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Everything posted by ArcsSparks

  1. So your saying it's perfectly alright to stop a biker but not a car or truck. Stops are stops and there is a purpose for them but when bikers are singled out and targeted there IS something wrong with that. How many more drugs, drunks, stolen vechicles outstanding warrents etc. do you think they'll get by stopping car than motorcycles do the math just more cars on the road so if you want your tax dollar well spent try this for size 1.)stop all 2.)stop just cars (and because of the huge fines Big Trucks) 3.)or stop no one saves all the money. I don't mind get stopped but I hate like hell to be singled out
  2. Thank You, Well said---All the devil needs is a well intentioned man to do nothing
  3. you go ahead and sell but this will only happen if we let it happen and sticking you head in sand doesn't help. and you what they say everyones like alittle *** but noone likes a smart***
  4. 50k pounds wow for the rich only but very kewl winter rideing not a problem
  5. First of all "Pam" I'd like to know of a insurance plan that covers hearing aids. I have a hearing loss but it ain't from motorcycles an M-16 will take your hearing about as fast as anything out there and 4 years of teaching Basic rifle markmanship did the trick. Second I have no problem with "safety Checks" as long as bikes aren't the only ones being stopped everything you said is true as long as bikes aren't the only ones targeted Oh I looked again Your from Canada you have "free" health care> So cost isn't a problem huh?
  6. nothing you said is wrong but with that mentality it's like saying here Mr. politician have some of my freedom I don't need it, I'm a law abiding citizen so it doesn't effect me BUT sooner or later they will find something that will effect you. equal protection under the law didn't not apply here!!!
  7. did they or did they not put a stop to Mytle Beach bike week (thru regulations) and many others are curtailing activites due to difficulty in finding insurance to cover the event. The big events will continue but the small event just can't afford it. and the majority of states has has bills that would require motorcycles to meet a certain decibel level meaning no after market pipes. the feds want to have all motorcycles equiped with abs brakes fine for road bikes but a new rider on a offroad bike is asking to be hurt. and the very subject of this thread targeting motorcyles for "safety " check points points to what law enforcement thinks of motorcycles. and you still didn't address the other points
  8. Violence with these idiots just helps there "cause", no good will come, might make you feel better but everyone else will pay. The way to defeat them is to get with your politician and pass laws that restrict there access to funerals I don't mean ban them, just move them out of sight and hearing of the mourning family. That way they can be just as evil as they want but they won't get the press they need to continue. or if we're going to have hate speech apply it to them because I can't think of anything more hateful than protesting at a funeral!!!!
  9. of course you see a problem you advocate harrassing one group of at the expense of another. when they target all drivers than they have done there job. keep handing over your freedoms and someday you or your desendants will ask where are all the motorcycles?
  10. the PGR has to be invited to attend (i hope the family does invite them) what I want to know is how the the justice Dept. can outlaw "hate Speech" and let these dispicable people do what they do
  11. you chose out of context (in typical politician fashion)--- address the other points if you want to maintain your credibility
  12. why do you think states target bikes? they will never tell you outright but actions speak pretty loud. look at CA now GA. just keep handing the freedoms away and you'll see what I mean.
  13. If they can't do REAL safety check then leave the bikes alone!!!!! let me ask how many of you would get out on 95 with bad tires, brakes etc.? Blow a front tire at interstate speeds and things start happening real quick and none of it good!! this is hassarment pure,simple and nothing else. To many riders say my bike is fine and I'm doing nothing wrong well you just handed a handfull of freedom to the troopers (government) Make no mistake they (government) want motorcycles off the road reasons?look it up, two of the biggest is loud pipes and insurance lobby. So the next time you see or stopped at a motorcyle only CP know that you are a target BTW I'm for safety Checks but all vechicles should be stopped maybe they catch a few more drunk drivers
  14. If they want safety then target teenagers on cell phones, housewifes with a car load of sreaming brats, couples having there knock down drag out on the highway takes the licence AND the cars of drunk drivers and thats just a start. there's a few motorcyclist out there that need cops attention but start with those who do the killing
  15. Check this link It'll do your heart good: http://www.godvine.com/Christian-Veterans-Protect-the-Funeral-of-a-Fallen-Soldier-278.html
  16. Any riders from Hictory NC that tried the German Resturant there need reviews!!
  17. Free speech is what this country has had and should continue to have. Now having said that, these idiots from westboro are just vile and it saddens me to think that they call themselves a "church" Empathy is what makes humans a bit more than animals. Parents lose a child and these animals protest, there is no empathy in these animals what-so-ever. There WILL be a special place in hell for these monsters I don't know how to stop them. Maybe the states can pass a law that allows them to protest but say at least 5 miles away, that way they have the right to "free speech " but the family can bury their loved ones in peace I am a PGR member and a Retired Viet-Nam Vet so I have to side with Free speech but also Common Sense
  18. educated has nothing to do with common sence. Just look at the lawyers on the hill
  19. Life is tough! Life is tougher when your stupid!!
  20. did you see a couple in the trees might be a draw back?
  21. punching hole holes in targets from short to great distances using various types of weapons
  22. around the corner---lickety split---beautiful car---wasn't it---Burma shave actually posted in front of my grandparents farm house (on a garvel road) ALSO when you go to that page click more movie and listen to the Carlos Hathcock story He was one of Americas best
  23. 20 for 20 and I am old
  24. yeah they're called insurance exec's
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