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Happy New Year


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from the frozen wonderland of Hayward, WI. We are having a great time here. Lot's of good food, lots of snow, lots of COLD. :) It is truly beautiful though and we are really enjoying it. The company resort has lots to do. A nice lodge with pool table, foosball, air hockey, ping pong, etc. Lot's of snowmobiles free to us to use all we want and thousands of acres to ride.


The drive up here wasn't too bad. Hit some fairly heavy snow showers about 50 miles before we got here but wasn't too bad. Ended up taking about 12 hours to get here. 755 miles and could have made it a bit quicker if the weather hadn't turned somewhat bad. We will be here all week and plan to head home next Saturday.


Hope you all have a wonderful New Years and that everybody be smart and safe. I'm not getting online very often but am trying to check messages once per day.



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from the frozen wonderland of Hayward, WI. We are having a great time here. Lot's of good food, lots of snow, lots of COLD. :) It is truly beautiful though and we are really enjoying it. The company resort has lots to do. A nice lodge with pool table, foosball, air hockey, ping pong, etc. Lot's of snowmobiles free to us to use all we want and thousands of acres to ride.


The drive up here wasn't too bad. Hit some fairly heavy snow showers about 50 miles before we got here but wasn't too bad. Ended up taking about 12 hours to get here. 755 miles and could have made it a bit quicker if the weather hadn't turned somewhat bad. We will be here all week and plan to head home next Saturday.


Hope you all have a wonderful New Years and that everybody be smart and safe. I'm not getting online very often but am trying to check messages once per day.



SO you want the white stuff, and just how did you expect it to get there? Maybe the government next year wil get it neatly put along side the roads and driveways, and make it so that it will withstand temperature of 50 degrees or more. Maybe while they're at it they can also create a new holiday for bikers that starts on Jan 01 and finishes just before Christmas.

Ah never mind all that fool stuff, just enjoy your R&R and forget about us poor working stiffs who are growing colder each day and maybe soo cranky by May that it will all summer for us to thaw out.

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Guest tessa c2

happy new year Don, enjoy the fluffy stuff, seems like we have it half the year here, i have seen us haveing frost every month of the year, except july, and we will most likely get it this year, since the rough riders won the Grey Cup.

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