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Everything posted by ReinyRooster

  1. It is done....this Rooster will be crowing here for at least one more year.
  2. Cowpuc...buddy....thanks for the head's up.....but to see the edge of the abyss, I'm so far over that I have to look up and back........
  3. No time for bike repairs right now....thinking I will do that repair, and some plastic as well when I'm on vacation at the cottage the later part of July.
  4. I'm pretty sure I did get an email but with rebuilding my computer, and the flurry of emails I got after that, I may have deleted it. Don....that you for that ever-so-gracious offer but I wouldn't want to rob you of the opportunity to practice that.....LOL!
  5. Ahhhhh....got it...thanks guys.
  6. Have to renew....can't remember or find how to do that. Thanks
  7. Have been through kidney stones myself, although not to the point of needing what you had dome....wife did though. Not fun. Hope you get through it soon.
  8. Sorry Bill......she just go the job.....very qualified.....
  9. Carl.....you're starting to scare me buddy.......we've had this talk before......you can't work in the garage without the door or a window open......remember I explained about the fumes......go lay on the couch for a while.....it will clear.......
  10. I have notified the Border Security of your anticipated arrival and provided them with your picture.....good luck!!
  11. No problem....just tell me where to send those "additional funds" so I can collect my millions and millions.....I'm so excited......
  12. If I remember correctly.....and I might not be because somehow I inadvertently deleted that very special email shortly after it appeared on my screen.... I believe it was a mere $97.00!!
  13. Tell you what.....I will buy you a bottle of your favourite rum to go with that new bike that I will buy you when those millions and millions are deposited into my account.........:dancefool:
  14. It is very satisfying to be able to sit back after a job is complete.....and of course even more satisfying when it works!!LOL! Congratulations.
  15. I'm still young enough to be one of the "Pepsi Generation".....LOL! And yes, once I get my hands on those millions of dollars, I will ask those interested in a new bike to form a line .....XXXXXhere.......no pushing or shoving.....be patient and tell me what colour you want.......
  16. I know I'm not the first to post something like this but the excitement level is just too high to keep this to myself......I have received numerous emails lately (so it must be true) from some high ranking official in Nigeria that they have millions and millions of dollars waiting for me in a secret account and all I have to do is send them a relatively small amount of money to cover their costs and they will deliver the money to me!! Once I get my millions and millions of dollars, I will not have the time to sit on the forum and type......then again, I will probably hire someone to type for me......and someone to read the forum threads to me....and someone to bring me my morning coffee.....and someone to bring me my afternoon Rum and Pepsi....... Anyway.....have to run to the post office and send them the relatively small amount of cash that they need to cover their costs and expedite this deal........:doh:
  17. WOW!!!:starz: Glad to hear you're not hurt! Not the kind of experience any of us want to have. Now the rebuilding starts.
  18. Hadn't been to this event in about 4 or 5 years. As usual, it was a hoot seeing some old friends, and making new ones. This is a crazy bunch.....but good crazy. Thanks again to Don and Eileen for putting on a great event.
  19. Pulled into the garage at about 12:45 last night......wet but home safely.
  20. There are some good places to eat on Peach Street in Erie, if we want to stop there for lunch.
  21. Sad to hear you can't make it! Regarding keeping Carl under control........I think Marca is the only one that is really qualified for task!
  22. Ditto here....been there....have seen it happen......
  23. It's a Canadian thing.....they wouldn't understand it.....eh?
  24. "That #2 is going to be rough!".......it's O.K. folks....please don't try this at home....we are professionals........
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