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Everything posted by friesman

  1. Hoping that you have a fantastic anniversary!!! Congratulations!
  2. heres the pics that I could find , I would have had more through Jasper National park that might have been great,......but I malfunctioned... it wasn't the cameras fault. Brian
  3. Congrats!!!! I think you have just stumped the experts! brian
  4. Here was my entire route, it ended up being a bit different than I had planned, and it was just under 3827kms or 2400 miles . My time ran a bit short and I had to take highway 5 to the Edmonton arean instead of coming up the Banff and jasper. It was a great road with lots of scenery and it takes you past a great photo spot past Mount Robson, the highest peak in Canada. I messed up my cam going thru the Jasper Natl Park area so I don't have any pics of what is probably the most scenic area I visited. I also didn't get shots of the Mountain Goats or Elk grazing right along the roadbed. Ill try and post pics soon. http://rideplanner.harley-davidson.com/rideplanner/ridePlanner.jsp?roadId=567974&locale=en_US
  5. Winnipeg to ThunderBay is a good road, but narrow and twisty, can be fun, but you will have to keep speeds down and its littered with deer. Forest on both sides of road to keep the critters hidden. I think you could have you hands full in getting it done in that time, but I like to sight see as I ride. Brian
  6. Gee I was running thru Battlefords area yesterday around 2pm really low on fuel, I got 54kms AFTER switching to reserve... but I made it into North bAttleford to fill. We could have had a coffee!
  7. I would have gotten in touch if had some advance notice that I was riding that day, but it was a spur if the moment thing when my cousin from Kelowna asked if I wanted a tour thru the area. I am headed to Kamloops tomorrow for a few days with my other brother and his wife. Brian
  8. I am on vacation in BC this year, finally got back to Nelson BC after a couple of unsuccessful attempts to get there with surprise health issues. I met up with a couple of VR riders so far and have enjoyed their company a lot. Last Sat I met up with Chris and Dianne (Panjundrum) at Creston BC , had luch and a great chat with them and then followed them into Kaslo BC, which is a very short ride into Nelson BC where I met up with Kevin Cowndon (kevin-vic-bc). Kevin and I spent a couple of nights in Nelson and spent a day enjoying the roads in the Nelson area and checking out the Ainsworth hot springs, (worth a stop to relax). It poured rain most of the loop around the Nelson area and we even got hailed on around the New Denver area. but all in all it was a great few days. I am now in Kelowna BC and rode around the area yesterday with my cousin. We ended up in Peachland, Summerland, Oliver, and down as far as Qsoyoos probably passing by about 30-40 vineyards and wineries. There are some great wineries and next time I gotta come back with the car so I can taste a few samples. My favourite part was in the morning just out of Penticton BC, we took a rosd that's little travelled that is just amazing called Green Mountain road, absolutely dreat scenery and it winds thru meadows and gets some altitude in places but all in all a nice relaxing ride. So far so good, about 1200 miles on the RSV , I thought I was having brake issues as it would shudder and grind at stops, so I thought the pads were worn down, I took it into Kelowna Yamaha and was very impressed with the attitudes of the staff and the whole operation. I thought I needed pads and the tech came out and said I didn't need them there was lots of wear left, they were just glazed over so he ended up doing something to de-glaze and only charged me a few bucks for the procedure. PLUS I fold a joe Rocket Leather jacket in there in my size marked down to 100 bucks from the 400 bucks sticker on it. Brian PS- thks Kevin for the tips on cornering the beast thru the blind corners it seems to helped a lot! I guess I had just to get the mental thing sorted out. (Ive been told that before, but never about biking.... )
  9. its time to be in the west if 1/3 of the members are living in the west. If we are talking about being fair to all regions of the continent its just time. I have more time now as Ive changed jobs so I would volunteer to help out anyone that was interested in heading up something in the west. How about a west coast INTL like something in Norcal , Washington, Oregon country. Even Nelson BC to make it a true Intl meet? (Nelson just springs to mind as I am here right now and have met up with 3 Venturerider members since I got here and there isn't any kind of a meet going on, everyone is just here for the great roads) Brian
  10. I have the same tire on the front of my 03 RSV, wheni bought the bike this spring it was squirrely and wouldn't hols a corner very well at all. I found out that the tire pressures were way low and bringing up the front to 40lbs and theMetzeler 880 on back to 48 helped a lot. bt it wasn't perfect yet. I checked and the back tire had cupping and I replaced it with a Michelin Commander2 and it fixed all my issues. I love this tire so far, I have about 700 miles on it and so far so good. I have noticed that the Brickstone is very hard to handle at low speeds and makes for parking lot maneivers something I have to think about and plan, but its good at highway speeds now at the right pressure. Brian
  11. Welcome to the group.! here is a ton if info on putting car tires on RSV's in a section called the Dark Siders. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=106 brian
  12. Probably easier to upload to You tube and post that link here. Brian
  13. thanks Jack, that might have been me you remember looking for one about a month ago for mine. I will call and add my name to the list. Brian
  14. The back Metz on my bike was just changed because it was cupped badly. the bike wandered in left corners and had a vibration and made noise. I had the suspension checked when the new tire went in and all the bearings and joints are fine. As soon as I put the new Michelin C2 tire on it I can now pick any line thru a corner and it is solid. When I bought my bike up it had 25 lbs of air in the back tire and about 30 in the front. The previous owner liked a softer ride, I guess, but it did cup the tire badly. IMHO Brian
  15. Oil spots aren't normal, As Buddy said, its probably your oil overfilled. No more than halfway up the sight glass when the bike is upright, NOT on the kickstand. Also, the manual seems to ask to add too much oil by about 1/2/quart. Brian
  16. did you have Dunlop 404's or Dunlop 491 Elite2's ? I am thinking you had 404's as they are as Dunlops entry level tire. Brian
  17. Welcome to the group! I hope you enjoy everyone and get some good info and a few chuckles in the process. it might be a bit slow around here until next week and a ton of ppl are at the INTL Rally at Galena, but it will pickup. Brian
  18. just load all the music onto the SD card in the Garmin GPS and let it play through the bike speakers using the FM radio. then you get the music turned down and can hear your directions whenever there is a turn coming up. CD's will be as out of date as cassettes in about a year or so. Brian
  19. Has anyone tried the Laminar Lip? Its supposed to be good at directing air up and over the passenger area and its price doesn't look too bad as it just adds to your existing oem windshield. http://www.laminarlip.com/gl.php Brian
  20. Have a wonderful trip! I wish I could travel down there with you guys. Brian
  21. I would be inclined to think its because he is too close to Ottawa,....the feds are sucking everything in like a big black hole and its affecting time in the area..... Brian
  22. gee Steve, looks like you just caught that one in time. I think youre down far enough for a tire change. Brian
  23. you really did steal it, ENJOY! And if you join up we have the manuals in the forums somewhere..... Brian
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