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Guest KitCarson

Happy New Year!!! Hey it is 34 degrees this morning.....but supposed to warm up to 58.......so going on an afternoon ride :rasberry::rasberry::banana::banana::banana:

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Weather man says high of 55 today. Yup going for a ride. :bikersmilie: I beter get all the riding in that I can if my wife gets transfered to Dover Air Force Base I'll be in the snow :cold: this time next year. Snow in the winter and a new 07 RSV in the garage that I don't have to work on :smash2: what am I going to do.............:confused24:

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Man Frog.... I would never rub in the fact its going to be mid 50s and sunny down here in Florida.:whistling: Only white stuff Im going to see is on the beaches as I pass by them on my first ride of 08 ....but dont worry.... I would never ever ever rub it in... ok..maybe just a little...lol..

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!:rotf::rotf:

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-2 F here in Hayward, WI today. Also, I'm missing my traditional New Years Day ride for the first time in many years. Guess I'll just have to do it on a snowmobile. :)


I'll Ride a few miles for you here in TX today buddy...it's the least I can do for you :whistling:


BTW...Thanks for the mass email and surprise M&E on Saturday, we had a great time :happy34:

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Twenty-nine degrees in Northeast Arkansas this morning. I just wish the doctor would okay riding today. I've been couped up in this house for two months. Short ride would definitely pick up my spirits. Oh well, spring is just around the corner. Hope to see much more of the group this year.

Jim & Patricia

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The wife & I went out for breakfast this morning on the bike.

Warm gentle breezes, The sun beating down on our faces, crystal clear blue skys. tooling down the back roads. Ah, live is good................

Temp In Miramar, Florida 81 degree's


This is way I moved to Florida, 16 years ago.

No more putting the bike away, no more shelveing snow, No dark gray skys for months at a time.

I don't care theirs 4.1 million people in my county. I don't mind sharing the Sun Burns:stirthepot:

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Just back from a short ride. Had to meet my daughter to give her the new sticker for her tags. Only 10 miles; 27 degrees here tonight. Rode yesterday, in the 30's. Been riding on and off the whole month, except when the ice & snow were on the ground.

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Out of respect for you Froggy I refrained from going on my traditional New years day ride. I didn't want to be one of those people who would rub in your face the fact that I was riding when you could not.:322:





















'Not to mention I had to work and it was 25 here today and getting colder tomorrow! But I did it for you!:whistling:

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We (us and Marilyns family) spent the whole afternoon on the lake. Little brother brought out his quad and cleared a skating rink and we played a little hockey. Warmed up in the ice fishing shack.(the kids did) and did some tobogganing. It was a good day. Went back the their place for some hot chili and dogs plus some left over sweets!


going to bed now....gotta work in the wee hours.


Oh ya I forgot...it was minus 21c and windy...probably -28 ish....that is -brrrr for you southern folks!


Happy New Year everyone!

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Well, Froggie, I rode to a New Year's Eve Party so I was able to ride at the end of '07 and the beginning of '08! It was a balmy 35 as I rode home in the morning!

Tonight (Or, I guess last night) I rode to a friends to watch football. I leathered up to come home 'cause it had dropped to 25F. But even so..........IT WAS GREAT!!!!


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So the only riding that we did was to go over to the storage place and start the bike I would not attempt to ride with this much snow on the ground [ATTACH]14344[/ATTACH]




Maybe when the temps get up to 50 this weekend but you know how Michigan weather is wait 5 minutes it will change

Have fun and be safe

Jessie and Jack:2132:

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