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Everything posted by Wanderer

  1. You bet I will. In SC now, but as quick as I get a chance we'll get together.
  2. For sure. Coffee, anyway.
  3. Thanks everyone. Yes the Mrs finally pushed me over the edge
  4. You betcha. CYA in th AM
  5. Been hanging around here and other forums trying to decide - - Wing, HD, Vision, BMW, the new Voyager or the Venture - drum roll please! http://lh6.ggpht.com/_xOOWRVc9-a4/SfJuswJI9SI/AAAAAAAAAsU/GZ9EVpoo6xw/s640/PatVenture1.jpg That's Mrs. Wanderer (Pat)
  6. Very nice, good job.
  7. Be proud. Be very proud. I salute all the men and women who serve and have served. Our country is the better for those that do.
  8. Hey, I didn't see the spiked valve cap. Very nice.
  9. This seems as good a place as any to ask my question since many of you have had both the Wing and Venture. I am contemplating updating my '96 Voyager (very nice, but I have the itch). My question is: I like to do much of my own repairs and maintenance when possible, how do the Wing and Venture compare in this area? The Venture certainly looks more owner friendly. Thanks.
  10. That's sweet! Finally a real rider. Glad you had a ball. I remember my days in North Dakota riding the black ice and freezing my noogies off. What fun!
  11. Wanderer

    Bike Pics and Rides

  12. I've used and am using the Dyna beads. 2 bikes and six tires. They have worked extremely well for me and I'm convinced they have increased the mileage I get out of my tires.
  13. Wanderer


    Places I've been
  14. Wanderer


    From the album: Places

  15. Maybe, but the link I gave was for the wide shield I didn't actually see what the stock size was and unfortunately they don't have one for my Voyager
  16. You may want to check here first? http://www.shopxr.com/showproduct.aspx?siteid=2&productid=11478&gvid=54805&showmost=1
  17. It's never easy to lose a loved one. Lost my daughter last year. My prayers to you and yours.
  18. Every one knows lead is for Kryptonite.
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