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Garbage Disposal motor ?


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I have one, but I don't usually live anywhere long enough to replace them. However my best friend has one in her house that's lasted over 10 yrs. Mike (my hubby) replaced the gaskets on hers last year after it started leaking suddenly, those typically last about 5 yrs. The main thing I learned was don't put pastas, rice, or anything that swells from absorbing water down the disposal. Also really hard things shouldn't go down either.

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Go big or go home. Get a 3/4 or 1 hp disposal and it will last forever. You can also chew up medium sized rodents (and dogs and cats) along with spoons and forks.




Maybe that it. I think I've been buying the smaller hp disposal. I found one on CostCo online with a 1 hp and a life time warrantee. I should be good to go now.


Thanks for the advise.

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Don't let an environmentalist know you are still using a garbage disposal. They put a tremendous strain on sewage treatment. Compost... if you can. Many local municipalities will pick up kitchen waste here, and it is becoming more common. Or... if you have a garden, make your own compost and create a natural fertilizer / soil treatment FOR FREE!

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Don't let an environmentalist know you are still using a garbage disposal. They put a tremendous strain on sewage treatment. Compost... if you can. Many local municipalities will pick up kitchen waste here, and it is becoming more common. Or... if you have a garden, make your own compost and create a natural fertilizer / soil treatment FOR FREE!


Well, I'm no Environmentalist fanitic, however I do recycle paper, glass, plastic, tin cans, aluminum, motor oil. This is because I take my garbage to the local transfer station where I pay by weight, and so by recycling, I try to have my miminum 400 lbs or just a little more so I get my moneys worth. I also have made my own composite containers a few years ago. I purchased a couple of expensive garbage cantainers on wheels with attached lids made from quality plastic. I drilled hundreds of holes into it for air. Then I put some soil in it with some worms and then started to put all my biogradable kitchen food waist. The wheels allow me to move the containers where I want as I develope my property I'd like to put up a big long 3 sided pole barn. If I do I'll need to move the composite containers. Dang my composite containers really works great. I can't believe the amount of food waist I put in there and those worms have mulitplied into thousands and they survive over the last two winters.


So the amount of kitchen waist that goes into my septic isn't really that much, just some scraping from the plate. My septic system works great. Not had to pump the tank in 24 years. My property has a gental slope so the flow works really good.


Most recently I've acquired two goats to help me clear out some of my property. I put them to work in the summer time to a local homeowner association to keep their water run off area foliage down to meet county requirements. They earn their keep and so they eat well in the winter. This next spring I will be moving my goat panel fence to another area and then bring in a back hoe to clear and level off the area they were kept in. Should be a great area for a garden due to all their droppings.


After re-reading this, I think I might have evolved into an environmentalist.

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I just replaced ours after 28 years of use. The motor is still runs fine, the reason for replacement was a hold had coroded through the case. Water was spraying everywhere. You might check the things you are putting through yours if it is only lasting 3 years.

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Well, I'm no Environmentalist fanitic, however I do recycle paper, glass, plastic, tin cans, aluminum, motor oil. This is because I take my garbage to the local transfer station where I pay by weight, and so by recycling, I try to have my miminum 400 lbs or just a little more so I get my moneys worth. I also have made my own composite containers a few years ago. I purchased a couple of expensive garbage cantainers on wheels with attached lids made from quality plastic. I drilled hundreds of holes into it for air. Then I put some soil in it with some worms and then started to put all my biogradable kitchen food waist. The wheels allow me to move the containers where I want as I develope my property I'd like to put up a big long 3 sided pole barn. If I do I'll need to move the composite containers. Dang my composite containers really works great. I can't believe the amount of food waist I put in there and those worms have mulitplied into thousands and they survive over the last two winters.


So the amount of kitchen waist that goes into my septic isn't really that much, just some scraping from the plate. My septic system works great. Not had to pump the tank in 24 years. My property has a gental slope so the flow works really good.


Most recently I've acquired two goats to help me clear out some of my property. I put them to work in the summer time to a local homeowner association to keep their water run off area foliage down to meet county requirements. They earn their keep and so they eat well in the winter. This next spring I will be moving my goat panel fence to another area and then bring in a back hoe to clear and level off the area they were kept in. Should be a great area for a garden due to all their droppings.


After re-reading this, I think I might have evolved into an environmentalist.



I guess you have been pretty lucky, you sure are abusing your septic system. Disposals are not really recommended for houses on septic systems. The new septic systems can be designed for garbage disposals but it's still not recommend. There is a garbage disposal made to be used with septic systems that is suppose to be not so bad on the system.

Your septic system needs to be pumped every couple of years depending on use but by the time you "think" you need your system pumped you are going to be buying a new one.


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