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Everything posted by friesman

  1. I think Yammer has triked the G2 1999 he bought from Freebird,...thats why he hasnt been riding her. Brian
  2. I use the ram mount and mount it fairly low on the handlebars as I don't like a bunch of stuff up high looking cluttered. Brian
  3. Happy Presidents Day to all my American friends, Happy Family Day to my Canadian friends that are enjoying it, and Happy Workday to my friends that aren't getting any holiday today! (I gotta say it was a great long weekend with all of the clear skies, the sunshine and the snow melting...) Brian
  4. thanks for your input, everybody. I have an HJC full face now (like it, but not loving it) and was probably going with a modular when I found this Nolan. Now, I have a few helmets and pick a different helmet depending on the weather, the type of riding or my mood. This helmet would help me a lot to be able to change on a long trip and not have to carry another helmet along. Annie, thanks for your input, I really think it would be what I like for vision too. I was originally concerned about durability of the mechanism where the chin bar attaches and reattaches, and about clearance for speakers, (ok now I found another article that says it has pockets for the speakers in already,but some fabric trimming may be needed) I always try on a helmet in person before buying and if the price is close, Ill buy local if possible,...but my experience is that I will save 100 bucks or more by ordering online.. I would rather support the local guys if they weren't picking my pocket. Brian
  5. I am looking for some info from the braintrust in here, as its time to replace my full face helmet and found that Nolan has introduced a new line of helmets that are convertible from full face to 3/4 by removing the chin bar and visor. I like the idea of a full field of vision with the huge visor, but am kind of unsure how the removable chin bar would work in the event of a slide, or over the long term daily use. Has anyone used N44 or have any info on them? I think it might be the answer for thw long trips to give you a change depending on the day. Here is the link , let me know what you think... http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/nolan-n44-helmet thanks, Brian
  6. Boy, how can you tell spring is just around the corner and we are all itching to be riding more.........I think the boredom has set in and the cult of the Linux and Apple enthusiasts is trying to recruit new members to patrol the airport in sandals and togas..... Brian
  7. I hope the Bridgestones work better on the Goldwing than on my old Venture. they made the bike feel heavy and slow in the corners, and then the sidewalls cracked. Not criticizing your choice, just letting you know my feelings... Brian
  8. Its good to see you online again, and I hope things keep improving for you. Sounds like you got good neighbours that keep sending you home,lol!!! (ya gotta watch that the wife doesn't pay them to send you the wrong way... ) Brian
  9. If you guys get them mounted, I would appreciate a pic to see how they look on the bike, but also a pic at night with the only the headlight on, and then with the extra lights on too. Brian
  10. ya need some Canadian Provincial flags too!!!! The flag of Saskatchewan features the armorial bearings (coat of arms) in the upper quarter nearest the staff, with the floral emblem, the western red lily, in the fly. The upper green half of the flag represents the northern Saskatchewan forest lands, while the gold lower half symbolizes the southern, prairie wheat-fields. The flag is constructed in the proportions 1:2.
  11. Keep us posted, depending on timing /routeI can meet you somewhere depending on your route, I am about 90 minutes north of the border at the ND/MT state line. Brian
  12. Thanks for the link, Dave a few friends and I are tentatively planning a 2015 ride into the area. I might have to use your area knowledge if we get on to the setting up and organizing stage. Brian
  13. Free college, gee, last I checked tuition north of the border was about the same as south.(unless youre in a name brand school) . there are a few friends sending their kids to Minot State as its cheaper than U of S .... Brian
  14. I think HI-YO!!! would be a good name for her as she is Silver after all . and she will be running away when ever Dan gets her on the road.. Brian
  15. Well, all you Leafs fans need something to do when the rest of Canada is watching hockey playoffs... Brian
  16. Brian, ignore my PM if you've seen it already... , I just read your last post a second ago.... but it really worth the time and money to see it. Brian
  17. If youre selling the bypasses for the RSV I would take one. I would prefer the keyless operation but either is fine. Brian
  18. I was just going to use the connectors and lines from a set of air shocks, it looks to me like the should work. It looks like most auto suppliers carry the kits for about 20 bucks or so and you just trim the lines to fit. ( I havnt tried this out yet, but it looks to me like it should fit) Brian http://www.ebay.com/itm/Monroe-Air-shock-hose-kit-with-the-single-fill-valve-option-/380404784582
  19. So saddened to learn of her passing, my heart goes out to you and your family. Brian
  20. Looks like you all had a good time! :banana: Brian
  21. Here is a thread that explains it .. and Snaggletooths posts, give a good description of how the valve works. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=47202&highlight=temperature+sensor Brian
  22. yeah, what randy said,....your water is probably bypassing, that valve has always looked like it was setup backward to me..... Brian
  23. Better check the Clearview site, I think you are supposed to measure from your gas tank straight up to get height. Clearview says its something about their windshield angle and the recurve that you cant measure the regular way. Brian
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