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Members here have really got it made!


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Well, I went and switched to a GL1800, I've had it about 10 days now. Lower seat and center of gravity, a lot easier for me to handle, especially two-up. Maybe more about that later.


Now to the subject of this thread. I signed on to a couple of Gold Wing forum sites, looking for hints, advice, places to buy safety chrome, etc. So I started a thread at this one site with the subject box content "Wingstuff.com". I proceeded to ask if anyone used them to buy goodies and what they thought about their prices, service, etc.--- Same kind of stuff we discuss here all the time.


HAH! I got several decent responses, then all hell broke loose. It seems as though the reason that there is no membership fee (in other words free) is because the site is owned and paid for by a big aftermarket vendor. Yes, I said owned. They are a full blown "have almost everything" vendor. On the home page their banner shows as a sponsor, not "owner", with some smaller banner sponsors also shown. The smaller ones are not directly competitive with the owner, that is not allowed. They offer different goods and/or services.


Now comes the good part. The moderator works for the vendor! So, along with him, several members unloaded on me for daring to mention a competitor on their site. After a lot of bantering, name calling and expressions of ill will, the thread got deleted. Some of the other members expressed some support for the "newbie" and some thought the others were way too harsh, but the end result is you must conform to their rules. My way or go away.


Be very pleased and happy to pay your $12 a year and have a site that is "by the membership, for the membership"! This site occasionally has some minor conflicts and the boss has to step in, but believe me, this place is wonderful compared to what I have just experienced. I know that there are some really good guys on that site, but I ain't gonna be there.


Congratulations to the members, moderators, and administrators of this site. An enjoyable place to visit. I have totally enjoyed being a member here.:2cents: I'm done.

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I had a similar incident with a Harley Davidson site I signed up on to have access to a vender for a buddy of mine. Not only did I get hammered for not being a Harley owner, once I "posted man that stinks" because a vender was out of a seat back I wanted I recieved numerous IM's about my "language" and so I requested they delete my account. Have not been back there. :whistling:

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WOW i know exactly what you are talking about there. This place is awesome. No other way to put it. Great people, great knowledge and friendly atmosphere. I am a member of a couple sites for my salt water tanks and one of them I have been suspended for "advertising items I am not selling" when all I did was brag about someone else s great product or service.

Yep we have it made here. I ,for one, do not plan on joining any other motorcycle sites. Once you get a taste of a site like this nothing else compares. Shaun

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Mel I know which one you are talking of. There are some good guys over there but I post to a minimum as you said after a few posts all He$$ breaks loose. If ever you need anything let me know as I now know a few of the "Good Guys "over there and know where to get some good deals..I just bought a set of Chrome rims,front and rear with new bearings seals Installed for $700.00.(Also Installed on my Wing) Same guy is going to "Tweak" my front suspension with a few goodies I want for little of nothing money wise!BTW, Unless I'm run off I will always be a member here.

Edited by Tom
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Once again, I needed info on something to fix the bike. This time it was rust on the new mufflers I installed 1-2 years ago. I found out the wonderful properties of white vinegar and elbow grease. Now if I didn't research that here, where would I have found the answer so easily. Its stuff like that, the comradeship and so much more that make the price more than worth it.


Iowa Guy :thumbsup2:

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And "Venture Riders" Wave when they meet you on the road!

And "Venture Riders" I have met, are all nice!

And "Venture Riders" Like Ice cream!!

And "Venture Riders" Help one-another!

And "Venture Riders" Know their crap about our bikes and share!

And "Venture Riders" Have the best web site we all call home!

And "Venture Riders" Have the COOLEST cassette decks on their bikes!:stickpoke:

OK maybe I am reaching on that last one. :whistling:



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I started a very similar posting not long ago...I, too, post few things on the other sites, although there are some good people that do their best to help out. I really do not understand why folks have to be jerks, but they do...just try to glean info and then, when the nastyness starts, punch out.


This VR site has a growing number of Wing owners that are most helpful...enjoy the new bike!

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