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We moved.

Air Ready Auto

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Well, my family and I upgraded our living situation. We moved from a cruddy townhouse with awefull neighbors (except one family we became quite close to), crappy management on the best of days, the main railroad switching station in spitting distance, and the building falling down around us to a lovely house in a quiet neighborhood with almost exactly twice the room and the monthly rent is exactly the same. The only real problem is that this house seams to be where cell signal goes to die. Outside the front door, full service. Step in the house, nada. Oh well. And yes I will post pics.

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There are also carriers that work on wifi where available. So the phone would use your internet at the house and switch to cell away. It'll also be less $$ than a regular cell plan, but you do have to buy the phone up front.


We've been with Republic wireless for more than two years. Been very happy.

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I have the same issue with the carriers I have used. I use to be on Sprint, if you complain enough they will give you a signal booster free to use while you are with them. Verizon has a booster that works for them. But you have to buy it on your own dime. I dont know if there is a generic type unit that will work or not. Both the units mentioned before need interweb connection to work.

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There is another option as with my phone and the last three phones I have had, on Verizon it is called advanced calling and wifi calling so if I have a wifi signal but not a cell service signal I can still talk on the phone. such as right now I am at work deep inside a metal building with no cell service at all but I am still able to use my phone because of a good wifi connection. look under settings then advanced calling and turn on wifi calling.

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I have no cell signal at home either, in fact my internet is pretty slugish at 1.5 on a good day. Its a small price to pay for having no immediate neighbors. Its barely enough to watch Netflix in low def. I looked into cell boosters, they run around $300-400. I decided to just use an OOMA box for landline. In its most basic form its a $30 box and $4/mo and behaves just like a landline. I ditched my actual landline and cable/direct TV years ago. I pay under $50/mo for Netflix, OOMA and internet and I never had to buy the cell repeater or booster. It suits my needs perfectly, YMMV. Congrats on the move, quite an upgrade!

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