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Update on the eye


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OK folks, I have received a couple of emails reminding me that I have kept you all in the dark about my eye. What can I say, I still have it and it is looking better from the side that YOU see but from the inside, it doesn't work at all. :)


I knew that would be the case though. The vision has been gone for several months now and this latest surgery was just to relieve pressure, stop the headaches and hopefully save the eye from having to be removed.


So far, so good. I had an appointment today and the pressure was back down in the normal range. There is still come redness but it is getting better. I am down from putting 4 prescription eye drops in my eyes 4 times a day to using only one prescription 2 times a day so that is good.


The doctor said today that they eye looks good and doesn't want to see me again until December. Now that is the Glaucoma specialist. I have an appointment with the cataract specialist next week and apparently he will be removing a couple of stitches that I didn't even know I still had. I thought they were all the dissolving kind but apparently not. I guess that is the irritation that I feel from time to time.


Then I go see the eye oncologist again in December for another routine checkup.


The bottom line is.....everything is going as expected and I guess that's all good. :thumbsup2:

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Good news for sure,,,, I do and I think we all do,,, think about you every so often,,, maybe even say a little prayer for you all,,, but then other things come to mind and we forget to ask again.

Thanks for the update,,,,,,, now which way do you go around the pond,, clockwise or counter clockwise.

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Hey Don,

Both Jean and I are excited to here this great news! You are in our prayers every day my friend! I was a bit sad to here that things are working out so well for you that you will not be able to get one of those highly touted "Handicapped Parking Tags" that would allow you to park your bike in the best parking at any store. Oh well, ya' have to take the good with the bad I guess! They say that your other senses will get more acute as time progresses, but as for me, better hearing, (nagging wife,LOL) and better sense of smell, (didn't change my socks today...again) would be a "Mixed Blessing." :crackup:

As with all things in life that I have absolutely NO control over, I try to find the humor in them. If you are smiling while you are reading this then my work here is done. If, on the other hand, you are NOT smiling, and your lovely wife is throwing a bedroom slipper at the computer monitor, then I best pay my VR.ORG dues up.... for the next nine years!

The check's in the mail, and prayers are sent, as always,

Earl and Jean

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Don, Prayers come your way for recovery, but remember that it is pushing the grass down that is important (as opposed to pushing the daisies UP!). All the best for comfortable days ahead and more riding once the docs are done with you.



aka Poledar

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Don, you are a class act and I consider it a real privilege to get to know you and participate in this forum which you created. I'm also reminded of the old adage that it is not whether you have challenges but rather how you handle them, which you seem to be doing so well. Thanks for the update and take care of yourself.

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