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Cant eat, cant sleep,,, all I can do is pace - pace - pace..


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My nerves is about shot. Normally I smoke 1 or 2 cigars a day - just trying to keep my impatience under control I puffed 6 of em yesterday.. My Mom told me she aint seen me like this sense, as a kid, I had just finished putting a new piston in my 59 Sears Moped and was getting ready to see if it would run.. Tippy's been keepin a close eye on me hoping I dont turn to the bottle again and even the neighbors playful little puppy who usually comes over and plays with me has been staying away.. Did a hair count on the remaining 29 and a half hairs on my head this morning and noticed I had lost 3 of them - aint had that happen in years!!


Its a dad gum good thing Maintenance Day is only a week away cause I cant take this anymore!! :backinmyday:

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Spring can play havoc with me too, I turn to technical studying, every March I start, usually read myself to sleep takes a couple of days every year to get back into it, then that becomes my fix.

It always amazes me what we forget, personally I think it's related to hair loss? I took to shaving what was still growing, hoping that what I read today won't fall out with my remaining hair over winter, but naa, I know I'll have a fresh slate next March:(


I remember anger,

While I find it hard to fear most things,

I have learned to fear anger,

anger seems to grow out of the darkest of moments,

it dictates our every reaction,

as we look to clam our anger we think to crack the bottle,

for but a brief and fleeting moment it appears to help,

life will be so much better after we begin seeing it through the bottom of a bottle- again,

I think anyone who has traveled that highway has already found the truth and knows to stay off it, he may be best served to, look himself in the mirror and say, Hi my name is...........and I am............. and I choose to live a peaceful life;)


because a man has a past, does not mean he has no future, or that his present will be easy

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I feel much better,, spent the whole day with our therapist.. I just could not shake the nervousness and down feeling,, almost unbearable... THANK GOD for our family therapist, Dr. Tweeks, cause she always straightens me out and reassures me that everything is gonna be ok.. Glad she had some old 50+ lip screen in her desk drawer though cause it was sure brightly lit in her office today - and 80 degrees!!!:big-grin-emoticon:

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I don't know about Puc's nervousness problem, but I have already been getting ready to start packing the bike. I have located all our camping equipment and even tried putting the tent up. I am out of practice. I am getting excited too Puc. I usually do not sleep for days before. So you may recognize me. I am the woman with toothpicks holding my eyes open. Be sure and stop pacing and say hi.


Yama Mamaabsolutely_nothing_sign-12187.jpg

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I'm one step closer to next weekend, kept the pacing in check by spending the afternoon with my buddy CarbonOne, together we made one nice cooler rack for the new to me camper. Next on the list is a new front tire , that should be here Tuesday,,, just enough time to get it broke in for the ride to the pond palace for 2 nights of fun and frivolity.


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I've been making progress, too. In the past week, I got my luggage rack mounted, re-mounted my trunk with a plexiglass plate underneath (the '99 trunk issue!), checked oil and coolant levels, stowed a spare OEM fuel pump in the saddlebag, changed final drive fluid, and picked up a $24.95 sleeping bag from WalMart that packs to a reasonable size rather than the old one that is only a little bit smaller than a 55 gallon drum!

I still need to check the dome tent, put my road tools into a smaller bag, obtain a compact tire pump, clean the bike, and, if it comes in time, install the F4 wide/tall/vented windshield that I ordered.

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I don't know about Puc's nervousness problem, but I have already been getting ready to start packing the bike. I have located all our camping equipment and even tried putting the tent up. I am out of practice. I am getting excited too Puc. I usually do not sleep for days before. So you may recognize me. I am the woman with toothpicks holding my eyes open. Be sure and stop pacing and say hi.




HI YAMA MAMA,, wassup young lady!! Cant wait to give the lady with the tooth pic eyes a great big howdy hug!! :thumbsup: Dont worry if ya have problem's getting that tent up at MD, me and Tip will gladly give a hand - between the three of us we will :stickpoke: that bad boy into total submission!! May not be exactly waterproof when we are done BUT guarenteed - it WILL know who is boss when we are done with it!! :hihi:


PS - I LOVE that picture.. I really appreciate what the signs say,, and I read,,,, "FUN STARTS HERE - IF U DONT LIKE FUN U SHOULD MAKE A U TURN NOW!!!":big-grin-emoticon:

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here now,, puc is not called Saddlebum!!!


THAT is fact,, I know that Saddlebum guy, he is good friend of mine. Trust me, I aint no Saddlebum!! He tends to be more of a :witch_brew: where I lean heavier towards an :2132: kinda personality..

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THAT is fact,, I know that Saddlebum guy, he is good friend of mine. Trust me, I aint no Saddlebum!! He tends to be more of a :witch_brew: where I lean heavier towards an :2132: kinda personality..






:sign yeah that:

And here I thought the REAL Saddlebum was here yesterday,,,,,, guess I'll have to wait for MD to meet the real one and that CowPUC guy with wings.

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