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A Tribute


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Well folks, early tomorrow morning we will be leaving for the companies resort near Hayward, WI. It will just be Eileen and I along with our son Dylan and one of his friends. Before leaving though, I just wanted to pay a special tribute to a special lady.


Approximately 13 years ago, I was living in San Diego, CA but was in Dallas, TX on a business trip. It's a long story that I won't tell right now but the bottom line is that I met a very special lady. I was just out of a bad relationship and certainly not looking to get back into a relationship at the time. Eileen had been divorced for many years and was very content with her life and was looking even LESS than I was to get into a relationship. The fact is though, and I honestly believe this, there was a higher power who took control of the situation and thrust us towards one anyway. There are many things that happened but suffice to say, it was just meant to be.


Tomorrow we will celebrate 12 years of marriage. I wish that I could say that it has been a heavenly 12 years but there have been some rough times, mostly from outside influences. Family illnesses, deaths in the family, many things and it has been very difficult at times. The one thing though that has carried us through it though is a love for each other that I never knew could be so strong. I know that some of you may not believe this, but there is a slight possibility that I can be hard to live with at times.. :) NO...really....it's true. :confused24: What can I say, she has stood beside me even when I sometimes thought I was strong enough to stand alone. She knows and understands my weaknesses better than I do and for that I give thanks to our Heavenly Father on a very regular basis. The Lord knows what we need and when we need it and provided me with a very special partner that I honestly don't know, now, how I could do without.


OK...sorry about getting all mushy on you but just wanted to publicly acknowledge what a wonderful person she is. She allows me the time to enjoy this site and all of the friends I have made here and that alone is a pretty big deal. In that regard, I promise you that I will be here and that I will continue to work towards making this a better place for all of us but I am also pledging to be more available to my lovely wife this year and recommit myself to a wonderful person that deserves all that I can be for her.


Besides all that....she is HOT!!!!!!! :)


and now back to our regularly scheduled program. :)

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Don't we have rules about writing that mushy stuff on this site? Talk about PG sheeze........

I have been married over 40 years and I could say the same things, sometimes I don't know how she puts up with me.

Congratulations on the Anniversary and God Bless you Eileen for putting up with our Don.

Have fun in the north woods.


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you might as well keep the old "phart"!

it would take forever , to train a new one!



i, and my "boss half", have been married for 33 years. not all of them , have come up roses, we disagree on just about everything, don't like our "in-laws",except for my two brothers, have heated discussions, about my bike, basically "don't like " each other, but i wouldn't trade her for ANY other woman i've ever met!

i know what you mean about "a higher power", getting involved!


just jt

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Happy Anniversary to the both of you.........Sounds like you landed a keeper too.............


There for a moment I thought you were talking about Charlene...........LOL.............But she still puts up with me going on 34 years...............Now thats an Angel.........


Happy Anniversary!!!!!


Lewis & Charlene

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Beautiful area to bike in Hayward WI. Have friends who live in and around Hayward. To bad its not spring or better yet fall it is BEAUTIFUL there.


Congratulations on 12 years of bliss, we all hope many more for you both.


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Congrats Boss, You really got it made with her, but then, she really got it made with you. Enjoy your time together, discover new things, reach outside the box and forget about us. We'll still be here when you get back, maybe not in one piece, but what the hay, we can't wait to have some fun.

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