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Everything posted by bpate4home

  1. How would any of us know until we try 😉 Again, and Again, and Again. LOL.
  2. Hey Tony, have you considered setting up a go fund me? If so, can you share the link?
  3. @etcswjoe did you find @Skid
  4. Don, Please no credit. This site is worth more than the $12.00 per year membership. We all do what we can.
  5. We have offices in Florida and close friends in Port Charlotte FL that too the direct hit from the storm. They were out of town on business and found out late yesterday that their house was fine. I was somewhat suprised by this as they are on one of those finger canals about 1/4 mile inland. Here is part of a report (I handle the business continuity for our firm) I do. Ian and strengthened back to Hurricane status as a cat 1 storm. Tracks and models still look for a 2nd US landfall in Georgetown South Carolina around 2:00pm today. As of the NOAA report at 5:00am it is in the Atlantic east of Georgia. Landfall likelihood:
  6. I just read an article where Canada is lifting the travel restriction related to COVID. Our friends along the border should be happy again. Let the meetups startup again, LOL. Canada to end entry requirements: Travelers will not be required proof of COVID-19 vaccine, testing (msn.com)
  7. Yamaha concept. If they make it for a reasonable price, it can go 200-250 miles between charges and can quick charge in 15 minutes. I'd think about it.
  8. Everything I've read about Double Dark, CT on the Back and rear MC on the front, says exactly the same. Longer life and reverse the rotations for the proper strength on the belts of the tire. People have been doing this for far more than 8 - 10 years.
  9. I don't know that there is a hybrid MC at the time. I just saw people advocating for it.
  10. A Hybrid is a different story compared to all Electric. The hybrid is what @cowpuc is advocating and could be a good option for big cruisers and tourers. All electric, at this time, is just not an option unless you live in a urbanized area and your travel radius is 20 miles. As a side note, anyone who is against coal should be against lithium batteries. also, they should be against Solar power that stores excess energy in batteries. Lithium Mining in the U.S.: Why is it Controversial? | EnergySage
  11. Just saw this article posted on a FB group. Honda's electric vision: Firm commits to ten plug-in models by 2025 | MCN (motorcyclenews.com)
  12. Originally from Northern Ohio and I love the Appalachians for pretty much anything, especially riding. But the snow and cold I can do without now. That super slushy stuff, just nasty.
  13. On my '06 cruise worked in 4th and 5th gear only. That started to fail because the clutch fluid system needed to be rebuilt. I sold it soon after and yes the buyer knew about the issue. 😉
  14. It's a good conversation to have. I, for one, don't watch the electric bike market at all. I'm 35 - 45 miles from work (downtown Houston) and if I could convince the wife I would be 100+ miles out. Just don't like cities but that's where my work is.
  15. Succumb to the dark side. . . . . More carbs. . . . . . They're calling you by name. . . . .
  16. BTW: I do get to visit Irvine, CA every once in a while for work. You can come to Houston too. Weather is good here too. Just hot in the summer and much better than 'the North' because we can still ride year round. LOL. That Darn snow is one reason I moved. Hated shoveling 6" of partly cloudy.
  17. Range is ~75 miles at highway speeds and 113 miles with the extended battery +$2700. With the extended battery yo cannot have the quick charge station. 75 miles would not get me 1 round trip to work.
  18. Yeah, NO and He.. no. LOL you're on your own there bud.
  19. Now I want a pot of beans with a ham hock, a little bacon and onion. Make some homemade cornbread . . . . . yum. Too bad I'm the only one in the house that'll eat it. Well, maybe not.
  20. LOL. Someone took my Predator 4000 from Harbor Freight. But now since you won't be able to buy gas in CA you need to install a tri-fuel kit and start carrying propane with you along with the generator.
  21. Electric cars cannot be sustained with the Green movement. Reference California, The CA Governor signs a gas car sales ban for 2035 and a couple of days later he's telling EV owners not to charge their vehicles due to power grid issues. here's another article from WV. Coal Miners push stranded DC driver's dead electric car to charge it up at coal mine (bizpacreview.com)
  22. What???? You have 3 wheels now, snow shouldn't matter LOL.
  23. I don't know if I'd bite on a Harley. Every time I've been on a ride with one were either end up push starting it or sitting in a bar waiting on a tow truck. LMAO
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