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What color should I paint it?


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I did some computer work for a local business and friend. I saved him so much money he is offering to paint my bike for free using House of Kolor paint, I can do candy or anything in their paint line.


Anyone know of what colors look best on a 1st gen? I think it needs to stay a "classy" color and stay away from neon lime green crotch rocket or other sporty colors.


anyone know of what colors look really good? does the bike look good with a metallic black or any of the dark colors or should I stick to something brighter?

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I saw a gen. 1 painted Black Cherry Candy on upper half and lower was a medium gray (high metallic) Seperated by orangish yellow pinstripes. Very nice combo. But, it's all up to the owner. IF YOU like it, who cares about critics. I find most people that criticize, are just jealous.

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I did some computer work for a local business and friend. I saved him so much money he is offering to paint my bike for free using House of Kolor paint, I can do candy or anything in their paint line.


Anyone know of what colors look best on a 1st gen? I think it needs to stay a "classy" color and stay away from neon lime green crotch rocket or other sporty colors.


anyone know of what colors look really good? does the bike look good with a metallic black or any of the dark colors or should I stick to something brighter?


Maybe hard to tell from pics but I can tell ya, I LOVE mine. I used a metallic black Chrysler color ..code is PX8 (I think)


I "de-emblemed" it and highlighted it with chrome edging.

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I would check out other bikes in the gallery and find one I liked. Lighter colors are easier to see, unusual colors get more attention. I look at bikes more than the color chips to get an idea of what will look good on the bike. Good luck Rod

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Rottdoglover hit the nail on the head. If there criticizing your color choice there jealous.

I painted my 1st Gen Brandy wine maroon ( Cadillac color ) and silver frost metallic ( Chrysler ) with blue and silver pin strips. I think it looked pretty cool.


The color choice is yours and what ever you come up with will be great.

Have fun choosing your color............................Ron

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1st go look at a lot of new cars and motorcycles to see what colors you like in the SUNLIGHT.


2nd go to the House of Kolor web site and look thur the photo album for ideas.


3rd you might look at Kolor Shift Flakes, Kamelon Opals, Kamelon Pearls or Kosmic Krome paint additives for some accents, however I think this stuff is overused on large areas.... IMHO... Your mileage may vary....etc.




4th Just paint it the way you want to, as my opinions don't necessarily fit your opinions.

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Painting the moneypit this week. Going to keep 2 tone lines that were on it. What was dark blue will now be black, light blue will be a bright silver like the 09 porsche. will have gold pinstripe to match the emblems. The emblems are now decals that were made by sign concepts in hinesville ga. I sent them the old emblems and the used a computer to copy them and removed all the blemishes. It will be a while longer before there are any pics, as I'm not going to hurry on putting it back together. The only other thing I need is a new windshield as the old one is hazed.

By the way, if this guy will supply the paint, go for it. Paint for the moneypit alone, $323.46.:mo money:

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  • 4 weeks later...

It looks like Yammer Dan wins... I sat down with my friend paint expert and It's going to be House of Kolor Metal Flake blue with purple peralized with custom texture called "frottage" in the center of the tank color and on the luggage. looked at a sample panel and pretty much drooled.


He said he would convince me to not paint it silver.. Did not expect that.


Note, Why is it that Lacquer paint looks so much better than the urethane junk on cars today. that test panel looked like it was still wet!

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Note, Why is it that Lacquer paint looks so much better than the urethane junk on cars today. that test panel looked like it was still wet!


Lacquer always looked good because it had to be wet sanded and buffed out. Modern urethanes can be wet sanded and buffed out and can look just as good, but they don't have to be. So nobody does it. Catalyzed enamel was the same way. Frequently the surface will not be as shiny or will have orange peel to it. But when 99% of the population doesn't know the difference, why should they spend more money to make it better?

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I wouldnt put laquer paint on anything it is way out of date! I didnt think they even made it any more. The new paints are alot better and last alot better. Yes you can make them look just as good they just need to be wet sanded and buffed I have to do it every day after I paint a car. You want to see the best factory paint jobs go to your lexus dealer they are the nicest paint jobs out there, you cant beat there black cars when they are clean. Good luck with your bike and I hope it turns out like you want!!:thumbsup:

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm most of the way into the painting. It's going really good and the new lacquers are incredible. HOK took lacquer paint and made it as durable as the new stuff. I took a test panel and dumped gasoline on it and it acted like my car paint, just sat there and took it. unlike my buddies 1979 yamaha that looks like the paint is going to come off when he spills.


I also changed my color again after the HOK paint supplier showed up at the shop with a example panel and convinced me that I should change direction. It's going to be a cinnamon Firemist color with a mile deep shine and color. It almost looks like the paint is incredibly deep when you look at this new stuff.


I'd say the color is a golden orange big flake metallic.. The wife was not too happy about the color change until she saw the example panel. I've only seen a paint like this on the showbikes and showcars... I'll post photos as soon as we got color shot and the graphics taped off. Having a blast doing this. He's letting me do work on it as well...


Sanding, the sanding never ends. I have at least 60 hours in sanding everything, then after solving a pinstripe glue issue from the old paint, sanding again to make everything perfectly smooth, sealer, more sanding, etc...


and he tells me I get to enjoy even more sanding as soon as the final clear is all done on the bike.


I'm surprised that most painters don't have arms like body builders.

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