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Big Day Tomorrow


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Well tomorrow is the big day. I have to report to hospital at 6am for my schedualed hip replacement surgery at 7am. The wife and I had to go to a class friday morning which was very informative of the rehab process. I will be in hospital till thurs or friday. I will bookmark this thread so Sharon can come on and let you all know how it went.


All the members going to Dons for MD ride safe and I will see ya there next year.



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Good luck--Will pray that everything goes fine. Listen to the Doc. and the rehab people. Dad went though the same thing a couple of yrs ago and is fine. Knee replacement 3 yrs before that. 84 now and still exercises daily and also goes to a gym in the winter. Said without the excercise, would probably not feel as good. Good luck and wishing you the best. Gil

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I'm sure all will go well. We'll be thinking and praying for ya tomorrow to come through fine. Need to find out the warranty on this new hip. Ya know how many miles etc. etc. :Laugh:


Guess this means I'll have to get to MD next year. Might have to drive up but I'll make it just to see how well your new hip's working.



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the new hip is in chrome color everything went very well i will try to spoil him as much as I can dooder (john) is in a very very good mood (must be the drugs) feel sorry for the nurses but doc said everything went great no problems thank you everyone for your notes and prayers :cool10::stirthepot:cooking up and his first meal:rotf:

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Glad to hear the surgery went well. I remember him hobbling around at last years MD with that cane. My neighbor just had it done a few months ago. Shes like a new woman now, ok, but shes still ugly though.......:duck:

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I wish you the best.

Do what the rehab folks tell you to do and get back in shape.

I wish your family peace of mind while you go through this.

Look forward to seeing you on the road again soon :thumbsup2:

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John we been praying and glad everything OK. But be careful on the medicine. They tend to make you say things that are not to be said..:8:

Don't ask me how I know:headache:

Sharon don't take it out on John if he tells you things like how he ate all your cookies and blamed the cat, or how he hid the remote control from you so he could watch his cartoons, or how he kept moving your drinking glass behind your back making you thing you are going nuts. He could not help it:starz: it was the Medicine.

Did me no good :depressed: Peg knows everything now:starz:well almost everything:rasberry:

John Take care and get plenty of rest and do what the Doctor tells you and we will see you real soon. Sharon you get some rest too.

Peg & I well see you both real soon..:happy34: God Bless.......


Buddy & Snowflake

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Glad to hear the surgery went well. I remember him hobbling around at last years MD with that cane. My neighbor just had it done a few months ago. Shes like a new woman now, ok, but shes still ugly though.......:duck:




Yeah, didn't help John's looks any did it???


Had to see if his blood pressure was still working.




With a "New Hip" he may be able to catch one of those nurses. Then he is really going to need a doctor!!!


My DRUGS are kicking in!!!

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