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Everything posted by PBJ

  1. PBJ

    My new ride

    Good looking . Good luck finding the Gremlin!
  2. PBJ

    Losing my Dad

    As so many have said here, My heart, my thoughts and my prayers go out to you and your family. Lost my Dad to cancer 28 years ago and watching my Mom drift away to dementia. My heart is with you at this time.
  3. Seeing a bike is so important . as i was reading this i felt a bike needing a good cleaning isn't bad . but the tires had me worried too. Old tires must be replaced . But an owner that dresses up a bike also has put a lot of time and thought into the machine. Glad you saw the bike first. I bought an 85 sight unseen from Michigan. I got lucky. thought the trunk had been repaired the owner did half way decent job. The fork seals were leaking but i got the bike for 1800.dollars with 3 new tires. Congrates on the bike and welcome to the forum.
  4. What a great project. My son and i will be finishing the install of the intercooler into my turbo mustang and maybe add 35lb injectors and a borla exhaust. Its fun working with the kids.
  5. Personally those sagger make me laugh out loud everytime I see one. But my pet peeve is people that complain about the silly things young people do forgetting all the crazy stuff they did that made old people wonder about our generation. Circle of lift.
  6. PBJ


    congrats on the hearing and the job. and let us know when you want to ride.
  7. girlfriend just had the same surgery last wednesday . nerve block last 24 hours She started the percoset but was done with it by last tuesday. said it made her feel funny and sleepy all the time. Now just on advil and getting in her therapy 4 x a day. getting ready to ride this spring.
  8. yeah 3 for now. The 86 Venture Royale, the 84 Honda Sabre V65 and an 85 Honda Rebel I just picked up for the girlfriend.
  9. As many rig riders will tell you a sidecar is a very different beast . The closest thing it could be related to is a snowmobile. Yet that still isn't a very good analogue. Sidecars don't counter steer when all 3 wheels are down. But they immediately revert to countersteering once the wheel is "flying " or up off the ground. That's where novices get into trouble.You're pushing right to turn right and if its too severe and the wheel comes up then the bike is leaned over onto the side of the tire just as it is in a left hand turn and suddenly you're going across the road. And experienced rider can feel the tipping point and control it through the throttle, shifting weight to the sidecar frame or both. Most rig riders keep ballast (about 50lbs) or so in an empty chair. Don't get me wrong, i had a chair for 15 years and loved it. I rode is solo plenty of times but its something you need to learn about before getting involved with it. Especially if you're going to be carrying a loved one in there. But there are plenty here that will answer any questions you might have. just ask.
  10. have to admit it really does look good. i wonder if it will fit a first gen?
  11. Ditto on Bob's post here. Generally a dirty rotor will squeak and get worse the more brake dust builds on it. Along with the gasoline i've heard that cleaning the rotor with a fine emery clothe will also remove any fine particles.
  12. There ya go that doesn't make us look like prejudiced jerks!
  13. Very cool but who owns the Night hawks? you didn't mention them in your owners list? The ex had a nighthawk. I loved riding that bike.
  14. I had ridden a sidecar for over 12 years and was always learning something. Going into a class thinking you already know everything could be a sad mistake . Especially if you miss something that in the future might save your life. Also you may have something to contribute to those instructor. Remember as an older rider you will always have something to contribute. go in with and open mind and a desire to learn and contribute. learning that a sidecar immediately returns to a motorcycle the minute that outside wheel leaves the ground is a mistake that has killed many a new rig rider. because a bike counter steer and a rig doesn't.
  15. I've been retired for the last 6 years AND LOVE IT! I'm restoring a car too. plus the time I spend with members here. Believe it when they say you'll suddenly wonder how you ever got anything done before now
  16. PBJ

    6th time

    Good luck Dan. Keep up the leg presses strength is always good.
  17. Hey let me throw my Happy birthday in here amongst the others. Thanks for years of great fun with this forum. Good friends and good times!
  18. Good luck with the project! But ya better post pictures!
  19. the wild part is knowing that they had to pre-program all those exact movements into the arm so that it didn't slam him into the floor or the wall.
  20. I've been wearing a full face helmet for 30 of my 35 years. wore a 3/4 for a day on my Honda sabre and was scared to death dodging bugs and stones on the expressway. Every time I hear a stone bounce off my helmet or face shield I am glad i have it on.
  21. My brother posted that on his forum. scarey as he11! Not me never in a million years.
  22. Ditto that! Put some on my Honda turn indicator screw and two weeks later the thing crumbled to pieces. Be careful!!!!!!
  23. PBJ

    Is there

    None here In new york. don't know about the rest of the country.
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