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Just found this thread, thought something was wrong with my browser. I like the old way. I am another one that just enters at the home page, and all the previous "read" posts forms a dividing line for what is new since last login. (typically just a few hours ago), now I went 4 pages back before I realized all this was not really new.


PS.I typically use my browser 'back' and 'refresh' and a post i was just at shows read, not any longer. My reason for this edit is when I went back and refresh from this orginal post, it did not show read, even after I re-read it, then back and refresh again.


No I do not like the new way


I have also had issue with the more button, but not one to complain...(since Gary started it)


PSS. this is second edit, I found edit details(this post was edited for..)did not show on the post when I left "reason"blank-no sign that the post was not orginal, the second try adding info the reason block

Edited by bkuhr
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OK, In my last post I ditto'd a few of the negative posts, but after doing Don's suggested clean up it's business as usual.... Unless he's changed it back already?? I can see where it'll need to be done once in a while, but I can live with that... When I first logged on with the 'new' change in effect I had a ton of pages of updated threads listed. Scary!! At least now it's managable. It you haven't done this, I'd suggest doing it now, and quit yer *****en.... :whistling: :duck:

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Yes, just click on "Quick Links" in the second menu bar at the top....for right side just beside "Log Out". From the drop down menu, click on "mark forums read".

I just did that but instead of just marking a particular post as read, it marked everything as read, even the stuff I did not read. Not particularly in favour of that. How can you remark them as unread

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Well, I still don't get what all the fuss is about. Other than the initial day of the change when EVERYTHING was marked as "unread" (I read all the new posts and then marked all forums as read), the new way is working just as I think it should. It is acting just like the "old" way, with the sole exception that the unread posts are not marked as read (as in the previous version).

I enter the site from this bookmark ( http://www.venturerider.org/forum/index.php ), then click on "new" posts and everything that I have not read is shown. Everything that I HAVE read is shown when I click on "Today's" posts.

Easy, peasy and the way it should be.

It has always irritated me that unread posts (by me) were marked as read, if I left the site and returned.


Please, Don, keep this "new" setup. Just makes the most sense.

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well I noticed a differance

when I enter thru the Home tab, as I usually do http://www.venturerider.org/modules/Jig/index.php


then read a post, then Back then Refresh, the post does NOT mark as read.


If I click on QuickLink/ Todays Post,

then read a post, then Back, then Refresh, the post DOES mark as read.


Not sure the difference, but I dont like the new way, having to click on Todays Post after already accessing the site, but if necessary I coud get use to it.

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There is a time limit on unread posts. If you don't read them within 10 days, they will be marked as read. It assumes that if you haven't read them by then, you don't want to.


heck, there's a lot of posts I don't want to read, period ... nevermind within 10 days :rotf:

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So, I mark all forums read.


I come back a little later and there's say, three new posts. (I click on New Posts)


and then it says "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts."


.. and there's two or three (or more) below that.



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There is this same protocol used on a different forum that I frequent, I have been trying for years to get that other forum owner to change to like what this forum was. Having used both systems for many years I can say that I do like the way this one was before the change much better.

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So I just got back here and there are 8 threads with new posts.


Below that is "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts."


There's 17 of them on the 1st page and there is a 2nd page.


And this particular thread, which HAS BEEN UPDATED since I was last here is one of the ones UNDER that heading!


Before I left earlier, I marked all threads as READ.


I don't understand that at all.

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Now what the frig is going on. I just posted a fork brace reminder in the 1stGen forum. Then I clicked on the 'new posts' to browse the mail. Ok, the post doesn't pop up. So I figure I had a brain fart and didn't hit the post button. So I go ahead and conjer up another post, and make sure I post it. Go to 'new posts', and again no post. So then I go to the forum, and there they both are. So I think Oh Well I'll just delete one of the posts. So I hit edit, and it won't let me delete my own post.... Have I been blackballed or something??? Let me know when this all gets straightened out.. Now I really wish the good ol' days were back....

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The "PERVIOUS" version? :confused24:

You old pervert! :stirthepot:

What have I missed? :whistling:



Dang it anyhow. Look what happens when you don't spell check stuff.:confused24:



it hurts, the pervious post was . . . was . . . stop the maddness:witch_brew::witch_brew::witch_brew:



Nah.... I do that on prupose. :whistling: Brings out the comedian in all of us...... :sign20:

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