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Complete Nightmare. Home Already.


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When I posted Sunday night that I was going in for back surgery at 6:30am I said something didn't feel right I WAS RIGHT.

Anesthesiologist damn near killed me. This stupid female anesthesiologist was in such a hurry and wouldn't listen to anyone, Nurses told her I was not given all the shots to relax me and I was not ready to go. She grabbed me up anyway and took me to surgery. As we are going into surgery I'm telling her I'm not supposed to be remembering all this (from preveious surgerys I have had) her assistant telling her I had not had some shot in my neck yet and some stuff sprayed down my throat. So she sprays my throat and starts shoving this black tube down my throat, I'm gagging voices I can hear are telling her I'm not prepaired yet, I hear her say she has to use a lock and starts shoving another thing down my throat with the tube she already has in there. I can't breath at all and hear everybody yelling and then she wants a "trek kit" I'm about passed out, I hear my surgeon yell stop. About 1/2 hour later I come to in a recovery room with nurses everywhere I'm coughing up blood everywhere while they try to keep an oxigen mask on me. Was told later she pulled everything back out of my throat shoved it in again and hit gold or red I should say, they said I started coughing and blood was flying everywhere. Surgeon cancelled everything of course, had a lung doctor come in and put a small tube with a camera up my nose then down the throat to check things. Told me he would be the anesthesiologist next time. Bleeding got stopped and was kept overnight for oberservation. Have to start everything all over again in 2 weeks when throat is healed.

Get this; I had lung x-rays before the operation and they were good, after this all happened the anesthesiologist blamed it on my lungs. She came to my room last night when my son was there and said I had an ashima attack and my lungs are in such bad shape that they cannot take an operation like this. But I passed the lung x-ray they did after all this happened too. Would not be out of hospital if I had any respatory problems they said.

Bottom line I'm alive, have very sore throat, and meds to take so we can try the back surgery later. And that anesthesiologist is under investagation. And I need to see a lawyer, can't pay all this mandatory co-pay twice.

Much more to this but this is the short version.

Edited by KarlS
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Glad you are here to tell that story. I've had so much time with medical people the last few years that I believe some of them are right behind the Insurance people I have had to deal with. Shouldn't be allowed to work where they do. WORTHLESS!!

You still going to speak to us when you are rich??


They got Insurance.

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Holy smokes - Thank gd (or whoever you want to thank) you are able to tell us what happened (in the sense that you are still alive and aware of what is going on). It is good that SOMEONE in that room had the sense to call it off when some d.a. didn't know what they were doing.


Sorry to hear that this happened to you, but hopefully you can get this resolved in an efficient manor. Sounds like you have plenty of witnesses, some of which have the medical sense to know what is going on.


Hope you have a speedy recovery too!!


Good luck friend!

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I say sue her. She could have easily killed you with what she did. Glad you are ok. She should never be allowed to work on another person or an animal. I've had a nasty experience with an anesthesiologist last time I had surgery. Makes you wonder what school they went to. Heck she probably went to the same one mine went to.

Good luck with the recovery. Hope when they do this again she's nowhere to be seen.



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Forgot she also said that I came in with pneumonia. X-Ray 6 days before at Doctors, 4 days before at Hospital and then right after incident all showed OK. So far I have just Googled her name to see if I can find out about her. Have appointments to make and see what I can find out. Very tired and don't feel good so lots of resting tonight. But will not let her get away with this.

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So glad to hear you're still with us Karl. Seems like hospital personnel did their job, leave them out of it. Take her to the wall, tho! She is the only one that caused you harm, the others did what they could to help you. Make sure you get itemized for everything yesterday, she should be the one to pay for all of that. Don't demonize the hospital, sounds like they had your back, thankfully!


Keep us up to date,



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Glad it is over for you right now! Too bad you have to back in for the surgery that you need to get done! I would make sure you tell the doctor you want her no where near you the next time you go in!!!

