later, not much action now. Do not be shy. No fun in the One leg Up Lounge when no one comes to chat. Hope you show up. Peggy
  20. That makes sense Halfwit, do not feel obligated. You come in anytime you can, and some day there will be a member to chat with. Thanks for caring. Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  21. Eugene, Please come back tonight for the "FREE BEER TO ALL MEMBERS". I certainly hope that no one else saw that. We could have so many members on the chat that we might break our record of 18 members at one time. I know that I do not want to cause any trouble. So I hope you return, to THE ONE LEG UP LOUNGE! Remember, you did not hear it from me. TOP SECRET INFORMATION! Peggy:group cheers:
  22. Jeff I do not think I want to be there for that....... but just incase, about what time would that be. Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  23. Hi Eugene, I think Mini was referring to pacing yourself as far as liquid libations concerned. Typing skills are optional. I am a good example of that. Peggy:big-grin-emoticon:
  24. Mr. Cosby is right and very insightful. Trouble is the wrong people are hearing this. Peggy
  25. Well good for you Eugene! But I am sure we will be fine here in the north. What am I saying? Nah I am jealous. Have fun and be safe. Watch out for them armadilloes. Peggy
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