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Getting Expensive


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Wow this is getting expensive. I went to advance to get a couple thing to clean the bike with. After my military discount and still $40 later i have a few things to clean the bike with. My wife is going to kill me soon. I bought the bike as a way to save money on gas to work. I am making up for that money on products to make her like aweome. I am getting away with it so far becaue i explained it isnt something i have to buy every week. Anyone else having this problem? its like a drug addiction right now.

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Its a addiction isn't it? You fix this and that. You clean,clean,clean. Pretty soon you start adding LEDs, better horns, higher output stators,better springs,softer seats,wider,taller,shorter,vented windshields and more chrome. When will it end! NEVER. You are committed to two-wheel madness and it only gets worse. Every time you throw your leg over the saddle. Welcome to the insanity!:bang head::080402gudl_prv::D

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One of the biggest fallacies, both outside and inside the motorcycle world, is that one saves money by riding motorcycles.


I don't ride my Venture to save money; I ride it to enjoy life.


On the other hand, riding is a bit more practical than chasing a little white ball down the fairway and end up totally frustrated. At least I can ride to work 90 out of 180 school days, on the average.


My wife puts up with my riding because I don't chase women, drink very little, don't gamble at all, and don't play golf. I just ride and go on eBay for this or that for the Venture.

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Wow this is getting expensive. I went to advance to get a couple thing to clean the bike with. After my military discount and still $40 later i have a few things to clean the bike with. My wife is going to kill me soon. I bought the bike as a way to save money on gas to work. I am making up for that money on products to make her like aweome. I am getting away with it so far becaue i explained it isnt something i have to buy every week. Anyone else having this problem? its like a drug addiction right now.

Tell me about it, Not only do I have an ADVANCE addiction I also have an EBAY addiction. Just don't start buying parts from Yamaha or you'll realize just how economical your old V-8 Lead sled actually was.:bang head::mo money:

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Just tell her it keeps you out of trouble. Plus LED's are safety equipment and if you like Chrome you can say that's safety equipment too. If you need anymore help staying out of trouble don't ask some of these guys there really good at helping you into trouble. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:



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Yep, going on 4 years now with that same addiction...


However, I do see light at the end of the tunnel..


I am about to stop buying stuff here shortly, because I don't have any room on my bike for very many more accessories.. its just about where I want it...:whistling:

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Yep, going on 4 years now with that same addiction...


However, I do see light at the end of the tunnel..


I am about to stop buying stuff here shortly, because I don't have any room on my bike for very many more accessories.. its just about where I want it...:whistling:


Now Eck, go and get a '09 Vmax and start all over again !!! :rotf::rotf::happy34::happy34:

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This is part of the reason, I stick with the old 89 !! All the money I save on not paying Sales Tax, and Interest, ( not to mention the actual price ) of a new Bike, or especially a ( Harley ) allows me to continue to waste, money, time , garage space, buy more tools, plan for modifications, order parts, do modificaitons, cusss, swear, drink gallons of coffee in the garage, purchace new tools that will only be used once, and on and on, etc. etc -----


I usually don't worry about a little dirt, or " Oil Seepage " as long as all my " Mods" are working correctly.


However, thru it all--- I have not had to do an Engine Rebuild !!!


( notice, I left an opening there for sombody else to jump into ) :stirthepot:

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With what we spend on CHROME--SLIPONS-SEATS-HORNS-WINDSHIELDS-CLEANING SUPPLIES-GRIPS-LEATHER JACKETS-BOOTS-CHARGERS-TIRES-TANKBRAS-LEDS-GLOVES-HELMETS-and various other necessary objects----------------there not enough money left to drink and chase women:Venture:----Buzz

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This is part of the reason, I stick with the old 89 !! All the money I save on not paying Sales Tax, and Interest, ( not to mention the actual price ) of a new Bike, or especially a ( Harley ) allows me to continue to waste, money, time , garage space, buy more tools, plan for modifications, order parts, do modificaitons, cusss, swear, drink gallons of coffee in the garage, purchace new tools that will only be used once, and on and on, etc. etc -----


I usually don't worry about a little dirt, or " Oil Seepage " as long as all my " Mods" are working correctly.


However, thru it all--- I have not had to do an Engine Rebuild !!!


( notice, I left an opening there for sombody else to jump into ) :stirthepot:




have less money tided up in all the bikes,i,had since 03,than the new 83 VR,i had

Edited by wild hair 39
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