We will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers that all goes well for you!:bighug:I know....not too tight...your back. LOL

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Definitely, get a lawyer!! I'm surprised you even let her in the room with you after what she did. Or maybe I should be surprised that she actually got to walk out of the room. :whistling:


They didn't know she came up to my room. That was 8:00 at night when she showed up.

Made appointment with lung doctor that they brought in to see me while I was in recovery room plus 2 other Doctors I'm supposed to follow up with. I can't breath very good right now and throat swollen and very sore. Soon as I can talk a little better making appointment with Hospital Administration. Waiting to see my surgeon and what he says before I call lawyer but I won't let this just go away but I still need my back fixed.

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Having worked in a professional position at a hospital; I've seen my share of doctors screw up.

1. I'd contact a lawyer ASAP.

2. In addition, call the hospital administrator or president. Tell their secretary that you want to make an appointment to discuss the behavior of a doctor on their staff. If they won't see you, sue them also. If they will see you, write down everything you want to say in advance and hand them a copy after your meeting with them. Ask them what they are going to do about this doctor and how soon they'll get back to you with the final outcome. The doctor should not be present at this meeting.

3. At the meeting, tell them you need a copy of your medical records. Don't leave until you get them. Go to the medical records dept. yourself if you get any resistance. They may charge a copying fee, but it will be worth it. That way nothing can be changed before you get your copy.

4. Get the names of all hospital personnel who came if contact with you on the day of surgery. You or your lawyer will want to get swore statements from them about the doctor's behavior.

5. Contact your state licensing board and/or attorney general's office and ask how to file a complaint.


Most of all, good luck and don't let them get away with this.

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When I posted Sunday night that I was going in for back surgery at 6:30am I said something didn't feel right I WAS RIGHT.

Anesthesiologist damn near killed me. This stupid female anesthesiologist was in such a hurry and wouldn't listen to anyone, Nurses told her I was not given all the shots to relax me and I was not ready to go. She grabbed me up anyway and took me to surgery. As we are going into surgery I'm telling her I'm not supposed to be remembering all this (from preveious surgerys I have had) her assistant telling her I had not had some shot in my neck yet and some stuff sprayed down my throat. So she sprays my throat and starts shoving this black tube down my throat, I'm gagging voices I can hear are telling her I'm not prepaired yet, I hear her say she has to use a lock and starts shoving another thing down my throat with the tube she already has in there. I can't breath at all and hear everybody yelling and then she wants a "trek kit" I'm about passed out, I hear my surgeon yell stop. About 1/2 hour later I come to in a recovery room with nurses everywhere I'm coughing up blood everywhere while they try to keep an oxigen mask on me. Was told later she pulled everything back out of my throat shoved it in again and hit gold or red I should say, they said I started coughing and blood was flying everywhere. Surgeon cancelled everything of course, had a lung doctor come in and put a small tube with a camera up my nose then down the throat to check things. Told me he would be the anesthesiologist next time. Bleeding got stopped and was kept overnight for oberservation. Have to start everything all over again in 2 weeks when throat is healed.

Get this; I had lung x-rays before the operation and they were good, after this all happened the anesthesiologist blamed it on my lungs. She came to my room last night when my son was there and said I had an ashima attack and my lungs are in such bad shape that they cannot take an operation like this. But I passed the lung x-ray they did after all this happened too. Would not be out of hospital if I had any respatory problems they said.

Bottom line I'm alive, have very sore throat, and meds to take so we can try the back surgery later. And that anesthesiologist is under investagation. And I need to see a lawyer, can't pay all this mandatory co-pay twice.

Much more to this but this is the short version.


Sue her ASS off. Bet she didn't speak english much either. I am so sick of all these foreign ass Doctors. I will NOT be referred to a specialist that can't speak english. I've walked out of two the minute the walk in and start talking. When you learn to speak english I might be back!.


Sorry just venting. Glad it wasn't any worse.

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Really sorry to hear about what you had to go through. It sounds like she is just a very arrogant person who was convinced that she is always right and just refused to listen to anybody else. That type of person is not needed in the medical profession and I have seen to many like that. I won't give you advice on what to do, I think you already know that but I pray that the next time things go as they should for you.

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