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Found 12 results

  1. Hi everyone. Until last Friday I had been riding a 2009 Suzuki Boulevard C50 that I purchased new. Nice bike, but no matter what I did to it (batwing, mustang seats, hard bags, etc.) I just wasn't able to turn a cruiser into a comfortable long distance bike. I made several trips from my home in northern Indiana to my former home in Lexington, Ky on the C50. 4.5 hr trip and I would be mentally and physically exhausted upon arrival. I knew I needed something bigger and more road worthy. I was thinking used Gold Wing and began watching the Craigslist ads. I kept seeing a 1983 Venture Royale in immaculate condition popping up and there was just something about this bike that I liked. Long story short, I listed my C50 on the Chicago craigslist thursday morning and delivered it to a guy in Kankakee, Illinois on friday afternoon. I was back in Lafayette by 4pm and had the Venture in my garage by 7pm. Things were working out! I took it out saturday and made a 300 mile ride up to the Indiana Dunes area by Michigan city for lunch. The bike performed flawlessly and even after riding 6 plus hours and 300 miles I was completely relaxed and felt great when I got home. Some friends think I'm crazy for selling a almost new bike and buying a 30 year bike but I'll tell you I couldn't be happier. I'm aware of the 2nd gear issue and hope to learn more from the tech forums. Any advice on maintenance or things to watch for would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to meeting other Venture riders in my area. Thanks. Greg. http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o196/TSM01/IMAG0127.jpg http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o196/TSM01/IMAG0126-1.jpg http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o196/TSM01/IMAG0128.jpg http://http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o196/TSM01/IMAG0127.jpg http://http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o196/TSM01/IMAG0125.jpg http://http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o196/TSM01/IMAG0128.jpg
  2. I have put about 300 miles, 25 miles one way to work, mostly freeway on my '83 standard since getting it back together recently. Today on my way home, it started feeling like it was running on 3 cylinders (again), then got progressively worse. It was barely running on the off ramp, wouldn't rev and died at the light. It would crank, but not run. I pushed it about 200 yards to a parking lot and called work for a tow truck (I am a dispatcher for AAA- nice perk --free tows). After waiting about 30 mins, i tried to start it and it fired right up. It ran like it had up to that point. I made it the last 2 miles or so home. I do have the replacement TCI, mounted on top of the airbox. Any ideas? I am thinking fuel pump/filter? It felt like it was running out of gas.
  3. Ok, I have Vemon X tires front and rear, I am a little north of 300 lb's and am wondering what tire pressure I should have front and back ? Thanks
  4. here's the deal. i have the chance to buy an 86 venture that is in need of most of the plastic parts. the saddle bags and the trunk are in decent shape but the rest is pretty much toast. it supposedly runs ok and it will need a battery,tires and the valve covers are leaking. it looks like it has been down on the right side but it wasn't very hard. do you all think it is worth 300 bucks? would it be worth the money after having to buy all new plastic? it is something that i would get going and give to my son and his wife. thanks mike
  5. Did you all know that "Madison" and "Mammoth" sound very similar when shouted over running motorcycle engines? We went to Gardner, MT for pizza...not fabulous...and apparantly liked the view so much we went back to Madison via Mammoth. So...after 9 and 1/2 hours we logged 300 miles. Awards for longest time making least amount of distance should be considered. Long distances get recognized, what about short ones? Oh and breakdowns don't count. Have a great night everyone.
  6. I know this is a long shot, but I figured it would be worth a try. I am in the process of getting my rear tire replaced and like the bonehead I am, I managed to forget to order some ride-on for the replacement. Kicker is, I'll be departing for a 6k mile [work] trip *snickers* bright and early Monday morning so I won't get it in time if I order it now. So. My question is if YOU are within 300 miles of Lubbock (or would be willing to meet with me within some distance of that therein) and have 8oz of ride-on you'd be willing to sell me (or give and I'll have a replacement sent to your place) let me know. I would really appreciate it!
  7. just got back from my bike insp.........tech says 5/32 tread on the front....9/32 on the rear.....these are new e3's installed 300 miles ago.........no way, right ?....i got 13,000 + on the original 404's......
  8. Some do, some don't. For me, way out in the sticks, it takes a half day ride and and extra 30 bucks for the pair. Since I spent almost 300 on premium rubber, maybe i should. i thank you as i am a nubie dumbxxx.
  9. (Any Idea's ) After my conversion, the first few weeks my top end power was there, I now have over 1500 miles on since then and loving every minute of it, I will never go back! , but what has happened or is it my Imagination? If I kick it into 5th gear I lose my top-end power range. I have changed plugs / air filters etc. still the same. I know that I now have an extra 300 pounds but As I get up into the higher range or up a hill I can not seem to go over 65 mph , it is like horse power is maxed out . In the lower gears ( 1/2/3 and a bit of 4th) I can get the RPM's up really high. any idea's? or am I just getting old? *lol* On Another note: when we had 2 wheels and pulled our trailer I was pulling 300 more pounds and all was OK, and a passenger. Jeff
  10. the birthday girl, had a great morning! then , at noon, the Dr. came in and told her she can't go home today, as was planned. seems she has developed a "severe", U.T.I. sooo, back on the I.V.s for a week or so, to combat the infection. the day wears on, and about 3:00 p.m., she has another mild heart attack. i am sure it was all stress related, but, an attack ,just the same. i can see the writing on the wall. this is gonna be A ROLLER COASTER RIDE. just jt
  11. heres my new wing, already got over 300 miles on it.
  12. Does anyone know where I can find some quality pictures of a 07 Venture for my screen saver? The best I can find is only 400 x 300 and they look like crap on a scren saver.
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