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Yes, Political - But just for fun! The difference between Canada & the USA, today.

The Tooch

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Canadian Boarder Guards to US citizens :no-no-no: - "Leave your GUNS at home!" :325:


US Boarder Guards to Canadian citizens:no-no-no: - "Leave your MARIHUANA at home!" :63: :banana:


We need a DMZ so we could do like we did with our marbles when we were kids,, we can swap our guns for pot and pot for guns thru the barter system before we pass thru customs.. Then,, when you Canucks wanna tour the U.S.,, you can stop and pick up some weed, wheel and deal with one of your Gun Totin counterparts from the other side of the border who will be headed north.. Then,, when your toolin around the states and need some xtra traveling funds,, you can just...... :scratchchin: Never mind,,, now that I think about it:think:,, I know some things about those sniffer dogs that both sides use and know that their little sniffers work on both guns and drugs from miles away so I somehow don't think what I was thinkin will work out no matter which way your traveling:mugshot:...

Soooo,, on another note,,, Tooch,,, did I tell you about that strange smellin North wind that came thru here today?? Smelled like rope burning and left my whole neighborhood gigglin like bunch of teenage girls... Grown men were parking their leaf blowing garden tractors, hauling out their lawn chairs and sitting down with funny smiles on their faces - totally unproductive for the geezers in my area. The salmon that normally swim out of lake michigan and into the river this time of year were all headed back out to sea and even the Red Squirrels stopped chattering and just sat around on tree limbs with strange smiles on their faces... The winds of time are definitely changing..


as for me


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It's still illegal according to federal law. So, if there is someone the feds want to nail really bad, breaking the federal pot law may be just the ticket.


I'm retired now. But, I was subject to drug tests my entire working career. So, it was always a NO NO for me since it was a career ending event if I tested positive.

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Being serious for a moment....

Pot can now only be sold exclusively through Gov't run stores, a Gov't website & private stores that have the "new" Provincial Gov't Licence.

In the whole of BC there is ONE Government Run store (in Kamloops)

Stores that were selling pot prior to "legalization" (ie they had obtained a "legal medical dispensing licence") are now being raided by the RCMP & stock removed. Many of these same stores have applied for the "new" Gov't licences but they haven't yet been approved. One has to ask why?

It's reported that licences are taking anything up to 12-18 months to be issued.

So in the transition period from "grey" market to the "new" market it appears that the RCMP is free to raid these stores (that have been operating as legal medical pot dispensaries for a number of years). The Minister responsible has also stated that the police will be free to confiscate cannabis without a warrant if the new rules are being flouted!

Hmmmmm! All sounds rather nefarious to me!

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Your'er right there Puc.....it's a whole new look to the world up here now......:think:




Thats crazy brother....

Thankfully there is border with some pretty straight up guards at it making sure the line between the pot and the guns holds cause I ain't so sure a loaded 1911 in the hands of a bonged up, smoke filled lungs kid with the munchies trying to figure out which end of the shooter that the 200 grains of lead comes out of would be a good thing :Avatars_Gee_George:

Just thinkin out loud here of course:hurts:

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There are benefits from legal pot besides the obvious. It is LEGAL therefore no drug dealers and huge pricing involved. Should cut down on some crime. I am former LEO, but if it is legal I am OK with it.




That just reminds me of the movie “The Untouchables” when Elliot Ness was asked what he’d do if they repealed the law in drinking... he said “I’ll probably go have a drink.”

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Thats crazy brother....

Thankfully there is border with some pretty straight up guards at it making sure the line between the pot and the guns holds cause I ain't so sure a loaded 1911 in the hands of a bonged up, smoke filled lungs kid with the munchies trying to figure out which end of the shooter that the 200 grains of lead comes out of would be a good thing :Avatars_Gee_George:

Just thinkin out loud here of course:hurts:


Good point cowpuc. I’m sure the two don’t mix any better than it does with alcohol. Some things just shouldn’t be mixed.

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Thats crazy brother....

Thankfully there is border with some pretty straight up guards at it making sure the line between the pot and the guns holds cause I ain't so sure a loaded 1911 in the hands of a bonged up, smoke filled lungs kid with the munchies trying to figure out which end of the shooter that the 200 grains of lead comes out of would be a good thing :Avatars_Gee_George:

Just thinkin out loud here of course:hurts:


Hmmm! Usually I agree with much of what you say Puc, but I'm not sure that one holds much water. You seem to be suggesting that there are no pot smoking gun owners down there! :innocent:

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