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Borderline diabetic!!

Yammer Dan

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Since I am not borderline diabetic and was given no dietary constraints for my heart, I'll be the martyr and eat all of your deserts and ice cream for you. Of course I will be sure to tell you how good it is/was. Its the least I can do to help you out.

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WOW Dan!! A HUGE part of me is jumping up and down screaming - YES,, THANK GOD THEY FIGURED YOURS OUT!! Other side of me is saying,, OH NO - THERE GOES THE FRIED CHICKEN AND ICE CREAM!!! :Im not listening to

Really really glad to hear they are onto something Bro!!! Believe me, I KNOW the frustrations all to well of getting a handle on this stuff - that old saying of "getting there is half the fun" does not apply to health matters!!

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Prayers for you my brother,,,, work on it a much as you can, or you will go downhill fast. Most figure that border-line is nothing to worry about, ya at first, but then self-sympathy kicks in and you go back to the old ways,,,,,, don't do it!!! The drugs are not cheap and the taking of them is not any fun either,,,, poking fingers and sticking needles in the stomach don't look like fun too me!

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STUPID DOCTOR!!!:bang head::bang head:


Sux to get old...

Listen to the Doc.

Your not going to affect him one way or the other, if you don't listen to him, but it will affect you.

My moms was the same way. She ate really good for 3 mos. then had a blood test last week that said she was good to go. Now she has reverted back to her old ways... lots of pasta, bread, mac and cheese etc... she's on her way to another disappointment.

I've actually all but eliminated bread and pasta in my life. and will still eat the occasional fast food.

Pic a day, once a week and eat whatever you want.

The thought of having to sticking myself with a needle doesn't sound like fun to me...:backinmyday:

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There have been many medical studies that show people who died from a heart attack or stroke died because of inflammation of the cardiovascular system, not cholesterol. What causes inflammation? SUGAR. Keep eating ice cream, cake, candy, drinking sodas and we will be reading about your obituary on a post to this site. I'm not trying to be ugly but just giving you the facts. It's nothing to be taken lightly.

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A lot of talk about sugar itself but it is the carbs that turn to sugar in your body that is a pain Beer, Bread, Pasta, Chips it is a huge lifestyle change worth loosing some weight if you can save yourself from being full diabetic. We have family who are full diabetics makes holiday meals fun to plan so as to help them

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Borderline is a heads up for you. It means you are not full blown diabetic yet. You can still tip the scales back in your favor. It is a pain in the ars but diet and exercise, diet and exercise. Did I say diet and exercise? Reduce the carbs, loose some weight and you may be surprised at the results.


Wishing You All the Best


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Something we all need to do is to do a lot of research on the medications we are taking to determine what the side effects are. Side effects don't necessarily happen to everybody who takes the same meds but we should be aware of what they are. There are lots of meds that tend to make it more likely that you become diabetic. If you know what the possible side effects are you may know to alert the doctor about the situation and take other meds instead.


I took Flomax for a while and it affected my vision, one of the side effects. I was working at a computer most of the day and when I got up and went outside I had a problem focusing for a longer distance. It took me a while to realize that the Flomax was the cause. I immediately stopped taking it and the problem went away.

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If you can fix it on your own, do it. I have no choice because my pancreas does not work like a normal person's. Most people's pancreas produces insulin on it's own to counter act the sugar in the body. Mine produces almost none. No where near enough to even counter act sugar brought in with even a healthy eating habit. I am 37 and have been on an insulin pump for over a year now. That is after several years of shooting myself in the belly with many different kinds of insulin with no luck. Doing well with the pump now. It is basically my pancreas. Before the pump, my sugar levels would stay anywhere from 300-500 even with 3-5 shots of insulin a day. Now I am at 80-110 all the time. My A1C went from 12-13 down to 6-7.

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Dan, Listen buddy, I am diabetic. I do not have to use a needle and hope I dont have to. Having this in my family tree I was always watching.

In 1985 doc told me I would be under the needle in three years if I did not change some things. I took his advice and did what I could.. basically cut out all the desserts except on occasion. oh and he wanted me to give up Coca Cola... Like heck you say...


I decided then to just do what I could...


Well it worked for a few years... then comes the fall of 2013.... A1C went above 7 and he freaked out... Started me on my meds all taken in the morning and evening. I have controled it since then, Yes I still have ice cream now and then, Yes I have a High Test cola every now and then.


Go back to the doc and listen to him... I have felt better since I started listening.


Call me if you want details on the drugs.

Edited by TDunc
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Dan, I agree with everybody in that you can make a big difference at this point. It is always better to catch it early than much later. I lost my mom just under 7 years ago because she would not follow all the doctor's directions. After she unexpectedly passed, we found her hidden stashes of candy and sweets. Wish you the best Bud. Take care of yourself your family and 1st Gens depend on you being healthy ! :080402gudl_prv:

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Welcome' been that way for a year now, it can be controled, taint easy , i'm a farm boy raised on meat n tators. I take the pill so far and hav'n a diet change has worked for me. quit smok'n almost 4 yrs ago now, gained 50 xtra lbs, can't seem to loose it, loos'n that xtra 50 lbs would help my diabetes tremendouslly. just remember, your not in the boat alone!!!!!:fingers-crossed-emo

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